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三维视图 的英文翻译、例句


3-D view
更多网络例句与三维视图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This could be a great solution for real estate agents, who can easily create an immersive 3D view of a house, retailers who want to give customers a close-up view of a product, or travel businesses that might want to show off a certain destination.


An independent low level set of viewing parameters is needed to handle all possible types of 3D views.


Many 3D applications resort to less direct techniques, such as an object list or object hierarchy that users can select from outside of the 3D view.


In this study, it was analyzed how the hole formed and the hole patching method can be used.


A microcomputer is used to communicate with the controller of electron probe to control the spectrometers and the sample stages as well as the scalers. Data of X-ray intensity are acquisited when the sample stages are scanning in a certain step and time period. X-ray images were formed and shown in colors or in 3 dimensions, and have no distortion at low magnification. Hidden zonate phenomena of a picrite were found.

摘 要:用微型计算机与电子探针控制机通讯,实现对各道波谱仪和样品台的实时控制,以及对各道定标器的数据采集;在选定的样品区域上设定采样步长和时间,边移动样品台边采集各道X射线强度;用伪彩色、三维视图和内插放大等方式显示图像,解决了低倍X射线像失真问题,观察到了辉石的隐环带等现象。

An complete algorithm for reconstruction of polyhedral model from orthographic views based on combination of independent loops is proposed.


It is laborious to draw stereogram by hand,and especially difficult to draw stereogram of body with complicated structure.


In 3D view mode, you can tilt the view by pressing 2 and 8


The " that the customer that thing buys on the net wants to click a website to offer only is fictitious adorn mode ", its are relevant the video information Jiang of body system part instantly You is high-definition photograph absorb like the head obtain, had connected high speed network to deliver website server in time next, had connected technology of confluence of video He three-dimensional model and high speed apply colours to a drawing technology, the three-dimensional view effect of the consumer that Jiang has appareled feedbacks quickly on Zai screen, consumer should have told mouse pulling Dong only, with respect to the result that can confirm each Ge trend, deciding again finally is to deny click buy.


You can save any 2D or 3D view configurations for use time and again.


更多网络解释与三维视图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drafting Associativity:工程图相关性

? Process Overview 一般出图过程 | ? Drafting Associativity 工程图相关性 | ? Creating model views and 3D annotation创建模型视图及三维标注


对于双参数或多参数数据,既可以单独显示每个参数的直方图(histogram),也可以选择二维的散点图(dot plot)、等高线图(contour)或三维立体视图(pseudo 3D每一个细胞单参数的测量数据可以整理成统计分布,以直方图的方式来显示.


UG制图(Drafting)提供的主模型设计思想实现了三维模型与二维工程图的关联,为产品的并行工程提供了保证. Unigraphics的Drafting应用包含建立和修改视图,尺寸和其他制图辅助的能力,而且支持GB、ISO、ANSI标准. 其功能主要包括: .创建和管理图纸;

Extended Parameters:扩展参数

"M"3、扩展参数(Extended Parameters) 4、超级采样(SuperSampling)5、贴图通道(Maps) 6、动力学(Dymamics Properties)首先在顶视图打开三维捕捉用二维直线画出电视机从上向下看的截面----到它的点级别中选中所有点圆角----在前视图从下向上画出一条9个小格长的直线----用直线点击放样去拾取顶视图的截面----选中放


透视缩短(foreshorten) 简化或扭曲三维对象以在二维平面上呈现它. 视网膜中央凹(fovea centralis) 眼睛中视线最清晰的区域,这里是锥细胞集中的黄斑. 画面(frame) 组成图像的可见区域. 一般包括取景器或相机屏幕中的视图.


切片能产生维数更小的数组片段的视图. Blitz 还处理标准计算器类型函数,所以数组可在标准输出上显示,而且可从文件中读入或发送到文件. Laplacian、坡度(gradient)和 Jacobian 运算符只是 Blitz 的模版(stencil)函数的三个示例.

D-Twist rudder control and Rapid-Fire Trigger:三维扭舵控制和速射触发

8-way 'Point-of-view' Hat Switch 8 -路'点的视图'帽子开关 | 3D-Twist rudder control and Rapid-Fire Trigger三维扭舵控制和速射触发 | Single Spring Gimbal Mechanism单弹簧框架机制

VP VPOINT:设置图形的三维直观图的查看方向

136 V VIEW 保留和恢复已命名的视图 | 137 VP VPOINT 设置图形的三维直观图的查看方向 | 138 W WBLOCK 将块对象写入新图形文件


图的导航 [第1小节 - 改变视图的尺寸和布局] 第5讲 三维视图的导航 [第2小节 - 视图的现实模式] 第6讲 三维视图的导航 [第3小节 - Navigation工具] 第7讲 三维视图的导航 [第4小节 - 飞行(Flying)、步行(Walking)和车行(Drivi

Standard Primitives:标准几何体

3.0软件的初步使用1.3.1 文件的打开1.3.2 文件的存入1.3.3 文件导入、导出1.3.4 文件的重新设置和合并1.3.5 视图的设定和转换1.4 本章小结1.5 习题第2章 建立基本三维模型2.1 建立命令面板2.2 标准几何体(standard primitives)的建立2.2.1