英语人>词典>汉英 : 讨厌的 的英文翻译,例句
讨厌的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abominable  ·  accursed  ·  accurst  ·  annoying  ·  antipathetic  ·  bothersome  ·  brattish  ·  bratty  ·  confounded  ·  crappy  ·  cumbersome  ·  cumbrous  ·  distasteful  ·  dratted  ·  execrable  ·  goddamn  ·  goddamned  ·  grim  ·  heartbreaking  ·  icky  ·  importunate  ·  irksome  ·  loathsome  ·  motherfucking  ·  objectionable  ·  obnoxious  ·  odious  ·  perishing  ·  pesky  ·  plaguy  ·  rank  ·  repugnant  ·  revolting  ·  slimy  ·  snuffy  ·  sour  ·  tarnation  ·  troublesome  ·  ungrateful  ·  uninviting  ·  unpleasant  ·  unwelcome  ·  hatable  ·  loathly  ·  nefandous  ·  pesterous  ·  plaguesome  ·  ranked  ·  soured  ·  sourer  ·  ugsome  ·  brattier  ·  grimmer  ·  ickier  ·  ranks  ·  slimier  ·  snuffier  ·  snuffiest  ·  sours  ·  grimmest  ·  stinko  ·  goddam  ·  dislikeful

more undesirable · most undesirable
更多网络例句与讨厌的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Ledger, always cynically 愤世嫉俗地 intolerant 不能容忍的 of any effort to better 情况好转的 the city government, as savoring 品尝 of "goo-gooism," which was its special bete noire 为人所讨厌的人或物, could not well make the shooting a basis for a general attack upon police laxity 懒散, though it was in this that lay the special news possibility of the event.


The act of irritating .tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork; aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport; found it galling to have to ask permission; an irritating delay; nettlesome paperwork; a pesky mosquito; swarms of pestering gnats; a plaguey newfangled safety catch; a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him; a vexatious child; it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong.


Tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport found it galling to have to ask permission an irritating delay nettlesome paperwork a pesky mosquito swarms of pestering gnats a plaguey newfangled safety catch a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him a vexatious child it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong .


The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.


You nasty girl, you nasty, you trashy.


Very vilely in the morning when he is sober, and most vilely in the afternoon when he is drunk.


I am fond of disliking that you, are fond of disliking that


Pet peeve 最厌恶的事 My biggest pet peeve is the way Seth slurps his soup.


Repose connotes rest and peace of mind: Repose 含义为心灵的休息与平静:"when you're lying awake with a dismal headache, and repose is tabooed by anxiety" W.S.

&当你由于讨厌的头痛而无法入睡时,焦虑会使你心烦意乱& W·S·吉尔伯特)。

The larger fish goes about its affairs, heedless of the trumpet fish until it grows annoyed with this bore.


更多网络解释与讨厌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


accursed /被咒的/不幸的/该咒的/可恶的/讨厌的/ | accurst /被咒的/充满憎恨的/讨厌的/ | accusable /受到谴责/


cumbersome /笨重/累/讨厌的/麻烦的/累赘的/ | cumbrous /讨厌的/累赘的/成负担的/ | cumin /时萝/小茴香子/


horribly /可怕地/非常地/ | horrid /怕人的/讨厌的/可恨的/可恶的/讨厌地/ | horridly /怕人地/讨厌地/可恨地/


irk /使厌倦/使苦恼/ | irksome /厌恶的/讨厌的/令人厌烦的/ | irksomely /讨厌地/厌恶地/

noisome: offensive, disgusting:令人不快的,令人讨厌的

Noisome:令人不快的,讨厌的 | noisome: offensive, disgusting 令人不快的,令人讨厌的 | They are most noisome politicians of that century. 他们是

plaguy:麻烦的; 讨厌的; 烦扰的 (形)

plaguey 麻烦的; 讨厌的; 烦扰的 (形) | plaguy 麻烦的; 讨厌的; 烦扰的 (形) | plaid 彩格披肩; 彩格布; 彩格呢; 格子图案 (名)




stinkers /讨厌的工作/ | stinking /发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的/ | stinkpot /马桶/夜壶/令人讨厌的人/

vile weather:讨厌的天气,恶劣的天气

讨厌的家伙/sad apple | 讨厌的天气,恶劣的天气/vile weather | 讨厌而令人生畏的人/ugly customer

讨厌的东西 for the plovers,,, 白冠睢鸠很讨厌河马:Hippos are a nuisance

23, until all accommodated to their liking.,,, 直到... | 24, Hippos are a nuisance讨厌的东西 for the plovers,,, 白冠睢鸠很讨厌河马,: | 25, The yellow-billed stork's juggling act is no game ,,, 黄嘴鹳可...