英语人>词典>汉英 : 诗情画意 的英文翻译,例句
诗情画意 的英文翻译、例句


poetic and pictorial splendor
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Use multimedia teaching method, can pursue Wen Bingmao, from form, sound, color, affection all-around those who provoke a student is sensory, change the image that the abstract and ambiguous sex of language character is intuitionistic clarity, the text medium poetics draws meaning figure ground to reveal, get ideal education result. Be like education " teenager bissextile earth " one article, show first: A of twin Lu 1 fastens Chu beauty of color of?


On the way of chinese's space dream,shenzhou 5 is a marker,shenzhou 6 finish it's journey,and chang's running to moon are more beatiful and blandness,it can show a full china dream to the world.


Crystal healers believe that Chrysocolla helps to bring out the best of one's creativity by calming and releasing fear and in expressing feelings both verbally and artistically.


An irregular poetic expression suggestive of the ancient Greek dithyramb.


Dali is a picturesque Buddha center on the earth, a human fairyland with best living environment and an Elysian full of sunshine of harmony.


Some have a liking for as if the butterfly, some resemble the penguin, some your however everywhere green leaf, but also some picture goldfishes, like the flying apsaras, likes the clouds, likes the pearl, that name is also rich richly in poetic and artistic flavor: The color butterfly dances in the air, the fish 跳龙门, crow Long Wo Xue, group Long Nao Hai, grass Wang Tu, gives opportune help, one road is running free, and so on, and so on.


In the summer, the fiery red flame tree wears the bright dazzling formal clothes, while she increases several permits and has the enchanting elegant demeanor, then she also leaves behind the profound happy recollection for the graduate children who soon leave the academy.


Campbell placed the characters of his poem Gertrude of Wyoming (1809) in an idyllic valley of Pennsylvania.


Henry Hoare II was inspired by the classical scene and landscape paintings in Italy during his grand tour of Europe so he set out to create a poetic landscape in Stourhead.

Henry Hoare II 在年轻时曾去欧洲旅游,受意大利绘画艺术的影响,他回来后开始创建这个具诗情画意的林园。

It is a festival which is explained for its humaneness and poetry .


更多网络解释与诗情画意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


菲律宾(Cebu)宿雾游记宿雾是菲律宾最早开发的城市,1521年,葡萄牙航海家麦哲伦由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中,他惊喜地发现了这个美丽静谧的小岛. 如今,在菲律宾的7000多个岛屿之中,诗情画意的宿雾岛已发展成为最受游客欢迎的观光点.

Corinne Quintard:幸福的色彩空间

诗情画意工作室sophie lormeau | 幸福的色彩空间 corinne quintard | 渐层之家 helene roule

poetic diction:诗般的词句

poetic诗情画意的,浪漫的 | poetic diction诗般的词句 | a poelc romance诗一般浪漫的经历

Dominique Muret:巴黎宝莱坞

惊艳桃红 florence greco | 巴黎宝莱坞dominique muret | 诗情画意工作室sophie lormeau

Poacher turned gamekeeper:监守自盗

Pleased as punch 得意洋洋 | Poacher turned gamekeeper 监守自盗 | Poetry in motion 诗情画意

Poetry in motion:诗情画意

Poacher turned gamekeeper 监守自盗 | Poetry in motion 诗情画意 | Point the finger 指指戳戳


金黄的橡树,橘红的柿子树,醉人的勃艮第红葡萄酒,火红的枫树还有皇家骑警(Mountie)猩红的外衣,让人完全陶醉在这诗情画意的风景中,久久不能忘却. 加拿大国家电视塔(CNTower)是世界第一高塔,乘坐电梯只需58秒钟,你就能眺望整个多伦多.

Perfect Seclusion:与世隔绝

诗情画意Poetic Illusion | 与世隔绝Perfect Seclusion | 奇异探险Eccentric Expedition

Perfect Seclusion:与世断绝

诗情画意 Poetic Illusion | 与世断绝 Perfect Seclusion | 奇异探险 Eccentric Expedition


8. consultant:顾问 | 9. skeptic:无神论者、怀疑论者 | 10. poetic:诗情画意