英语人>词典>汉英 : 裸体主义者的 的英文翻译,例句
裸体主义者的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与裸体主义者的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They don't go to naturist holiday camps or insist on playing tennis starkers.


We have been affected by the recession and this year I've seen more property available than ever before but the naturist centre is unique and therefore the prices are still around 20 per cent higher than on the non-naturist side of the village.


As opposed to the traditional hardline naturist philosophy that it's our human right to be naked, for the nude-curious brigade, it's all about taking your clothes off in your own time and on your own terms.


With the freedom-loving hippy generation now reaching retirement age and anti-materialist back-to-nature movements sweeping the developed world, increasing numbers of people are shedding their inhibitions and embracing the naturist lifestyle, especially in hotter climates.


The Costa del Sol has Costa Natura, a naked village adjoining an official naturist beach that offers a wide range of holiday apartments, starting from about 90,000; El Portus, a resort that is part-campsite, part-apartment complex and rurally situated on a bay 10km from the historic city of Cartagena; and Hotel Vera Playa Club, on Spain's south-east coast, where the naturist zone includes a beach, restaurants, bars, shops and 250 properties costing from 100,000 for a modern, one-bedroom apartment to 1m for a five-bedroom detached home with pool.

在著名的阳光海岸有一处名为自然海岸的裸体村,毗邻官方划定的裸体主义者海滩,提供多种多样的度假公寓,起价约9万欧元;在距离历史名城卡塔赫纳10公里处的一个海湾的乡村,有一个名为El Portus的度假村,这是一处半营地半公寓式的房产项目;另一个则是维拉滩俱乐部酒店,该酒店位于西班牙的东南部海岸,那里的裸体主义者活动区域包括海滩、餐厅、酒吧、商店,以及250套价格不等的房子——现代化的一居室10万欧元,五个卧室带游泳池的独立别墅100万欧元。

Those who disobey will have to put on the ultimate badge of nudist dishonour — clothing — and leave.


It was curiosity, after all, that led to the creation of Skinbook, the first global social-networking site for nudists.


Spain is not known for the same degree of liberalism towards nudists but there are three large complexes on the costas.


When many critics are having doubt about its survival, the gym has received inquiries from nudists as far away as Russia and Australia.


Jade Jagger, a poster girl for the new nudists, says she enjoys being naked "because it's our most natural state", and it seems a desire to get closer to nature is a common thread.

Jade Jagger,一个新裸体主义者的代言封面女郎说:她喜欢裸着,因为那是人类最自然的状态,而且人类都有亲近自然的愿望。

更多网络解释与裸体主义者的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adamite roll:高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊

adamine | 水砷锌矿 | adamite roll | 高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊 | Adamite | 亚当的后裔, 人, 裸体的人, 裸体主义者


莫娜库恩(Mona Kuhn)的另一部作品迹象(Evidence) 也值得推荐,她拍摄的那些美丽、慵懒、高贵的裸体主义者引起了国际上的关注. 她曾进入"宝马-巴黎照片奖"决赛,她的大画幅彩色照片被全球的藏家珍藏. 莫娜库恩的作品只有一个主题--人,


warlordist 军阀主义者 | feudist 反目而争的人,封建法学家 | nudist 裸体主义者


"每个人都欣然接受别人的行为方式,"格芬的丈夫吉多(Guido)说. "如果有人只戴了一顶皮帽子而什么也没穿,别人也不会多看一眼. "裸体运动从此一发不可收. 裸体主义者俱乐部和相关杂志如雨后春笋般冒了出来. 柏林的一个公共游泳池还允许人们裸体游泳.


gymnoplast /裸质体/ | gymnosophist /秘密信仰的信奉者/修行者/裸体主义者/ | gymnosperm /裸子植物/


gymnoplast 裸质体 | gymnosophist 秘密信仰的信奉者 | gymnosophistnudist 裸体主义者







adamite roll:高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊

adamine || 水砷锌矿 | adamite roll || 高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊 | Adamite || 亚当的后裔, 人, 裸体的人, 裸体主义者