英语人>词典>汉英 : 讨厌的人 的英文翻译,例句
讨厌的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aversion  ·  blighter  ·  bother  ·  bothered  ·  gadfly  ·  nerd  ·  nuisance  ·  whame  ·  stinkard  ·  bothering  ·  bothers  ·  gadflies  ·  shits  ·  shitting  ·  beasts  ·  nerds  ·  nurd  ·  perisher  ·  terrors

a wet smack · wet smack
更多网络例句与讨厌的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You are a pain in the ass.


The Ledger, always cynically 愤世嫉俗地 intolerant 不能容忍的 of any effort to better 情况好转的 the city government, as savoring 品尝 of "goo-gooism," which was its special bete noire 为人所讨厌的人或物, could not well make the shooting a basis for a general attack upon police laxity 懒散, though it was in this that lay the special news possibility of the event.


Name:杨丞琳 English name: Rainie Birthday: June 4, 1984 Height: 161cm Weight: 44kg Measurements: 32B, 23,33 Blood type: A type Education: College of the Arts Hanaoka Interests: acting, singing, dancing, watching TV Language: Mandarin, Cantonese (a little bit of Japanese and English) Expertise: singing日文歌, tumbling Pet phrase: in every sentence, insert the words "full" word Lucky number: 3 Fortunately objects: watches To collect things: legislation may be in the White珠珠 Appreciate the qualities of the opposite sex: more senior than me, baby face, dark complexion, Movement Appreciate the female artist: Speed, good morning girl group, Amuro Namie, Stefanie Appreciation of the male artist: V6 in Ken Miyake Favorite movie:"Back to the Future" Most want to go: Japan, New York Favorite places: Japan, Taiwan Favorite music type: liked Favorite sports: table tennis, swimming Favorite color: In addition to yellow, green or red, the other acceptable Favorite food: fruit Dislike of food: sea cucumber The most annoying person: artificial, loving and proud装傻 Favorite animal: dog Fear of animals: rats The most unbearable thing: boys playing girls, the wicked bully good A child's dream: When dance teachers, office workers The dream of growing up: make-up artist, hair stylist Album:"" FALL IN LOVE "",""谁怕谁"" Film:"First Love Canal surface twitter""tattoo" TV:"sunshine jelly","White Love","番外篇Flower,""Pink Britney Godfather,""""the devil in him","change of love","bad laugh flowers"

姓名:杨丞琳英文名:Rainie 生日:1984年6月4日身高:161cm 体重:44kg 三围:32B、23、33 血型:A型学历:华冈艺术学院兴趣:演戏、唱歌、跳舞、看电视语言:国语、广东话专长:唱日文歌、翻筋斗口头禅:在每一句话前加上"完全"二字幸运数字:3 幸运物:手表搜集的东西:立可白里的珠珠欣赏的异性特质:比我高、娃娃脸、皮肤黝黑、会运动欣赏的女艺人:Speed、早安少女组、安室奈美惠、孙燕姿欣赏的男艺人:V6中的三宅健最喜欢的电影:《回到未来》最想去的地方:日本、纽约最喜欢的地方:日本、台湾喜欢的音乐类型:都很喜欢喜欢的运动:乒乓球、游泳喜欢的颜色:除了黄色、绿色或大红色,其他的都能接受喜欢的食物:水果讨厌的食物:海参最讨厌的人:做作、爱装傻又骄傲的人最爱的动物:狗最怕的动物:老鼠最不能忍受的事:男生打女生、恶人欺负善者小时候的梦想:当舞蹈老师、上班族长大后的梦想:化妆师、发型师唱片:《"FALL IN LOVE"》、《"谁怕谁"》电影:《初恋拿喳面》《刺青》电视:《阳光果冻》、《爱情白皮书》、《花香番外篇》、《粉红教父小甜甜》、《》《恶魔在身边》、《换换爱》、《不良笑花》请帮我翻译这些

He is a mild, inoffensive man.


I don't want to be a nuisance; so tell me if you want to be alone.


B:Yes,they can be a nuisance in the summer because there are so many of them.


B: He's very offensive.


The over-punctual can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual. The guest who arrives half an hour too soon is the greatest nuisance. Some friends of my family had this irritating habit.


I have never met a more tiresome person than him.


He's a real pain in the neck.


更多网络解释与讨厌的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


越会早到的人(earlybird)不会叫人感到不快,loner(孤独的人)也无伤大雅,那种爱吹嘘自己招人讨厌的人(bore)未必可恨. 最可恨的莫过于snob(狗仗人势的人). i.在你的交际圈中或许还有一些其他朋友:socialclimber(喜欢与上层人物交往的人),

A junkyard dog:让人非常讨厌的人

In the dog house 不得宠,失去信任 | A junkyard dog 让人非常讨厌的人 | Raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

prig: n.1:一本正经的人,自命不凡的人,道学先生,学究气的人 2.讨厌的人

where...are concerned: 就...而言,在涉及...时 | prig: n.1.一本正经的人,自命不凡的人,道学先生,学究气的人 2.讨厌的人 | voyeur: n.1.偷看下流场面的人 2.刺探秘密者,窥视他人隐私者


stinking /发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的/ | stinkpot /马桶/夜壶/令人讨厌的人/ | stinkstone /臭石/

a pain in the neck:令人讨厌的人或事

10.A house of cards 不可靠的想法或计划 | 12.A pain in the neck 令人讨厌的人或事 | 13.A thorn in sb.'s flesh/side 令人烦恼的人或事


perishables /容易坏的东西/ | perisher /死亡之物/做事卤莽的人/讨厌的人/ | perishing /严厉的/要命的/讨厌的/糟糕的/


nosh 吃(点心); | nudnik 无聊的人,惹人讨厌的人; | panhandle 乞讨;

nudnik:无聊的人; 惹人讨厌的人 (名)

nudity 裸露; 裸体画; 裸体像 (名) | nudnik 无聊的人; 惹人讨厌的人 (名) | nudum pactum 无约因的合约

nerdy:讨厌的人 卑微的人

ring up <美> 把(款项)记入现金记录机 达电话给某人 登录 | nerdy 讨厌的人 卑微的人 | probe 探针 探测器

Nerds:讨厌的人, 卑微的人

13.kung pao chicken: 宫爆鸡丁 | 14.nerds: 讨厌的人, 卑微的人 | 15.tally:账单