英语人>词典>汉英 : 讽刺作家 的英文翻译,例句
讽刺作家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ironist  ·  satirists

更多网络例句与讽刺作家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kurt Vonnegut is an influential novelist, satirist, and dramatist, and black humorist in American literary field and has been lauded as one of American most respected novelists due to his active artistic interaction with American life.


In addition to being a prolific playwright (he wrote 50 stage plays), he was also the most trenchant pamphleteer since the Irish-born satirist Jonathan Swift.

除了拥有多产的剧作家的头衔之外(他共写了50部舞台剧),他也是继爱尔兰讽刺作家Jonathan Swift之后最尖刻的小册子作家。

His rebellion is the bitter,sardonic laughter of all great satirists.


Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) by most reckoning is the best English-language satirist ever, and one of the world's greatest as well.


The Pulitzer was said to be given for the "wholesome atmosphere of American life," and Lewis, the Satirist of Modern America, was not about to accept such an ironic award.


PORTRAIT:"Zivojin Pavlovic ZIKISON"(famous cartoonist, satiric, editor and publisher of satiric magazine from Serbia), Radoje Domanovic (the most famous satire writer of all times in SERBIA), Jaroslav Hasek (famous writer of the antiwar satire "Good soldier Svejk" from CZECH REPUBLIC) and Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (establisher and founder of the modern world aphorism from POLAND) and WITHOUT WORDS.


How is Wilde's Irony Different from the Irony of the l8th Century Satirists?


How is Wilde's Irony Different from the Irony of the l8th Century Satirists?


His rebellion is the bitter, sardonic laughter of all great satirists- Frank Schoenberner; a wry pleasure to be...reminded of all that one is missing-''.


In english, two of the leading parodists are henry fielding and james joyce.


更多网络解释与讽刺作家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ironingboard 熨衣板 | ironist 讽刺作家 | ironistsatirist 讽刺家


ironing board /熨衣板/ | ironist /讽刺家/讽刺作家/ | ironmaster /铁器制造业者/


honeymooner 度蜜月的人 | lampooner 讽刺作家 | marooner 海盗,逃跑的奴隶,野营旅行者

lampooner:讽刺文作家; 冷嘲热讽者 (名)

lampoon 讽刺 (动) | lampooner 讽刺文作家; 冷嘲热讽者 (名) | lampoonery 讽刺诗; 嘲讽性质 (名)


lampooner 讽刺文作家 | lampoonery 讽刺诗的写作 | lampoonist 讽刺文作家

Oscar Wilde:剧作家、作家、诗人

Jonathan Swift - 讽刺作家. | Oscar Wilde - 剧作家、作家、诗人. | William Butler Yeats - 诗人、剧作家.

Satire f:讽刺,讽刺作品

Satin m 缎子 | Satire f 讽刺,讽刺作品 | Satiriker m 讽刺作家

satirically:讽刺地, 讥讽地 (副)

satirical 爱挖苦人的; 写讽刺文章的 (形) | satirically 讽刺地, 讥讽地 (副) | satirist 讽刺作家; 惯于讽刺的人 (名)


我不否认陶杰作为一个讽刺作家(satirist)有其份量,但他的文章必须批判性地阅读. 令人扼腕的是香港的名人文化(celebrity culture)已经发展到「只要名人,不要文化」的地步,并且深入社会各阶层而内化於香港人的思维之中.

The Satirist:讽刺作家

194.The Rural Life乡村生活 | 195.The Satirist讽刺作家 | 196.Scarlet斯嘉丽