英语人>词典>汉英 : 谷氨酸的 的英文翻译,例句
谷氨酸的 的英文翻译、例句


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However, a growing number of studies suggest that excessive extracellular glutamate and resultant overstimulation of its receptors cause excitotoxic roles and lead to neuronal damage in several pathological conditions such as cerebral ischemia. Normally, the excitatory postsynaptic roles of glutamate are terminated by the activities of high-affinity sodium dependent glutamate transporters that locate on neuroglial cells and neurons near the synaptic cleft, which are thought to play important roles in inactivating released glutamate and keep it below toxic levels in the extracellular space.


The effect of L-glutamic acid on the production of Y -PGA by B.


JuA with the concentrations 0.05g/L and 0.10g/L were tested based on the excitatory effect of 1000KIU/L penicillin and it was found that JuA could inhibit the burst induced by penicillin in CA1 pyramidal cells. Phenobarbital sodium was also applied as apositive control, and the results were in consistent with those reported.


In connection with the character of Boc L-Glutamic Acid and aminoacetic acid structures, the reaction of aminoacetic acid acylated via Boc Anhydride has been studied on the condition of CH3OH in the paper. The yield of the derivatives is characterized by the melting point, the content of carboxylgroup and the product purity. The results showed that the best experiment condition is followed.


The temperature and pH value were two important factors for hydrolyzation ofγ-PGA, not only affected the hydrolyzation velocity, but also affected the ultimate hydrolyzation degree.


The protection of AF-1 was observed with the measurement of transudatory rate of LDH ,the breaking rate of DNA and contents of LPO and SOD,Results:The intotoxincation of glutamate was decreased by AF-1 which reduced the transudatory rate of LDH,the breaking rate of DNA and the content of LPO,and increased the content of SOD in culture significantly.


It was concluded that ACh potentiated glutamate induced neuronal excitotoxicity by way of m-ACh-R to lower Glu threshold.


Glutamic acid – The main sources of glutamic acid are carrots, turnips, cabbages, celery, beetroots, mint, lettuce, spinach and papaya.

谷氨酸-的主要来源谷氨酸是胡萝卜,萝卜,白菜,芹菜, beetroots ,薄荷,生菜,菠菜和木瓜。

Under stimulation of glutamic acid, [Ca2+]i in soma increased from 100 nM to 1 μM, and [Ca2+]i in spines increased from 50 nM to 300 nM. These results prove that monitoring calcium concentration in spine with Cameleon is feasible.

吹加谷氨酸来研究了神经元的胞体和树突棘的钙动力学,在100 μM 的谷氨酸的刺激下胞体内钙离子浓度从100 nM 上升到1 μM 左右,而树突棘内钙离子浓度从50 nM 上升达到500 nM。

Glutamic acid-producing strain is aerobic bacteria, ventilation and mixing will not only affect the strain on the utilization of nitrogen and carbon, and will affect the fermentation cycle and glutamate synthesis.


更多网络解释与谷氨酸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


氨基酸的脱氨基作用(deamination):线粒体基质中存在L-谷氨酸脱氢酶,该酶催化L-谷氨酸氧化脱氨生成-酮戊二酸,反应可逆. 一般情况下,反应偏向于谷氨酸的合成,但当谷氨酸浓度高,氨浓度低时,则有利于-酮戊二酸的生成.

oxidative deamination:氧化脱氨基(作用)

(一)氧化脱氨基作用(Oxidative Deamination) 氧化脱氨基作用是指在酶的催化下氨基酸在氧化脱氢的同时脱去氨基的过程. ...在体内,谷氨酸脱氢酶催化可逆反应. 一般情况下偏向于谷氨酸的合成(△G°′≈30kJ.mal1),因为高浓度氨对机体有害,此反应平衡点...

glutamic acid:谷氨酸

2.拟黑多翅蚁 含以脯氨酸(proline) 丙氨酸(alamine) 谷氨酸(glutamic acid)和丝氨酸(serine)为主的多种氨基酸;硒 锗等无机元素;维生素(vitamin)B1、B2、E、B12 粗蛋白 脂肪等.


例如,谷氨酸盐 (Glutamine)这种氨基酸来自于杏仁、桃,当它们进入体内后被合成为叫做伽马氨基丁酸(GABA)的神经递质. 每一种神经递质都有其特殊的功能.

Monosodium glutamate:谷氨酸钠

1908年日本化学家发现海带汤的鲜味是来自谷氨酸钠(Monosodium glutamate),从而发明了味精. 但直到2000年,科学家才发现味觉细胞上导致鲜味感觉的谷氨酸受体,证实了第五种名为鲜味(Umami)的味道,终於与中医学三千年来的「五味:酸苦甘辛咸」打个平手.



pteroylglutamic acid:蝶酰谷氨酸

叶酸是一组由蝶酸与谷氨酸结合而成,化学名称为蝶酰谷氨酸(pteroylglutamic acid)的一类化合物的统称,食物中多以多谷氨酸叶酸的形式存在,在肠道经叶酸结合酶水解为单谷氨酸叶酸而被肠黏膜吸收,经甲基化和还原作用,形成甲基四氢叶酸等多种活性形式发挥生理作用,

pyroglutamic acid:焦谷氨酸

另外还从空心莲子草中得到2,5-丁二内酰胺[3],焦谷氨酸(pyroglutamic acid),甜菜碱(betaine)和硝酸钾[10]等化合物. 2.2.1 抗流行性出血热病毒 空心莲子草有效成分对流行性出血热病毒(EHFV)感染的乳鼠具有显著的保护作用,能够明显提高乳鼠的生存率,


一些研究也表明:过量的脂肪、谷氨酸盐(glutamate)摄入和吸烟也可以导致ALS的发展. 几个科学家的报告指出:ALS病人的运动神经元和大脑、脊髓中逐渐死去的细胞发生着很多生化变化,但很难判断什么因素导致了这个过程以及这些不同的变化之间有什么联系.


涉及血肿的占位性损害、血液成分及其裂解产物的毒性损害,以及兴奋性氨基酸(EAA)的毒性作用等不同作用机制而引起的损伤级联反应....中文摘要: 研究目的及意义: 谷氨酸(Glutamate)是脑中最为丰富的内源性兴奋性氨基酸(Excitatory amino acid,