英语人>词典>汉英 : 认为...等同于 的英文翻译,例句
认为...等同于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
identified  ·  identify  ·  identifies

更多网络例句与认为...等同于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is among the truths believed to be self-evident by the followers of all religions that godlessness is equivalent to amorality and that ethics requires the underpinning presence of some sort of ultimate arbiter, some sort of supernatural absolute, without which secularism, humanism, relativism, hedonism, liberalism and all manner of permissive improprieties will inevitably seduce the unbeliever down immoral ways.


And if they come, we try to anesthetize ourselves as far as possible.


ESCs are traditionally regarded as ICM cells, though some scholars believe they are more closely resemble cells from the epiblast. But recent evidence about cell molecular markers indicate that ES cell's characteristics resemble early germ cells.


Many developers equate big budgets with higher quality, but it isn't necessarily so.


Even if the issue finally gets to the top of Obama's agenda, his position on gay marriage is still troubling to many gay-rights activists, who argue that accepting civil unions is equivalent to kowtowing to separate-but-equal schools for black and white children.


When weighing a dealer's offence, judges have been expected to treat a gram of crack as equivalent to 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of powder.

对毒犯的罪行判重时,法官被认为是把一克强效可卡因当作等同于100克( 3.5盎司)的粉末。

From the viewpoint of logic of relation, syllogism is not the inference based on Relation A, E, I, O between general term and general term as Jan Lukasiewicz thought. In stead, it is the inference based on the identical relation or non-identical relation between member of class and member of class.


Osman led one of several Turcoman tribes, of Central Asian descent, that were competing for control of Anatolia at the beginning of the 14th century.


However, there are distinctive differences between their theories. Firstly, thing-in-itself is not only the source but also the boundary of the knowledge in Kant's philosophy, whereas Mou Tsung-san annuls its epistemological meaning and regards it as a value concept. Secondly, the free will in Kant's theory can be speculated but cannot be proved, and therefore it's just a postulate. However, Mou Tsung-san considers the free will as the free and infinite mind, that is, a kind of real presentation. Thirdly, Kant holds that intellectual intuition is the patent for God instead of human beings, while Mou Tsung-san holds that it is a potential of human beings.


In this chapter, through the analysis of"the method Elchataym"and"the method tree", the study of the problems in chapter thirteen in Liber Abaci, and the comparison of"the method of Excess and Deficit"in Chinese mathematics, it argues that"the method Elchataym"is not equal to"the method of Excess and Deficit", and statement that"Elchataym"is"Khitan"lacks convincing support.


更多网络解释与认为...等同于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


儿童低于1.5109/L者称为中性粒细胞减少(neutropenia) 2 粒细胞减少(granulocytopenia)可认为等同于中性粒细胞减少 3 粒细胞严重减少,低于0.5109/L时称为粒细胞缺乏(agranulocytosis) 4 白细胞低于4

if any:若有的话

identify with 认为...等同于 | if any 若有的话 | if necessary 如果必要的话

Landscape Architect:景观设计师

俞孔坚在分析其原因时认为,在中国文化语境上将"风景园林"局限在审美意义上的"景致"或"景物"是中国目前的"风景园林"不能等同于美国景观设计业的根本所在,也是风景园林师不能等同于国际意义上的"景观设计师"(Landscape architect)的根本所在.

break the ice:打破沉默

in a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地 | break the ice 打破沉默 | identify with 认为...等同于



identify with:认为...等同于

break the ice 打破沉默 | identify with 认为...等同于 | if only 只要;要是...就好

identify with:与一致;认为...等同于;跟...发生共鸣,同情;(无意识地)仿效

8. identify with 与一致;认为...等同于;跟...发生共鸣,同情;(无意识地)仿效 | His idea identifies with mine.(他的观点和我的观点相同... | Never identify personal opinions with facts.(切莫把个人观点与事实等同...


identify vt.认出,鉴定;认为...等同于(with) 1- 02 | identify...as 把...看成 2- 10 | identify...with 把...和...等同起来 1- 02

social science historians:社会科学历史学家

view...as 把...看成,认为...是 | social science historians 社会科学历史学家 | equate...with 把...等同于,认为...是

social science historians:社会科学学家

view...as 把...看成,认为...是 | social science historians 社会科学学家 | equate...with 把...等同于,认为...是