英语人>词典>汉英 : 诗作 的英文翻译,例句
诗作 的英文翻译、例句


poetic works
更多网络例句与诗作相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This articles aims to probe the actualization of the images by adopting the method of cognitive linguistics.


As one kind of literature sylloge, anthology having preserved large amount of poet does, have important document value,.At the same time the excellent poetry anthology's choice, not only having embodied the anthologist's individual sight, but also implied the social aesthetic trend that time,has the nature and functions of literary criticism.


At last, from the poems of antiphony and mourning in this book, it is concluded with three spirits of caring the reality which are concern for Taiwan's destiny, insistence on ambition and integrity, and the cultural implication of imparting Han poetry.


Chapter three refers to the stage of inquiry, first, this chapter explored the form and the rhyme of poems, then explored the ethos of native setout, agrarian rootage, historical living.


Chapter four presented at the stage of advance. The first point at issue was versification, the second point at issue was spatiotemporal poems, and the third point at issue was Taiwanese poems.


This article analyzes the different levels of mood in Wordsworth and Wangwei s poetry.


While many critics of Chaucer's early poem The House of Fame have put a premium on problems of language and textuality and others have called attention to a predominance of images and sight, they have generally failed to address the crucial convergence of the textual and the visual.


There were about thirty poems,one sixths of his poems,involved his activities in Sichuan.


He has been called Poet-Historian and the Poet-Sage by Chinese critics, while the range of his work has allowed him to be introduced to Western readers as "the Chinese Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Wordsworth, Béranger, Hugo or Baudelaire".


According to the author statistics shows that nearly 2000 poems about string instrument of Tang Dynasty in "" The Whole Poetry of Tang Dynasty "", it had reflected all respects of artistic development of string instrument of Tang Dynasty, embody a poet in the Tang Dynasty from describing that kinds of spiritual idea making the poet profound and expresse in the poem of the string instrument in Tang Dynasty, the classical, outstanding poems of the string instrument of Tang Dynasty,the description have worthful historical data value and aesthstic value, it is the rare important wealth on Chinese string instrument art and literature development history, it promote the development of string instrument art after Tang Dynasty, these 2000 poems of string instrument describe the study of Tang Dynasty and give us a lot of artistic value of written historical materials in Tang Dynasty.


更多网络解释与诗作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


华兹华次(William Wordsworth)的『诗作全集』(Complete Poetic Works)艾力克斯(Alex)是网际网络上的书刊目录,包含大约1,800个条目. 本目录可分为以下几个部分:搜寻目录,以作者、日期、语言、主题或标题来搜寻. 另外还有编目网络上资源的信息.


satirist 讽刺家,讽刺诗作家 | 246.arborist 树木培植家 | theorist 理论家,空想家


因为一个人要先"存在"(Be),才能"看见"(See)等等. 比起中国字谜来,这种谜语实在太浅了. 杜甫有一名句:"无边落木 萧萧下". 以这句诗作谜面打一个字,答案是"曰". 因为在六朝时,东 晋之后是宋齐梁陈,齐梁的皇帝都姓萧,


16岁考入伦敦的斯莱德美术学校,三年后赴巴黎,1909年回伦敦,1914年创办了一份名叫>(Blast)的杂志,用以鼓吹他的漩涡主义. 诗人埃兹拉庞德也参与了这个杂志的工作. 他的许多意象派诗作显然受到未来主义和超现实主义文学影响.


就像诗人狄伦.托玛斯诗作中多"骨"(bone),海明威小说的角落里遍布"牡牛头"(bull's head)和鲟鱼身(trout's body)一样,张爱玲的笔下始终流淌着一条动人的月亮河.

Sailing to Byzantium:驶向拜占庭

影片>改编自美国作家科马克. 麦卡锡的一部同名小说,讲述了一群贪婪之徒为了争夺一笔意外财富而勾心斗角的故事. 而"老无所依"这个标题源自19世纪初英国著名诗人济慈的诗作>(Sailing to Byzantium)开篇的第一句.

gnomic poetry:格言式诗作

in the interest of 为...起见 | gnomic poetry 格言式诗作 | Discipline is the soul of an army. 纪律是军队的灵魂


依据魏尔伦的诗作的>(Mandoline),是最初的名作. 然重要作品乃在依据魏尔伦的诗作的歌曲集>之后. 例如>中的"阳台"(Le Balcon),"夜曲"(Harmonie de Soir),"喷水"(Le Jet d'eau),

Once published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line:发行后,他的诗作因为行尾不押韵而大获其名

③What party do you belong to?你属... | 10.Once published,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.发行后,他的诗作因为行尾不押韵而大获其名. | absent形容词 意为 "缺席、不在;...

La Chevelure:发 依据波特萊尔那首华丽、官能十足的诗作

09 La flute de Pan 牧神之笛 依据卢维的诗作的<<比利蒂斯之歌>> | 10 La Chevelure 发 依据波特萊尔那首华丽、官能十足的诗作 | 11 Le tombeau des Naiades 纳伊阿德斯的坟墓