英语人>词典>汉英 : 记得者 的英文翻译,例句
记得者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与记得者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of qualities of a double bind is that one feels it more than sees it , and I distinctly remember the tension and strange sense of dishonesty I felt in those days as I moved back and forth like a bigamist between the demands of class and race .


Last year, I made a decision to study English earnestly when I was inventorying my heart, then, I will go to talk bigger with the foreigner living in Kattegat, telling them that my home have a sheep with eight legs , then fuddling them. Or, I study Japanese cannily ,then, I shall go to Japan ,giving lessons to those Japanese in the underground of the Kobe , making a address about the fierce and cruel butcher of the Nanjing until them weep to accompany me home .


Wonder if anyone still remembers the 'toughest nail house'. In that incident, though the demolisher and the demolished were in some kind of opposition, both sides still played by the rules. There were smiles and no real harm.


And remember, you can also check the complete exhibitor list online anytime.


I had remembered that fusil had said"the person who betrayal me, give me wealth " in the main page of BBS.


I remembered her sitting in front of a gold-framed painting, but forgot the gold-dust mist that rises from low behind her.(X-rays indicate that the figure of a child was originally painted here, then painted out.) And I had completely forgotten how vivid the pink carnation is: real, aromatic, fresh-picked.

我记得她坐在一个金色的画框的前面,但是忘记了她身后下面雾一般的金色色调,( x 光显示那里曾经画了一个孩子,但是后来被遮盖了)我还完全不记得那枝康耐馨是那么的生动——真实,带者花香,如同刚采摘一般。

I remember, too, that Margate, though full of company, was generally filled with such company, as people who were nice in the choice of their company, were rather fearful of keeping company with.


The hunter who told me this could remember one Sam Nutting, who used to hunt bears on Fair Haven Ledges, and exchange their skins for rum in Concord village; who told him, even, that he had seen a moose there.


Here the self-deceiver need never simultaneously hold contradictory beliefs even though she intends to bring it about that she believe p, which she regards as false at the outset of the process of deceiving herself and true at its completion.


They might think out loud by bouncing their thoughts off other people, and they might need to chat in order to boost their energy.


更多网络解释与记得者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"收割者"和"摩托终结者" 新型燕尾航空器(Aerostat)? 预告片里已经出现过了,还记得在阴暗的水下隧道里吗?上次>发布了首张詹姆斯•卡梅隆>(Avatar)的片场工作照,今天>( NY Times )也发布了两张该片的幕后工作照.


记得带上 绳子,铁棍,铁叉,并把它们交给Zhao,飞往成都 美丽的山城--成都 1 下飞机后,Zhao与农夫谈话(顺序为121)得到农夫衣服 Zhao换上农夫服装,用绳子套住牛 2 Zhao进入城后,换上忍者装,到警卫室(Gatehouse)偷钥匙 然后到围墙边,




我告诉他,也许是因为惰性(inertia)使我不想学. 他要知道这个字的意义,我念了字典上的定义:「物体在除非受到外力影响下,否则维持静者恒静,动者恒动,不改变方向的倾向. 」唐望说他年轻时也曾经在欧萨卡市集中卖药草. 他仍记得他的推销词,


记得耶稣(JESU)对他的信徒说:你们要想让别人对你们怎么样你们就得对别人怎么样. 这就是圣者的智慧与境界.


134.rememberer记得者,记起者 | lumberer伐木者,集材者 | slumberer睡眠者,微睡者


以下是>宣传巡回展示会上展出的概念设计图,大家就先睹为快吧. "收割者"和"摩托终结者"新型燕尾航空器(Aerostat)?预告片里已经出现过了,还记得在阴暗的水下隧道里吗?T-600-T-700-"马库斯"(Marcus)内骨骼-T-800酷似>的那一幕导演McG应现场提问回

Unsolved mysteries:未解之谜

她的著作、演说及在电视节目>(Oprah)、>(Good Morning America)、>(Unsolved Mysteries)上露面,让几百万为人父母者了解一些儿童自发性地记得他们的前世的事实.


comparer比较者 | 134.rememberer记得者,记起者 | lumberer伐木者,集材者


以下是<<终结者4>>宣传巡回展示会上展出的概念设计图,大家就先睹为快吧. "收割者"和"摩托终结者"新型燕尾航空器(Aerostat)?预告片里已经出现过了,还记得在阴暗的水下隧道里吗?T-600-T-700-"马库斯"(Marcus)内骨骼-T-800酷似<<我是传奇>>的那一幕导演McG应现场提问回