英语人>词典>汉英 : 装相 的英文翻译,例句
装相 的英文翻译、例句


put on a show · behave affectedly
更多网络例句与装相相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Four kinds of arrangement of catalyst support in catalytic distillation column are introduced, they are catalyst in the downcomer of plate column,catalyst on the tray and catalyst combined with random packing or structured packing respectively, and their advantages and disadvantages are also analyse


Found that the constitution of the absorbent could affect the debinding efficiency greatly; for the liquid phase debinding temperature extent, the mechanism of the absorbent is capillary action, 100~200 screen mesh alumina powder had the best debinding efficiency at 130℃; for the gas phase debinding temperature extent, adding some active carbon to the absorbent could control the formation of the hyperoxide barrier lay, accelerate the mass transfer rate, also enhance the debinding efficiency; studied the relationship between the debinding efficiency and the shape of the green part and the solid load; furthermore, did trial study on the solvent debinding.


The physics of solid behavior in the two-phase flow of high-density particle phase is carried a step forward, providing the basis of further development of the two-phase flow interior ballistics theory.


The shaker includes a dual mass flywheel and the rotate and pendulum driven mechanism; in the rotate and pendulum driven mechanism, the rotary cylinder body of the rotatable hydraulic rotary cylinder (8) is connected with the sub flywheel (15) connecting with the main flywheel (13) and a rotary cylinder shaft (4) at the same side through a transmission sleeve (11) connecting to the rotary cylinder right end cover (9); a torsional transducer (10) and a turbulence iron core of an angular sensor (12) are arranged on the sub flywheel shaft, a winding of the angular sensor is positioned on the transmission sleeve fixedly connected with the main flywheel.


The optimum condition was determined via orthogonal experiments, and the result shows that the technology of bile extraction and purification adopts 10L chromato bar with 3L bile, gel silica as fixed phase, the mixed chloroform and isopropanol as mobile phase, gradient elution with mobile phase (the mobile phase ratio in extraction of cholalic acid and glycocholic acid is 4:1 , and then becomes 3:2 in extraction of glycocholic acid and glycocholic acid), and eluting velocity of 3~5mL/s .


Based on the characteristics that the course " construction and principle of autocar engine " had high practical, the form of the practice of removement and installation, the trinity of scene teaching and multimedia teaching were taken.


By the war outbreak, only 20 to 24 cannons were mounted in the first series of rearmed TKS. There were also plans to rearm TK tankettes with cannons, what demanded adding a front superstructure, making it similar to the TKS.


Small bottle: 10 ml, 6 individuals; medical gloves: No. 2 pay; stainless steel Yashe Ban: 16 cm, 2 branches card button tourniquet: a single valve of the ventilator: 20 x20cm, 2 tablets; T - Flashlight: an electronic thermometer: 1; blood pressure Table: 1 Taiwan; Stethoscope: single: 1; roll splint fracture: 46 x11cm, 1 vol; finger fracture splint: 5 x11cm, 4 tablets; Yiyong Yang cylinders: 1.4 l, 1 sets of medical scissors: straight round 14 cm, 1把; medical scissors: straight sharp 14 cm, 1把; medical Yong Niezi: 14 cm have teeth, one; bleeding clamp: straight-mosquito, 2 To; scalpels films: 20 #, 2; surgical knife handle:# 4, 1; a needle clamp: 14 cm, 1把; medical suture needle round: 1 / 2 arc, 0.8x20mm, 2枚; medical 1.30 suture needle: 1/2arc, 0.9x24mm, 2枚; medical thread: 1 #, a beam; medical cotton ball: 5 tablets / bag, 2 packets; povidone iodine disinfectant solution: a bottle; compound alcohol disinfection Shijin: 21 x14cm, 4片; Alcohol cotton: 30 Tablets / bag, 1 cylinder; iodine cotton: five tablets / package bag, 4 packets; iodine Mianbang: single-cartridge, 20; wound paste: 72 x19mm, 20 tablets; Butterfly - Shaped wound paste: 4; self-adhesive wound Application: 6 x7cm, 4 tablets

小药瓶:10ml,6只;医用手套:中号,2付;不锈钢压舌板:16cm,2支;卡扣式止血带:1条;单相阀式呼吸器:20x20cm,2片;笔式手电筒:1支;电子体温计:1支;血压表:1台;听诊器:单头:1只;卷式骨折夹板:46x11cm,1卷;手指骨折夹板:5x11cm,4片;医用氧气瓶:1.4l,1套;医用剪刀:直圆14cm,1把;医用剪刀:直尖14cm,1把;医用镊子:14cm 有齿,1支;止血钳:直蚊式,2把;手术刀片:20#,2片;手术刀柄:4#,1把;持针钳:14cm,1把;医用圆缝合针:1/2arc,0.8x20mm,2枚;医用三角缝合针:1/2arc,0.9x24mm,2枚;医用丝线:1#,1束;医用棉球:5tablets/bag,2包;聚维酮碘消毒液:1瓶;复方酒精消毒湿巾:21x14cm,4片;酒精棉球:30粒Tablets/bag,1筒;碘酒棉球:5粒tablets/包bag,4包;碘酒棉棒:单支装,20支;创口贴:72x19mm,20片;蝶形创口贴:4片;自粘伤口敷贴:6x7cm,4片;自粘伤口敷贴:10x10cm,4片;自粘伤口敷贴:10x15cm,4片;吸血垫:10x10cm(1片/包),4包;医用纱布绷带:6x600cm,2卷;自粘弹性绷带: 2.5x450cm,2卷;自粘弹性绷带:5x450cm,2卷;自粘弹性绷带:7.5x450cm,1卷;医用纱布三角绷带:90x90x129cm,2卷;急救毯:140x204cm银色,1条;降温贴:单片装,2片;活络油:5ml,1瓶;云南白药:4g,1瓶;绿药膏:10g,2瓶;急救手册:1本;铝合金箱:1个。

For a man, the major component is a jacket, known as a dinner jacket or tuxedo Canada and the U.S.


High strength: Aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy wire possesses high strength, its min value of tensile strength is 170% of the value of general hard and round aluminum wire(H8), is a fine armored material;②Low loss:as a non-magnetism material, no eddy current loss will happened on aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy wire; when under 20℃, itsunit resistance corresponding to 52.3~53.0%IACS (international annealed copper wire standard), so that, the heat loss caused by induced current is very low;③Light weight: the density of aluminum-magnesium-silicon is only 2.7g/cm3 it largely reduced the total weight of armored cable.


更多网络解释与装相相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Courteousness id important:最后一步要装得象

我还是从容行事慢一点 I should be calm and relax | 最后一步要装得象 Courteousness id important | 不能怪相府丫鬟貌不扬 I can't blame that most of the minister's maidens are ugly

Appearancesare deceitful:人不可貌相,海水不可斗量

●Apparelmakes the man. 马靠鞍装,人靠衣装. | ●Appearancesare deceitful. 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量. | ●Appetitecomes with eating. 食欲越吃越旺.

Fine feathers do fine birds:人要衣装,佛要金装

0749. Fine feathers do not do fine birds. 人不可貌相. | 0750. Fine feathers do fine birds. 人要衣装,佛要金装. | 0751. Fine phrases butter no parsn网络地址s. 画饼充饥.

Grimace ; Grimacery:装相,作鬼脸

"书写癖","Graphomania; Writing mania" | "装相,作鬼脸","Grimace; Grimacery" | "辨味觉色","Gustatio colorata"

make a face:做鬼脸,装怪相

做解释,说明 make an explanation | 做鬼脸,装怪相 make a face | 事实上 as a matter of fact

enantiomorphous unit:镜相系统

"enantiomer","镜相异构物" | "enantiomorphous unit","镜相系统" | "encapsulation","包胶;囊装"

ash pile set:灰堆装夹(法)

ash phase || 火山灰相 | ash pile set || 灰堆装夹(法) | ash pit door || 灰坑门


相较之下,精英住宅所提供的居住空间非常少;而且其中居住的人员主要是重装步兵(Hoplites) 与骑兵(Horsemen)等正规的军队. 因此,如果玩家想要维持强大的战力,除了食物、羊毛(Fleece)与橄榄油(Olive Oil)三种基本物资外,

volcanized fiber container:硬质纤维板集装相

volcanic 火山岩质的 | volcanized fiber container 硬质纤维板集装相 | volcanized rock 火山石


mutually /互相/相/ | muumuu /夏威夷妇女的一种花样华丽而宽适的长装/ | muzhik /农民/