英语人>词典>汉英 : 西周 的英文翻译,例句
西周 的英文翻译、例句


the Western Zhou Dynasty
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Boren is not a national minority but the offspring of the criminals sent into exhile to the southwestern border areas since West Zhou Dynasty.


China's Bronze Age for the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty and Spring and Autumn Period.


This exhibition shows you hundreds of pieces of bronze ware of the West Zhou and.


Tripod and other inscriptions on the bronzes of the Zhou Dynasty records institutions and canonized, ritual, conquest, such as historical facts, but also put the Western Zhou period Large seal script Letter to the generations, forming a very high aesthetic value of the art of calligraphy Clementi, ding also more value out of the ordinary and become even more important than other bronzes of historical relics.


His calligraphy are sophisticated style of the Western Zhou Clementi, structural symmetry accurate, strong healthy lines, the layout of a suitable, full of rational color, showing that Clementi has developed into an extremely sophisticated state


Ancient Chinese people worked out and used their own system of time division, the oldest and the longest-lasting one being the hundred-quarter division (the Chinese term for quarter, ke, originally meant notch -- the notch on the arrow in a clepsydra ).


China -Confucious in the period before Qin Dynasty was a philosophy how to be a human.


We do the overall data statistics with every double negative sentence in every ancient books, we have compared the double negation sentence types in the Western Zhou Dynasty with them In the later part of the Warring States, clarifies the double negation sentence entire development situation in Pre-Qin dynasty, namely its development and mature period.


We have investigated seven representative ancient books handed down from Pre-Qin dynasty in the entirety, four books in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the later part of the Warring States. We Divide into the double negation sentence type six big kinds, nine minor sorts, according to the negative term lexical category and the combination way: the denial pronoun and the denial adverb matching, the denial pronoun and the denial verb being use together, the denial adverb and the denial verb being use together, the denial verb and the denial adverb matching, the denial adverb and the denial adverb matching, the fixed structure and denial adverb being used together.


Revolved around the following questions, the part analysis systematically which kinds of ritual is prevailing in the different stages of Shang and Zhou: the standard of classification of rituals recorded by oracle bone inscription, the kinds of rituals in oracle bone inscription, textual and bronze inscription, the degree of factualness recorded in lishu of Eastern Zhou.


更多网络解释与西周相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese ancestors:华夏祖先

9. 殷商时期 the Yin and Shang periods | 10. 华夏祖先 Chinese ancestors | 11. 西周 the Western Zhou Dynasty


这个词的核心是"纪念"(commemoration),但它也寄托着凭吊者的思虑万千和纪念物的意味隽永. 第一章的时间范围,是从公元前四千年讲到公元八世纪西周结束时,前后有几千年之久. 在这段时间里,建筑还不具有"纪念性",因为它还不够"雄伟"(10页).


燕侯 姬姓燕国(北燕)是由西周王朝中央政府分封的"合法的"(legitimate)诸侯国,而燕侯也就是燕国"合法的"最高权力的执掌者. 在燕国境内行使最高权力者,无疑就是召公家族--即由被分封至燕国的召公后裔所形成的家族,可以称之为"姬姓燕王家族",



phenological calendar:物候历

[物候历](phenological calendar)又称自然历. 以自然界中生物和非生物的物候现象为指标来表示一年中季节来临早迟的一种日历. 物候最早起源于西周初期,在<<诗经幽风>>中就有当时物候历的记载:"八月利枣、十月获稻......".

Salomon KALOU:卡劳

(英格兰伦敦)凭借著"万金油"卡劳(Salomon Kalou)下半场的两个进球,切尔西周中在英超第23轮一场焦点战役中,主场2比0击败米德斯堡,与榜首曼联的差距缩小为2分.

Harmony generates and sameness stops/stifles vitality:和实生物,同则不继(西周周太史史伯)

9.和谐社会的内涵 the characteristics of a harmoniou... | 10.和实生物,同则不继(西周周太史史伯) Harmony generates and sameness stops/stifles vitality | 11.和为贵 Harmony is most precious;Peace is to be c...