英语人>词典>汉英 : 论集的 的英文翻译,例句
论集的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Valley was a prolific writer, his works are representative of short stories,"the devil"(1912),"Chun Kum copy"(1933), full-length novel "痴人Love"(1925),"卍the word "(1928)," Wu Secret Records of the state public "(1932)," Major-General Shigeru stem mother "(1950)," key "(1956)," Diary of Mad elderly "(1962), single-act play" imperial country and Gohei "(1922), comments set "Yin Yi praise" and so on.


"All About Mormons" anticipates the Scientology episode,"Trapped in the Closet"(not included here, and if lawyers have anything to say about it, might not be included in a season 9 set, either) with a straight-faced musical dramatization of the Joseph Smith story.

"所有关於摩门教"预期的科学论集"困在衣柜"(不包括在这里,如果律师有没有说些什麼,可能不会被包括在一个赛季 9套,要么)与直面对戏剧音乐在斯密约瑟的故事。

His music creation includes solo and mixed playing of musical instrument, ball music, pantomime along with chorus and solo, etc.; used to be the conductor of Juexin String and Tubinal Instrument Band, Red-cross Chinese Music Band, State Theatre Chinese Music Band for nearly twenty years and publish photographical works for about a hundred pieces on Allied Morning News.


Last year an anthology of criticism titled "Pulling Yu Hua's Teeth" charged the author of "Brothers" with several crimes: selling out to the very forces of commercialism and vulgarity anatomized in his novel; promoting a negative image of China and Chinese writers to the West; sinking into "a world of filth, chaos, stench and blackness, without the slightest scrap of dignity"; being a carpetbagging peasant who gives himself literary airs.


His representative works are: poem collections such as Songs on the Border, In the North, Grass Sparse on the Plain, Cactus, Selected Poems by Gong Liu, I Want to Have a Home, Short Poems by Gong Liu for Perusing; collection of short stories A Street on the Border; scenario Ashma and Cloud of Waiting Wife; commentary collections Drudging on the Road of Poems and Poems and Honesty; random note collections Longing for Wine, Walking Memorial Tablet, and Voice on the Paper------ Random Notes by Gong Liu; essay collections Proper Topic Expounded Improperly, and Say No to Calcium Deficiency; reportage collections Crevices, etc.


更多网络解释与论集的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


analcime | 方沸石 | analcite | 方沸石(一种存在于火成岩中的白色或浅色晶状沸石) | analecta | 文选, 论集

Analects:文选, 论集

analectic | 文选的, 论集的 | analects | 文选, 论集 | analepsia | 回苏, 苏醒, 兴奋



short story:短篇小说

"是日本第一部重要的近代文学评论集,小说(novel)一词在日本普遍使用,乃自坪内逍遥提倡开始,"长篇小说"(novel)、"短篇小说"(short story)、"社会小说"、"私小说"(self-novel)、"政治小说"、"问题小说"等小说名词常见於日本报章,

analecta:文选, 论集

analcite | 方沸石(一种存在于火成岩中的白色或浅色晶状沸石) | analecta | 文选, 论集 | analectic | 文选的, 论集的

analectic:文选的, 论集的

radioactive constant 放射性常数 | analectic 文选的, 论集的 | issuing account 发行帐户

issuing account:发行帐户

analectic 文选的, 论集的 | issuing account 发行帐户 | hydroxyl hydrogen 羟基氢


王尔德在一八九一年出版了四本风格迥异的书:<<意图>>(Intentions)是调子轻松但隐含了严肃的哲理和浓厚的学术色彩的艺术评论集;<<萨维尔勋爵的罪行与其他故事>>(Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Tales)是他在担任<<妇女世界>>编辑期间写的四个短篇故事的集结;