英语人>词典>汉英 : 诙谐的事 的英文翻译,例句
诙谐的事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与诙谐的事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One Hundred Buddhist Parables , with the full name of One HundredBuddhist Epigrammatic Parables, was extracted from twelve canons in Xiu Duo LuoZangby Jiasina, a monk in ancient India.


Although the nerve is very problematic, but for the escape this matter can be unambiguous, but also grateful for this, we watched the tense drama of the moment when there will be ease whenever he had the time to even out the background music has changed in light of the Scherzo .


Not everyone translates humor the way you might" and you risk offending someone, says Jacqueline Whitmore, author of "Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work.


Not everyone translates humor the way youmight" and you risk offending someone, says Jacqueline Whitmore,author of "Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success atWork.


更多网络解释与诙谐的事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blessed event:福事,指婴孩之诞生,新生婴孩(诙谐用语)

bless | 祝福, 保佑, 哎呀!我的天哪! | blessed event | 福事,指婴孩之诞生,新生婴孩(诙谐用语) | Blessed Sacrament | 圣餐

comicality:滑稽性, 诙谐的事

comical | 好笑的, 滑稽的 | comicality | 滑稽性, 诙谐的事 | comically | 滑稽地, 诙谐地

comicality:滑稽性; 诙谐的事 (名)

comical 好笑的; 滑稽的 (形) | comicality 滑稽性; 诙谐的事 (名) | comically 滑稽地; 诙谐地 (副)

comically:滑稽地, 诙谐地

comicality | 滑稽性, 诙谐的事 | comically | 滑稽地, 诙谐地 | Cominform | 共产党和工人党情报局( 1947 - 1956)

comically:滑稽地; 诙谐地 (副)

comicality 滑稽性; 诙谐的事 (名) | comically 滑稽地; 诙谐地 (副) | coming 就要来的; 大有前途的; 将来的 (形)