英语人>词典>汉英 : 西班牙天主教 的英文翻译,例句
西班牙天主教 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与西班牙天主教相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The most important of these congregations of the "Regular Observants" were those of Illiceto, in the district of Siena, established in 1385, having 12, and subsequently 8, convents; of St. John ad Carbonariam (founded c. 1390), having 14 convents, of which 4 still exist; of Perugia (1491), having 11; the Lombardic Congregation (1430), 56; the Congregation of the Spanish Observance (1430), which since 1505 has comprised all the Castilian monasteries; of Monte Ortono near Padua (1436), having 6 convents; of the Blessed Virgin at Genoa, also called Our Lady of Consolation (c. 1470), 25; of Apulia (c. 1490), 11; the German, or Saxon, Congregation (1493); the Congregation of Zampani in Calabria (1507), 40; the Dalmatian Congregation (1510), 6; the Congregation of the Colorites, or of Monte Colorito, Calabria (1600), 11; of Centorbio in Sicily (1590), 18 at present 2, which form the Congregation of S.

其中最重要的教会的"经常Observants "是那些Illiceto ,区的锡耶纳,成立於1385年,有12个,随后8 ,修道院;圣约翰广告Carbonariam ( 1390年成立角),有14修道院,其中4个依然存在;的佩鲁贾( 1491年),有11人;的Lombardic众( 1430 ), 56 ;圣座西班牙纪念( 1430 ),其中1505年以来已包括所有的卡斯蒂利亚寺庙;蒙Ortono附近的帕多瓦( 1436 ),拥有6日修道院;的圣母在热那亚,也称为圣母安慰(角1470 ), 25 ;的阿普利亚(角1490 ),第11条;德国,或撒克逊,天主教( 1493 );圣座的Zampani在卡拉布里亚( 1507 ), 40 ;达尔马提亚众( 1510 ), 6 ;圣座的Colorites ,或蒙Colorito ,卡拉布里亚( 1600 ),第11条;的Centorbio在西西里( 1590 ), 18 (目前2 ,形成了教会的S。

As you can see influence of catholicism is very important in Spain.


In order to reduce the resistance of accepting the western religion, the authorities concerned of the Church decided to merge the structure of the churches with the local style and tried to catholicize Taiwan people.


As successor of Juan Pasqual and Commissary General of the Reformed Conventual Friars in Spain, Peter founded the poor and diminutive hermitage of Pedroso in Spain, and in 1559 raised the custody of St.


Europe was split in a war between Catholic countries and Protestant countries: the Catholic side included Spain and Italy and most of France, while the Protestant opposition included many of the German states of the Holy Roman Empire, as well as the Netherlands, embroiled in a bloody battle for independence with its Spanish Hapsburg overlords.


Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one __11__ by the Spanish crown, __12__ most leaders sought to maintain Catholicism __13__ the official religion of the new states, some sough to end the __14__ of other faiths.


Philip was motivated by a desire to restore the Roman Catholic faith in England and by English piracies against Spanish trade and possessions.


Philip was motivate d by a desire to restore the Roman Catholic faith in England and by English piracies against Spanish trade and possessions.


The Peace of Augsburg was unraveling throughout the second half of the century as some converted bishops had not given up their bishoprics; as Calvinism was spreading throughout Germany, adding a third major religion to the region; and as certain Catholic rulers in Spain and Eastern Europe sought to restore the power of Catholicism in the region.


They remembered the heroic defense by Protestant Holland against the ravaging, raping armies of Catholic Spain a century before and decided to imitate the courage of the Dutch in the face of British aggression.


更多网络解释与西班牙天主教相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



coming biennium:下一个两年期

comic books; comic strips; comics;小人书;连环画;; | coming biennium;下一个两年期;; | Comision Catolica Espanola de Emigracion;西班牙天主教移民委员会;CCEM;


印欧混血种人占人口的一半以上,余为白人、黑人和印第安人等 语言:官方语言为西班牙语. 宗教:78%的居民信奉天主教,15%的人信奉基督教新教. 首都:加拉加斯(Caracas) 与北京的时差:--12:30 国家代码:58 货币: 玻利瓦尔 (Bolivar)

Old Spanish Church Tower:西班牙教会塔

卡梅尔山天主教大教堂 Mount Carmel Cathedral | 西班牙教会塔 Old Spanish Church Tower | 市中心加拉班区 Garapan


3月27日是西方人的"复活节"(Easter),之前的整个星期就是"Holy Week", 西班牙文则译成"Semana Santa". 安提瓜(Antigua)离Guatemala City(瓜地马拉城),瓜地马拉的首都,约有60公里. 这里每年有美洲大陆最大的天主教"复活节"纪念活动.


西元1469年,阿拉贡(Aragun)及卡斯提拉(Castilla)两大天主教王国的费南多(Fernando)国王与伊莎贝尔(Isabel)女王结为连理. 西元1492年收复格拉那达(Granada),赶走最后一批回教徒,两人联手打造出世界最强的西班牙帝国.


一四九二年西班牙天主教君王伊莎贝(Isabel)及费南度(Fernando)进行宗教「净化」政策. 吉普赛人亦遭到池鱼之殃,为了生存,吉普赛人只得迁徙至原本属於回教势力范围的安达鲁西亚地区,自此安达鲁西亚成为孕育佛朗明哥艺术的温床.

Los Angeles:洛杉矶

去之前最好略为了解一下历史:1769年8月2日,天主教圣母节第二天,西班牙殖民者为寻找开设教会的新地点首次来到这里,1781年建镇,命名为"天使女王圣母玛丽亚之城",后来慢慢简称为"天使之城","洛杉矶"(Los Angeles)即西班牙语"天使"

Puerto Rico:波多黎各 波多黎各

波多黎各 波多黎各(puerto rico) 位于加勒比海大安的列斯群岛东部,全称波多黎各自由联邦. 面积8897平方千米,人口337万. 其中西班牙人和葡萄牙人的后裔占99.9%. 官方语言为西班牙语,通用英语. 居民多信奉天主教. 首府圣胡安...

Comision de Asuntos Politicos de las Fuerzas Armadas:武装部队政治事务委员会

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