英语人>词典>汉英 : 解热剂 的英文翻译,例句
解热剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与解热剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To investigate the antiinflammatory and antipyretic effects of Huanggui enema.

目的 研究黄桂灌肠剂的抗炎与解热镇痛作用。

Methods of Antibacterial Test in Vitro and in Vivo2 4 Dinitrophenol Induced Fever in Rats, Perspiration on Rat Feet, Permeation of Capillary Vessel in Mice, Foot Swelling in Rats, Clearance of Carbon Particles in Mice were used to study the actions of anti bacteria, antipyretic, diaphoresis , anti inflammation and immunity regulation This product inhibited, to some extent, the staphylococcus aureus.

采用体内、外抗菌法;大鼠 2 ,4—二硝基苯酚致热法;大鼠足跖汗液着色法;小鼠毛细血管通透法;大鼠足跖肿胀法及小鼠碳末廓清法观察复方三效微型灌肠剂的抗菌、解热、发汗、抗炎、免疫调节等作用。

Additional, spend Tian Jing is a kind of beauty to view and admire tree greatly, can make peppery pillar, flower and tender pod can be fed, bark uses as for astringent febrifuge, the leaf is diuresis medicine and cathartic.


A bitter - tasting yellow alkaloid ,C20H19NO5,obtained from several plants such as goldenseal and having medical uses as an antipyretic and antibacterial agent.


X60 Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics


If eaten, we may feel dizzy, slobber, abdominal


ObjectiveTo observe the effect of Yinhuang micro- enema on the content of prostaglandin E2 in the febrile rat hypothalamus and to explore the possible antipyretic mechanism of YHCE. MethodsThe febrile rats modle was established by injecting 20% suspension of yeast hypodermically (10 ml/kg).


更多网络解释与解热剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Madaus AG:德国马博士大药厂

复方七叶皂苷 利百素 凝胶剂 20g 1 支 非医保 企业自主 解热镇痛及非淄体抗炎药 德国马博士大药厂(Madaus AG) 西安燕兴医药有限公司 郑州金保康药业有限公司 郑州恒源医药有限公司 35.4 26.27

antifebrile:退热的, 解热的 解热剂

antifatigue | 抗疲劳剂 | antifebrile | 退热的, 解热的 解热剂 | antifebrin | 乙醯胺苯, 退热冰


Prognosis 预後 | Antipyretic 解热剂 | Hydrophobia 恐水症

antipyretic; febrifuge:退热剂;解热剂

"止痒剂","antipruritic" | "退热剂;解热剂","antipyretic; febrifuge" | "抗软骨病因子","anti-rachitic factor"

febrifuge; antipyretic:退热剂;解热剂

絮状(现象) feathering | 退热剂;解热剂 febrifuge; antipyretic | 发热 febrile

unravel machine:解块机

截煤机 Coalcutting machines | 解块机 unravel machine | 解热剂 Febrifuges


antifat | 减肥的 防胖的 | antifatigue | 抗疲劳剂 | antifebrile | 退热的, 解热的 解热剂

prescription extinctive:消滅時効

prescription example 処方例 | prescription extinctive 消滅時効 | prescription for reducing fever 解热剂

uncoupling agents:解偶联剂

解离组织||disintegrated tissue | 解偶联剂||uncoupling agents | 解热药||antipyretic


解块机 unravel machine | 解热剂 Febrifuges | 金焊料 Gold solder