英语人>词典>汉英 : 误译者 的英文翻译,例句
误译者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Hence we conclude that there is positively no real Atman; that there are only various consciousnesses which, since before the beginning of time, have followed one another, the subsequent one arising with the disappearance of the antecedent, and thus a continuous series of causes and effects (karmic seeds-actual dharmas-karmic seeds) is formed; and that, by the perfuming energy of false thinking, an image of a pseudo-Atman arises in the consciousness, and it is this pseudo-Atman which the ignorant take for a real Atman.

因此可以确定的说:一定毫无实实在在的我;只有诸识在自己无始开始存在以来,於分段生死中相续不断,自己的存在无始以来前灭后生,在因因果果、果果因因中相续不断,因著业力的虚妄熏习,出现假我的种种现象,就误以为有我,故无知的愚者自以为有ㄧ个实我。(韦达在此将《成唯识论》的「诸识」翻成「几种不同的识」,指的是种子识、末那识、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意等八个识,在不同时空分段生死中,所起的外延与内涵、作用不同,所以才用「不同的」various一词。其次,他把「无始时来」翻成「since before the beginning of time」,就尚德对佛法的了解而言,佛法所指的「无始」不是指「时间的本身」,而是指众生生命开始的那个时刻,叫做「无始」。----------译者

The present article argues that in transliterating a human or geographical name,the original translator who at the surface level appears to be translating the name of the person or place in question and trying to find for him/her or it a set of semantically or phonetically sound target language symbols,is actuall...


Special Spaghetti 25 cents.""Post No Bills.""Nuts roasted daily.""Buttons and Notions, One Flight Up .""Bill Jones Mother is a Hore .


From the perspective of postcolonialism theory, this paper discusses the Chinese scholars'misreading of Rubaiyat by Omar Khyyam, a famous Persian poet.


From the perspective of post-colonialism theory, this paper discusses the Chinese scholars' misreading of 'Rubaiyat' by Omar Khyyam, a famous Persian poet.


Translators tend to neglect the sources of idioms, as a result, mistranslated texts are seen everywhere.


The translator besides should have the solid English to Chinese language foundation of basic skills, but should also have is related the edge discipline the specialized knowledge as well as masters the corresponding translation skill, can with good complete the commercial English translation work, avoids because of mistranslating, but is the communication exchanges various aspects to have the different meanings and the dispute


A climax of translation activities appeared during this period, but translations of this period are often accused of being inadequate, with deletions, additions and mistranslations.


In light of the concept of inter-subjectivity from Philosophical Hermeneutics, in the fourth chapter, this thesis ventures to make a tentative exploration to the subjects in literary translation and view cultural mistranslations as inter-subjective dialogues among those subjects.


However, with the further development of translation studies, a reexamination of mistranslations in the translation history will reveal that those seemingly unsuccessful language transactions turn out to be the reconstructed afterlife of the texts encoded with the special cultural mission of the translator, a rewriting effective in specific historical periods.


更多网络解释与误译者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(4) 密码分析学(Cryptanalysis):泛指(5) 如何破解密码系统,(6) 或伪造信息使密码系统误以为真的科学. 一个密码系统的主角有3个人,即发送方,接受方与破译者,典型的密码系统如下图所示: 一般而言,

end up:最终

记者将would误写成will,而译者未将最终(end up)二字译出. 在"泡沫论"降温后. 中国人民银行近日在其官方网站上发表声明称,>刊登的吴晓灵的署名文章,是她在2006年11月24日出席社科院第二届中国经济论坛上演讲的一个节选.


英译出了四个错误:1、你们的(thy)译错;2、"刮"字误译成了"整修(整容)"(Facelift);3、金色的裂口(golden slits),,译者随心所欲的胡编乱造;4、真理想(ideal!

great power:强国

我们认为'会'这个字似乎太过负面,也太笃定、太强烈坚持己见,也似乎断定中国一定失败. "拉克鲁瓦说. 这里所说的"大国"恐为"强国"(great power)之误. 因为中国无论从哪方面说本来就是一个大国(big country or nation)!望作者或译者注意.

