英语人>词典>汉英 : 被运载的 的英文翻译,例句
被运载的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与被运载的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the gaps between islands grew from tens of miles at the edge of the western Pacific to hundreds of miles along the way to Polynesia, and then to thousands of miles on voyages to the far corners of the Polynesian triangle, these Polynesian ancestors developed great double-hulled vessels capable of carrying people as well as their supplies, domesticated animals, and plants (taro, bananas, yams, breadfruit, and sugar cane).

当这些航行的距离从最初的西太平洋边的几十英哩到上百英哩,乃至后来达上万英哩,到Polynesian 三角区遥远的角落时,这些波里尼西亚祖先们制造出了新的大型双重船体船。这些改进的大型船不但能运载人并且能同时运载他们所需的各种供给、被驯化的动物和植物(芋头、香蕉、薯类、面包树果,和甘蔗)。

The Su-80GP multi-purpose mixed cargo aircraft is designed to carry, in a pressured cabin, 30 passengers or cargo weighing up to 3,300kg on commuter and regional air routes in any geographical setting, in daytime and at night, under favourable and adverse weather conditions.

Su-80GP 多用途混杂的货物航空器被设计运载,在一间被迫使的客舱, 30 位乘客或货物称由3,300kg 决定在通勤者和地方航线在任一个地理设置,自白天和在晚上,在有利和有害天气情况下。

If the deck beams are longitudinally oriented, they will, of course, carry the designed shape.


Other station parts will be hauled up by a fleet of ships...


In addition, if the carriage reciprocates during printing operation, the coil L of the solid semiconductor element crosses inside the magnetic flux due to a plurality of permanent magnets (a movement time electromotive force supply unit) arranged on a carrier path, and so the electromotive force is generated on the coil by electromagnetic induction.


The use of lead-lined bags for carrying film is not generally considered a good idea, as it may mean that scanner operator will 'turn up the volume' in an effort to examine the package.

对lead-lined 袋子的用途为运载影片一般不被认为一个好想法,因为它也许意味扫描器操作员意志'turn 上升volume'在努力审查包裹。

If the ship comes into collision with another ship as a result of the negligence of the other ship and any act, neglect or default of the Master, mariner, pilot or the servants of the Carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship, the owners of the goods carried hereunder will indemnify the Carrier against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying ship or her owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of, or damage to, or any claim whatsoever of the owners of said goods, paid or payable by the other or non-carrying ship or her owners to the owners of said goods and set off, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying ship or her owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or the Carrier.


If the ship comes into collision with another ship as a result of the negligence of the other ship and any act, neglect or default of the Master, mariner, pilot or the servants of the Carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship, the owners of the goods carried hereunder will indemnifythe Carrier against all loss or liability to the other or non-carrying ship or her owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of, or damage to, or any claim whatsoever of the owners of said goods, paid or payable by the other or non-carrying ship or her owners to the owners of said goodsand set off, recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying ship or her owners as part of their claim against the carrying ship or the Carrier.


Those pieces of code are the workhorses of e-mail encryption, locking out intruders who don't have the right digital key to open the envelope.


Japan's whaling ships returned to port in April from the Antarctic with 863 whales, nearly double the number of whales killed last year.


更多网络解释与被运载的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carried:被携带的, 被运载的

carried set | 支集 | carried | 被携带的, 被运载的 | carrier aircraft | 舰载飞机, 母机 运输机


第二个版本称,在当时一艘名为"征服者"(CONQUEROR)的核动力潜艇也运载了大批核武器前往马岛,但也在途中沉没. 此外,阿根廷政府也曾就此问题多次向英方提出过质疑,但都被英国政府否定.


英国军队最新型车辆"豺"(Jackal)最近被部署到阿富汗南部的巴斯营地(Camp Bastion). 和现有的基于"路虎"(Land Rover)底盘的武器系统相比,这种军车拥有更强的防护力,越野能力和运载能力也大为提高,能有效执行侦察和近距离火力支援任务.

Land Rover:路虎

英国军队最新型车辆"豺"(Jackal)最近被部署到阿富汗南部的巴斯营地(Camp Bastion). 和现有的基于"路虎"(Land Rover)底盘的武器系统相比,这种军车拥有更强的防护力,越野能力和运载能力也大为提高,能有效执行侦察和近距离火力支援任务.


在>(Outland)里,主人公身为矿警,在火星的一颗卫星上主持正义. 那个矿场出产钛矿石. >第一集里那艘倒霉的太空船,最初只是被派去运载两千万吨矿石. 而在>中,英雄好汉在云城"贝斯平"里和黑郧爵展开较量.

Padang Serai:巴东色海

受压迫人民阵线协调员朱进佳告诉>,他们的脚车队今天早上从巴东色海(Padang Serai)出发至居林(Kulim),都没有受到什么阻难;但他们用罗里将脚车运送到槟岛后,准备在槟岛进行下午时段的骑脚车活动时,运载脚车的罗里却被警方截停,




实兆远)一艘在蒙古注册,从印度运载铁质器材航行到中国的货轮(HODASCO15),周日(8月30日)晚上10时在槟城海域附近霹雳岛(PULAU PERAK)下沉. 在发出求救信号后,船上17名越南和缅甸籍船员,周一(8月31日)清晨3时被一艘经过的叙利亚货船救起,