英语人>词典>汉英 : 被精炼 的英文翻译,例句
被精炼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
refine  ·  refines

更多网络例句与被精炼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every pure, every refined and sanctified soul will be endowed with tremendous power, and shall rejoice with exceeding gladness.


About a century ago, the common belief that life was a mysterious liquid that infused living things was refined into a modern philosophy called vitalism.


Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind. Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.


Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind. Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.


As i read and reread the words in the scrolls to follow, never will i allow the brevity of each scroll nor the simplicity of its words to cause me to treat the scroll''s message lightly. Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds.


Thousands of grapes are pressed to fill one jar with wine, and the grapeskin and pulp are tossed to the birds. So it is with these grapes of wisdom from the ages. Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind. Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.


Rapid Smiting is influenced by status physical attack power only and the weight and refine of the current equipped shield.


In general terms the chemical impurities are measured in a silicon rod obtained through the deposition of a small Trichloro silane sample on dedicated pilot test reactors or directly from a core sample taken from a produced polysilicon rod; both are refined by Float-zone technique (the sampling operation are performed according to the relative ASTM F1723-02 -"Standard Practice for Evaluation of Polycrystalline Silicon Rods by Float-Zone Crystal Growth and Spectroscopy").

大体上称化学的杂质在热衷的飞行员测试反应者上被获得过小 Trichloro silane 样品的沈淀的矽竿中被测量或者直接地从一个核心抽取样品从一支被生产的 polysilicon 竿拿;两者都被漂流物-地域技术精炼(抽取样品操作依照比较的美国材料试验学会 F1723-02 被运行-& Polycrystalline 矽漂流物-地域水晶生长和光谱学的竿评估的标准练习&)。

The strength of the thick-walled cylinder was enhanced without increasing wall thickness due to the tight joint of the layers. Therefore, this kind of vessel has been generally considered as very safe equipment and widely used in the oil refining, petrochemical and chemical fertilizer industry.


It takes the advanced production process, EAF+LF+VD+ESR+FORGE+ANNEAL(OR QUENCH+TEMPER)+ROUGH-TURNED. Many overseas customers appoint us as the chinese exclusive supplier.


更多网络解释与被精炼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如果估计错误,这笔投资最终可能一文不值--用华尔街一句精炼的行话来讲,就是"硬面包圈"(bagel). 目标定得太低,你可能因为没有足够的资金周转而被淘汰出局;定得太高,充其量你只能收回成本. "这一行当充满各种可能性,

blast furnace:鼓风炉

因此,在冶炼钢铁的过程中,含铁的矿石先在鼓风炉(blast furnace)一又称高炉─中被冶炼成熔融生铁,而后熔融生铁再放到炼钢炉(steel making furnace)中精炼成钢.

Charmed Silver:神往银牌:增加所有抗性,回复生命并提高恢复效果,献祭银牌的增强版

Cast Iron 精炼铁石 :增加护甲防御等级,增加负重.... | Charmed Silver 神往银牌:增加所有抗性,回复生命并提高恢复效果,献祭银牌的增强版. | Dark Obsidian 黑暗符文:增加诅咒魔法等级,并有机会在战斗时让目标被缓慢...


每一级都使用[[液态氧]](LOX)作为[[氧化剂]]. 第一级使用[[高精炼煤油]](RP-1)作为燃料,其他两级使用[[液态氢]](LH2)作为燃料. 一般来说,一次发射任务的前20分钟左右由火箭推动. [[阿波罗计划]]被缩减的主要原因是资金.




这里,酶被用于"精炼"(refine)纤维,并给予人们对纸张所要求的性能. 可以把酶技术作为改进纸浆质量的途径,使纸张性能达到标准要求,并降低产品成本.


建造花费:225 视野:10 能否被占领:Yes 建造时间:240(22秒) 生命:1500 提供能量:100 升级费用:N/A [香料精炼场](Refinery) 精炼厂是沙丘行星上所有香料产物的根据地.


城市服务公司于1982年被西方石油公司收购,CITGO便成为拥有石油精炼、市场销售和运输物流的综合性石油公司. 1983年,CITGO被南国(Southland)公司收购,为南国公司所属的著名7-Eleven连锁便利店供应汽油.