英语人>词典>汉英 : 识趣 的英文翻译,例句
识趣 的英文翻译、例句


know how to behave in a delicate situation
更多网络例句与识趣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, he rarely spoke of his parents or of Ariana from


Bedpost, between you, me, and the bedpost


I don't wish to play gooseberry .


I didn' t wish to play gooseberry, ie be the unwanted person.


Jane and Bill asked me to go with them,but I refused because I did not want to play gooseberry .


Jane and Bill asked me to go with them, but I refused because I didn't want to play gooseberry.


Jus de raiseng—he said it with such scorn that I could imagine him leaving a spoiled crop to rot on the vines rather than waste his time picking grapes that couldn't even aspire to become vin ordinaire.


Boca coach Ricardo La Volpe resigned following his team's extraordinary lapse and has joined smaller neighbours Velez Sarsfield, where he will find the atmosphere much less demanding.


Com 网站上说" a transliterate person is one who is literate across multiple media ".


This kind of pleasure, only can leave in the mountain the buddhist priest with the tourist who is tactful enjoys, that can say with the worldling!


更多网络解释与识趣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Peter Crouch:高洛治

英格兰在得到朗尼(Wayne Rooney)伤愈的消息后可谓如虎添翼,而奧云(Michael Owen)也相当识趣的表示愿意让贤,然而事实上却让高洛治(Peter Crouch)替补,英格兰前后两大天才少年联袂首发!

Be insensible:没眼眉:不识时务,不识趣,不能应变

满嘴食火:头脑发热,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话. Talking nonsense | 没眼眉:不识时务,不识趣,不能应变. Be insensible | N 蔫土匪:沉默而胆大的人. People who is usually silent while truly bold

Talking nonsense:满嘴食火:头脑发热,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话

满嘴食火:头脑发热,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话. Talking nonsense | 没眼眉:不识时务,不识趣,不能应变. Be insensible | N 蔫土匪:沉默而胆大的人. People who is usually silent while truly bold

Talking nonsense:满嘴食火:头脑发暖,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话

码儿密:诡秘、暧昧、隐蔽的事Secrecy | 满嘴食火:头脑发暖,吹牛浮夸,满嘴胡话. Talking nonsense | 没眼眉:不识时务,不识趣,不能应变. Be insensible

The Second World War:第二次世界大战

丘吉尔倒未必是个识趣的主,他将自己私人性的回忆录,直接冠之以>(The Second World War)的名字,就过于托大了,倒是中文译名>,更符合事实.


寂天菩萨明白地指出,如果不修心行善,就会堕入恶趣或建宋(ngen song,藏音). "建"(ngen)意为邪恶,指恶业;"宋"(song)意为"去". 在此是指,由於恶业,一个人就得去;也就是说,心识会投胎到畜生、恶趣或地狱众生.

I don't wish to play gooseberry:我不想当不识趣的人

6703. It's gooseberry jam. 这是醋栗果酱. | 6704. I don't wish to play gooseberry. 我不想当不识趣的人. | 6705. The fox lay dying in a pool of gore. 狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息.