英语人>词典>汉英 : 要面子 的英文翻译,例句
要面子 的英文翻译、例句


be keen on face-saving · be anxious to keep up appearances
更多网络例句与要面子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Man be keen on face-saving after all.


The problem of Henan official depends on, too keen on face-saving.


He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride.


He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride .


E.g: He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride.


E.g: He refemploy to accept help out of a false sense of pride.


The wife of Socrates,she is traditionally described as shrewish AND scolding.


It is a deceitful liquid that black and blue reviver; we have watched its effects on many a shabby-genteel man.


The old daddy fulls to want the face, mother duty the suasion his dead determined to save face live suffer mental agony!


Old Zhang the Beijing 'zhiqing'(age 60) lost the near-luxury hardcase suitcase we saw in the video attached to the post prior to this. In the recording, we hear this Beijinger who would rather die than lose face say "don't look at me like that, I still have a thousand-RMB suit in my suitcase; if you journalists want to take any pictures, I have an outfit…"


更多网络解释与要面子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be off one's head:变疯狂

be more nice than wise死要面子活受罪 | be off one'S head变疯狂 | be on edge坐卧不安

keen on face-saving:要面子

叶落归根 return to one's ancestral home at old age | 要面子 keen on face-saving | 一边倒 lean to one side / enjoy overwhelming superiority

to keep on face-saving:要面子

社会主义精神文明socialist culture and ethics | 要面子to keep on face-saving | 好久没见Long time no see


在美国人打招呼时也可见这一风貌:较正式的问候"你好"(How areyou)已被更为随意的"嘿"(Hi)所代替,不管对方是自己的公司上司还是亲密好友. 如果你认为"要面子"(saving face)很重要,那么请相信美国人并不是诚心让你大丢面子,

lean to one side / enjoy overwhelming superiority:一边倒

要面子 keen on face-saving | 一边倒 lean to one side / enjoy overwhelming superiority | 一不做,二不休 be in for a penny, in for a pound

likin only Asian people:厘金

traditional "save face" mechanism 要面子 | likin only Asian people 厘金 | all being smart and stuff 聪明

pay attention:要注意

不过有个语言现象(linguistic phenomenon)要注意(pay attention),汉语里不常用"我的"、"你的"、"他的"这些物主代词(possessive pronoun),所以只说"面子"就行了,不必说"你的面子"、"我的面子".


shabbily /衣衫褴褛地/不体面地/卑鄙地/ | shabbiness /衣衫褴褛的样子/不体面/卑鄙/ | shabby-genteel /死要面子的/


shabby-genteel 死要面子的 | shabrack 鞍褥 | shack up in 过夜于


shabby 破旧的 | shabby-genteel 死要面子的 | shabrack 鞍褥