英语人>词典>汉英 : 话 的英文翻译,例句
话 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
saying  ·  sayings  ·  word  ·  words  ·  worded

speak about
更多网络例句与话相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus the language of the Sicilians is different from that of the Apulians, that of the Apulians from that of the Romans, that of the Romans from that of the people of Spoleto, theirs from that of the Tuscans, that of the Tuscans from that of the Genoese, and that of the Genoese from that of the Sardinians; and, likewise, the language of the Calabrians is different from that of the people of Ancona, theirs from that of the people of Romagna, that of the people of Romagna from that of the Lombards, that of the Lombards from that of the people of Treviso and the Venetians, theirs from that of the people of Aquileia, and theirs from that of the Istrians.


Situation, Tao Bi什么话也没have said that she went before chopping board, while the corner cut pepper: I just started it and everyone else, can not stand the smell of chili, but do not close and pepper to make a good person, how can chili sauce ah?


Input Www.nbcsxf.com/ningbohua, of greet is page of peaceful wave claver, the website coulds there be besides the introduction wave word origin, still have the project such as phoneticize of peaceful wave word, input method and electronic dictionary, do not need a teacher to be able to learn peaceful wave word easily.


Urban vernacular of its initial consonant and vowel and Guangzhou, then basically the same, so experts will be included in Guangzhou, with the Cantonese language is a different tone and different accents, the opening can be identified: lianjiang recorded in May, Suixi, and other places with the vernacular Guangzhou voice, the same as most of the finals, which is characterized by a more pronounced with Gaozhou, then the edge of the state fricative consonant, and the edge of the fricative consonant word more, so it was included in the "high Yang words."


The fourth part probes into the dynamic transformation mechanism of non-interruptive conversational unit transformation and interruptive conversationalunit transfermation, proposing a mode of information variation during the process of non-interruptive-conversational unit dynamic transfermation and a timing mode of conversational unit transfermaiton. The mode of information variation is then applied to discourse structure analysis and analysis of the types of conversational unit transfermation and non-interruptive conversational unit transfermation with the conversation of two or more persons concerned.


There are no particular style on Ping Pung's music. 1st song "我话事" may sound noisy, but who knows what's going on next?


There are two ways to improve the robustness of the speaker recognition system. One is to select a proper type of neural networks, to optimize the parameters, so that it can maintain high performance of sample representation even if the features of voice signal was overlapped on sample space.


The second part describes the phonology of Sumitang Qidouhua including its consonants, vowels and tone, analyzes the rules of Wen and Bai, the difference between the old and the middle age, and offers the syllabary.The third part explores the close relationship between Sumitang Qidouhua and Songbai Tuhua by comparing the two kinds of Tuhua with Chengguan Tuhua in Jiangyong county, and puts forward a conclusion that the three kinds of Tuhua maybe come from the same origin although some difference exist among them. The comparison of the three kinds of Tuhua with the neighboring dialects testifies the above opinion. The forth part is the surplus of the paper.


Shanghai cadastral penetration Love well, basketball, swimming, dancing Alex: learn Shanghai theater academy Service: Shanghai WenYiBing ensemble's protection Career: host hunan TV every day WangHan: Name: WangHan WangHan host Name: WangJianGang (because of a bad mood, accidentally say "hell", and so change WangHan, then feel "contain" meaning, so finally became WangHan) Pulitzer nickname: god, eldest brother, han han Career: the host, singer Birthday: 7 April 1974 Animals: tiger Weight: 65KG Height: 1.74 M Constellations: Aries Originally, Shanghai Birthplace, suzhou Growth in jiangsu province of hunan xiangtan: river =+ Graduated from colleges: hunan radio and television university Wife: YangLeLe Lucky Numbers: 4, 7 Understanding of the United States: health, sunshine, cheerful Love to do: learning, collecting antiques, research buddhist Favorite leisure activities: reading, reading, playing mahjong, golf Most of the parents, who worship, premier zhou enlai Most like to eat things: doesn't matter The most embarrassing thing: fat Like most city: the beautiful city Favorite color: all colors, The happiest thing: reunion Favorite flower: popcorn Favorite season: throughout the year Dialect, changsha: hunan assembly, zhuzhou and xiangtan, shandong, guangdong, sichuan, wuhan, Shanghai dialect, northeast words, words, changde ningxiang and a bunch of... Leslie: idols Personal assistant: fan w, Hunan satellite TV, male host of humor wisdom, reaction super fast.

籍 贯:上海爱好:篮球、游泳、跳舞学历:上海戏剧学院服役:上海警备文工团文艺兵演艺事业:主持湖南卫视天天向上汪涵:姓名:汪涵主持人汪涵原名:汪建刚(因为怕心情不好,不小心说成&见鬼&,所以改成了汪寒,后来觉得&涵&有内涵,所以最后成了汪涵)昵称:策神、大哥、涵涵职业:主持人、歌手生日:1974年4月7日生肖:虎体重:65KG 身高:1.74M UP中)星座:白羊座祖籍:上海出生地:苏州成长地:湘潭毕业院校:湖南广播电视大学老婆:杨乐乐幸运数字:4、7 对美的认识:健康、阳光、开朗最爱做的事:学习、收藏古董、研究佛经最喜欢的休闲活动:读书、看报、搓麻将、高尔夫最崇拜的人:父母、周恩来最喜欢吃的东西:无所谓最尴尬的事:发胖最喜欢的城市:美丽小城最喜欢的颜色:所有颜色(不浪费最开心的事:团聚最喜欢的花:爆米花最喜欢的季节:一年四季方言:湘乡,长沙,湘潭,株洲,山东、广东,武汉,四川,上海,东北,宁乡,常德还有一堆……偶像:张国荣私人助理:范魏、阿力湖南卫视当家男主持,幽默智慧,反应超快。

The Shangluo dialects are very complicated because of immigration. The local dialects belong to the north dialects, while the guest dialects belong to the south dialects. The local dialects develop faster than the guest dialects, the latter are relatively conventional. In fact their differences of phonetics structure at synchronic planes just reflect each phase of Chinese dialects at historical planes. The third chapter studies the phonological structure and historical changes from intiai consonant simple or compound vowel of a Chinese syllable and tone on the base of the synchronic planes, consulting QieYun and ZhongYuan phonology.


更多网络解释与话相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Changed Again and Again:第二百九十六话

第二百九十五:The Last Mission | 第二百九十六:Changed Again And Again | 第二百九十七:King of the Kill

The Bestial:第三百八十六话

第三百八十五:Vice It | 第三百八十六:The Bestial | 第三百八十七:Ignited


5、 Belgium 比利时-固 32 | 6、 Bulgaria 保加利亚-固 359 | 7、 Canada 加拿大-固、移动 1

The Burial Chamber:第一百六十七话

第一百六十五:Dark Side of Universe 2 | 第一百六十七:The Burial Chamber | 第一百六十八:Behind Me,Behind You

crosstalk coupling:串话耦合

crosstalk 串 | crosstalk coupling 串耦合 | crosstalk level 串电平


11、Cyprus 塞浦路斯-固 357 | 12、Denmark 丹麦-固 45 | 13、Finland 芬兰-固 358


这指明说方言必定是说一种"本地"(dialect),因为门徒所说的语言,乃是不同的"本地". 就这一面说,语言(tongues)和本地(dislects)是同义辞,都是指本地,在这些经文里交互使用. 在五旬节那天,那灵赐信徒发表,用不同的语言说,

Rows dialog box:行"话框 列话方块

routine 例行程序 常式 | Rows dialog box "行"框 列方块 | rpref 渲染选项 彩现环境设定

English English:说人话,说人话

Damn it, Abe. What are these things?|亚伯,它们到底是什么东西? | English, English.|说人,说人 | Oh, they're Tooth Fairies.|传说的"牙仙"

Fear For The Fight:第三百二十五话

第三百二十四:The Claws | 第三百二十五:Fear For the Fight | 第三百二十六:Knockdown Monster