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视图 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与视图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By default, the rows of an object view in a view hierarchy include all the rows of all its subviews projected over the columns of the given view.


This paper presents a self-adaptive load balancing algorithm, in which each peer creates a local load distribution view using a passive load statistic method and a local file requested view using file requested statistic method. When load imbalance exists in the system, the heavy loaded peer will make the logical links which point to itself to point to a light loaded peer in its local load distribution view, with the indegree of the heavy loaded peer decreasing and the indegree of the light loaded peer increasing, the load imbalance magnitude will decrease. When the request load of the heavy loaded peer is high, the peer will use its local file request view to get the popular file and cache the file to corresponding target peer.


Further, the UML"4+1" view model was used to design a set of system diagrams such as use-case diagram, logical diagram, concurrency diagram and deployment diagram, which discussed network interaction and information transmission in detail.


Further,the UML"4+1" view model was used to design a set of system diagrams such as use-case diagram,logical diagram,concurrency diagram and deployment diagram,which discussed network interaction and information transmiss.


The model applies use-case view (use-case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and activity diagram), logical view (class diagram, object diagram and state graph), component view and deployment view to carry on a detailed description respectively, presenting a stock information system model from each one possibly.


Because source data is unsteadiness, the changes of data must be spread to materialized view and make it be consistency the changes of materialized view and source data. Otherwise the freshness of data in materialized view will be fall down and the authenticity and consistency of OLAP will be affected. For the maintenance problem of materialized view, an algorithm is presented and it can make the cost of materialized view recomputation be minimized.


This product's rear elevation and the front view are all the same, therefore abbreviation rear elevation; The right elevation and the left view are the same, therefore abbreviation right elevation; Looks up at the chart and the vertical view is the same, therefore abbreviates looks up at the chart.


Although it is only a heuristic, test results show that undernormal circumstances the update propagation algorithm is faster and more efficientthan complete recomputing of the view.


SELECT SUBSTR(country,1,20) country, SUBSTR(prod,1,15) prod, year, sales FROM sales_view WHERE country IN ("Italy","Japan") MODEL RETURN UPDATED ROWS PARTITION BY DIMENSION BY MEASURES RULES ( sales["Bounce", 2002] = sales["Bounce", 2001] + sales["Bounce", 2000], sales["Y Box", 2002] = sales["Y Box", 2001], sales["2_Products", 2002] = sales["Bounce", 2002] + sales["Y Box", 2002]) ORDER BY country, prod, year

要使性能最佳化,系统应当已经具有基于以上视图使用的数据构建的物化视图。该物化视图是在 SH 模式数据的安装期间创建的。Oracle 的摘要管理系统将使用上述视图自动重写所有查询,以便利用该物化视图。作为模型的初始示例,请考虑以下语句

NET MVC views. First, you learned how to create views and you learned about the distinction between typed and untyped views. You learned how to pass data from a controller to a view by using view data.

NET MVC视图为主题,首先,您学习了如何创建视图并区分了强类型视图和无类型视图,也学会了如何使用view data来将数据从控制器传递给视图

更多网络解释与视图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Outline.asp ASP:脚本,用于生成大纲视图

Message.asp 用于生成选定消息的详细信息视图 | Outline.asp ASP 脚本,用于生成大纲视图 | Outline.css CSS,用于控制大纲视图的外观



Create view:创建视图

数据库管理系统(DBMS)包括一组相关的记录以及一组用来访问和操作这些记录的程序. n 企业管理器(Enterprise Manager)n 查询分析器(Query Analyzer)建视图的用户必须具备创建视图(Create View)和 访问视图所引用的基表的访问权限

Disable Viewport:(非活动视图)

Left View(左视图) L | Disable Viewport(非活动视图) D | Isometric User View(用户视图) U


本例创建一个产品表(product)和一个购买记录表(purchase),再通过视图(1)运行创建视图的语句需要用户具有创建视图(CRATE VIEW)的权限,若加了[OR REPLACE]时,还需要用户具有删除视图(DROP VIEW)的权限;


视图类型 快捷键 T F U C 表3-1视口快捷键 视图类型 底视图视图视图 灯光视图 快捷键 B L P $ 顶视图视图 用户视图 摄影机视图 03 右键单击视图标签菜单栏,移动光标到"视图"(Views)上,在四联菜单中选择需要切换的视 图名称,

Undock Resource View:悬浮资源预览视图 : 切换资源预览视图的悬浮或嵌入状态

Undock Project View---悬浮工程资源视图 : 切换工程资源视图的悬浮或嵌入状态 | Undock Resource View---悬浮资源预览视图 : 切换资源预览视图的悬浮或嵌入状态 | Refresh---刷新

Undock Project View:悬浮工程资源视图 : 切换工程资源视图的悬浮或嵌入状态

Resource---资源 : 将焦点切换到资源预览视图 | Undock Project View---悬浮工程资源视图 : 切换工程资源视图的悬浮或嵌入状态 | Undock Resource View---悬浮资源预览视图 : 切换资源预览视图的悬浮或嵌入状态

materialized views:物化视图

基表既可以是数据库表,也可以是视图(包括物化视图(materialized views)). 由于视图基于数据库中的其他对象,因此一个视图只需要占用数据字典(data dictionary)中保存其定义(即视图的查询)的空间,而无需额外的存储空间.

materialized view:物化视图

物化视图(materialized view)与索引(index)有以下相似之处:当其主表(master table)内的数据发生变化时,物化视图需要刷新当查询重写(query rewrite)使用物化视图时,能够提升 SQL 语句的执行效率而与索引不同的是,物化视图(materialized view)可以使用 SELE