英语人>词典>汉英 : 词首的 的英文翻译,例句
词首的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
initial  ·  initials  ·  initialed  ·  initialled  ·  initialling  ·  init.

更多网络例句与词首的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With this he left them and went onward to Nestor, the facile speaker of the Pylians, who was marshalling his men and urging them on, in company with Pelagon, Alastor, Chromius, Haemon, and Bias shepherd of his people.


This process, called aphesis when it occurs at the beginning of a word,is more common in regional American dialects than in the more conservative Standard English,which tends to retain in pronunciation anything reflected in spelling.


Although many American dialects feature aphesis,it is most famous in the dialects of the South,where it yields pronunciationssuch as count of for account of, tater for potato, possum for opossum, and skeeter for mosquito.

虽然许多美国方言具有词首非重读短元音省略的特征,但这一现象在南方的方言中最为显著,并产生了许多新发音,如 account of 被读成 count of,potato 被读成 tater,opossum 被读成 possum 以及 mosquito 则被读成 skeeter

Not only the bilabial stop between two vowels is weakened to , but also the case ending with as the beginning sound is also weakened to .


This Greek word gave us our chrysalis, first recorded in English in the 7th century.

这个希腊词产生的 chrysalis 首次于7世纪以英文记载。

In addition to borrowing, new words have made their entry into English via word formation rules such as compounding, derivation, acronym formation, blending, abbreviation, clipping, back-formation, and coinage.

除了借用外,英语还通过复合法,派生法,词首字缩略法,混合法,缩写法,逆向构词法和创新词法等构词规则参数新词。以上方法的实例详见书本 144 和 145 页。

"Lone" is an aphetic form of " alone ".

&Lone&是& alone &的词首非重读短元音脱落形式。

The destruction primarily results from the occasional insertion of glottal stops before wordinitial low vowels or diphthongs, which is phonologically natural and cannot be prevented from beforehand.


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更多网络解释与词首的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


英语中的首字母缩略词(acronym)是由专有名词或说明性短语里单词的首字母组合而成的词. 现代英语中这类词常用作政府机构和政治、经济、社会组织或团体的名称. 由于它们比原词简短,适当使用能使语言表达更加快捷,提高信息交流的效率.


Icosahedrons:正二十面体 | Aphaeresis:词首字母脱离的(无头的) | Anomalous:异常的


所有以man收尾或以master起首的复合词,如mailman(邮递员)和 master key(万能钥匙),都是"政治态度不正确的";不得歧视残疾人,所以"有生理缺陷的"(handicapped)或"有残疾的"(disabled)等词应由"健全状况与众不同的"(differently abled)代替;

minimal pair:最小对立体

如: pin和bin这样一对最小对立体(minimal pair)就是由于词首的[ p ]和[b]不同,从而能区分成两个不同的词. 音位层上的标记与无标记现象并不是发生在所有的音位上,而只是发生在成对的音位中,而且两个音位的相关特征涉及某一语音特征的出现与否.


prothallus 原叶体 | prothesis 词首添字母 | prothetelic 先成现象的

to seize hold of:抓住;占有

initial a.最初的,开始的;词首的 n.首字母 | to seize hold of 抓住;占有 | habitual a.习惯性的,习以为常的;惯常的

in attempting to:企图

50. initial adj.最初的,词首的, n.词首大写字母 | 51. in attempting to企图 | 52. a fraction of n.小部分,片断,分数


inflected form屈折形式278 | inflecting屈折的257 | initial词首154


9.首字母缩略词(Acronyms) 利用短语中单词的首字母是一种构成英语俚语的很简便的途径,把短语中所有单词的首字母放在一起(有时也可加上短语中的合成词中后一个词的首字母)即可构成一个首字母缩略词.

alleles:等位基因 等位基因(Alleles)符号c. 隐性等位基因应用突变基因词首的小写字母表示,如非野鼠色(nonagouti)基因a,其它所有的等位基因包括显性的、共显性的或有显性关系的基因符号都应该用一个大写词首字母加小写字母表示,