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诱导物 的英文翻译、例句


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Acriflavine, Ethidium Bromide, Methyl Viologen and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate are found to be the inductors of AcrR.

实验筛选出Acriflavine、Ethidium Bromide、Methyl Viologen、Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate等四种AcrR诱导物

With the aeciospore wall of armandii pine blister rust as inducer, chitinase gene was induced to express in Trichoderma atroviride cells. The cDNA fragment of chitinase gene was cloned by RT-PCR approach.


The result of the experiment showed that the fittest C/N ratio is 131 and the production of mutanolysin can be increased 2.45 times by adding up the inducer S. mutans cell into the liquid medium. At the same time the production was also affected to a different degree by feeding of surfactant and antifoam agent...


Of or constituting an incitement to action.


These ingredients includes epidermal growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, dimethyl sulfoxide, phenobarbital sodium and all trans-retinoic acid. We isolate and culture primary 10-weeks-old human fetal hepatocytes, observe hepatocytes form and its function markers. Inoculate hepatocytes with HBV Dane particles to observe if HBV susceptibility of fetal hepatocytes can be induced in vitro. To detect HBV covalently closed circular DNA within hepatocytes, we improve the existent PCR method.

基于上述假设,我们设计了10种培养条件,在自行设计的无血清培养基中添加不同的细胞分化诱导物,包括表皮生长因子、肝细胞生长因子、二甲基亚砜、苯巴比妥钠、全反式维甲酸等,分离孕10周龄人胎肝细胞进行原代培养,观测肝细胞形态及功能指标变化,并定时给予HBV感染,观察能否在体外诱导胎肝细胞出现HBV易感性;为检测肝细胞内HBV共价闭合环状DNA(covalently closed circular DNA,cccDNA),我们改进了现有的PCR检测法。

Thus it appears that porgy was more sensitive to the WAF than scorpionfish at the low dose, but less tolerant at the high dose.


It reached maximal activity (up to 13.30-fold) at the concentration of 75g/L, followed by an apparent reduction when the concentration of the WAF increased to l00g/L.


The growth and survival of Mytilus galloprovincialis post-larvae metamorphosed using different chemical compounds were investigated in this study to identify potential inducers in aquaculture and antifouling and biofouling researches.


Creatininase could be induced by the reagents such as creatinine, creatine, sarcosine, choline chloride and urea. Mn(superscript 2+) Co(superscript 2+) could remarkably increased the productivity of creatininase.

诱导物肌酐、肌酸、肌氨酸、氯化胆碱和尿素可以诱导酶的产生,Mn(上标 2+)、Co(上标 2+)对酶的产生有促进作用。

Autoinducer_Ph-1 exploits a traditional rice cultivation technique from SE Asia where Azolla is grown in large quantities and used as an organic, nitrogen rich fertilizer in the rice paddies. A naturally occuring symbiosis between the water fern Azolla and the cyanobacteria Anabaena is reworked to force a real and a synthetic culture of bacterial cells to exhibit symbiotic behaviours.

自体诱导物 Ph-1 入侵了东南亚传统稻田施肥技术;大量有机生长的满江红原生植物,供给稻田所需的有机氮化物,水生蕨类的满江红、鱼腥蓝藻产生了共生的自然现象,其力量诱导人工细菌的细胞展现共生的行为。

更多网络解释与诱导物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gratuitous inducer:义务诱导物,安慰诱导物

granzyme|粒酶 | gratuitous inducer|义务诱导物,安慰诱导物 | grisein|灰霉素

gratuitous inducer:义务诱导物,安慰诱导物[能诱导酶的合成但不能作为该酶

granum|基粒 | gratuitous inducer|义务诱导物,安慰诱导物[能诱导酶的合成但不能作为该酶 | guest|客体




外源化学物代谢酶的诱导 诱导(induction)指有些外源化学物可使某些代谢过程催化酶系的酶蛋白的合成量增加,伴有活力增强.能引起酶诱导的物质称为诱导剂(inducer).虽然酶诱导是机体应激反应的一个侧面,

inducible:可诱导的; 可归纳的; 可导致的 (形)

inducer 劝诱者; 诱导物; 诱导者 (名) | inducible 可诱导的; 可归纳的; 可导致的 (形) | induct 引导, 引入, 使入门 (动)

inducible enzyme:可诱导酵素

诱导物;诱发剂 inducer | 可诱导酵素 inducible enzyme | 诱导 induction

inducible enzyme:诱导

inducer 诱导物 | inducible enzyme 诱导 | inducible system 诱导系统

inducible expression:诱导型表达

inducer 诱导物 | inducible expression 诱导型表达 | influenza virus 流感病毒[分甲、乙、丙三型]

inducible system:诱导系统

inducer 诱导物 | inducible system 诱导系统 | inducing color 诱导色


当lac阻遏物(repressor)结合在操纵基因上时阻止该操纵子的转录,阻遏物同操纵基因的结合由于诱导物别乳糖同阻遏蛋白的结合而解除其抑制作用. Rutger-Newark的化学教授Babis Kalodimos及其同事利用核磁共振(NMR)波谱来确定蛋白质如何在双螺旋结构的DNA长链上滑动并到达它们的靶位点-- 一段特异的DNA序列.