英语人>词典>汉英 : 被忽略了的 的英文翻译,例句
被忽略了的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与被忽略了的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, the research on human capital is meaningful on the base of dual labor market.


That is the elephant in the room.


It was here that he met a mulatto child who was ignored by the Africans and the whites.


In the solidification process, liquid metal flow affects particle movement and final particle distribution.


When I wrote an essay in 1995 on prematurity in science﹝O.W. Sacks, Scotoma: Forgetting and Neglect in Science, Ed. R. B. Silver (New York: New York Review of Books, 1996), 141-187﹞, I cited among many other examples, the failure to comprehend or see the relevance of gradiential theory when it was published; Luria himself found it incomprehensible in 1969, when Glodberg first presented it to him. But there has been a great change, a paradigm shift in the last decade, partly connected with theories of global brain function such as Gerald Edelman's partly with the development of neural nets as modelling systems massively parallel computer systems, and the like, and the concept of cerebral gradients-Glodberg's vision as a student-is now much more widely accepted.

1995年,当我著手撰写一篇有关科学的未成熟性的论文,我援引许多例子来说明当气候未成熟时,许多先知是被忽略了,在其中,我引用了高德伯的递变理论。1969年,高德伯第一次提出这个理论时,他的指导教授卢瑞亚认为是不可能的,但是过去十年来,研究的典范改变了(paradigm shift,如库恩Kuhn所说的),这个改变一部分是因为艾德曼等人的宏观大脑功能理论的提出,部分则是因为神经网路的发展(例如类神经网路模式、平行处理系统),还有一部分原因是高德伯的大脑递变理论已逐渐被接受。

One little prince from a new asteroid in the solar system left because its beauty and naughty. He traveled around various planets. He recognized the king, the vaunter, the drunken men, the businessmen and geologists. At last, he came to the earth, establishing a good relationship with the fox and deriving the essence of life. In the fairy tale, we appreciate sorrow and joy with the little prince and recall the details of their neglected episode.


Firstly, the beauties are treated as "unliving objects" just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored.


By abdicating the centre of European politics for the fringe, the Tories have convinced many in Europe that they can legitimately be ignored.


Things that have gone unnoticed, thoughts that have been harboured far back in the dark mind, are suddenly recognized and comprehended.


But we seldom think of how it might affect the other child. I was a little worried that Kristen would feel she was being outshined. I was about to serve dinner when I realized that she had been missing for twenty minutes. I ran upstairs and found her in the bedroom, crying.


更多网络解释与被忽略了的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有一个根本的问题被忽略了:"人科动物"(hominid)的根本标志是什么呢?!恩格斯告诉我们说,人的根本特征是有目的地制造工具,以及由此发展而来的,直立行走、高度发达的智力和语言能力. 这也是19世纪后生物学界广泛认同的观点.


却对可忽略性的规定增加了新的数量和时间限制:可以忽略的倾销进口产品必须是在提起反倾销诉讼之日起的12个月的时间之内进口的;在计算所有的进口产品数量的时候,那些被裁定没有构成倾销的国家的进口产品数量不被计算在内. (33)相对于守则中通常(normally)应被认作是可以忽略不计的规定,


他们认为那是个体发生学(ontogeny)在重演系统发生学(phylogeny)[1]. 这是早期演化学和发育生物学的关系,被学界忽略了许久,直到Stephen Jay Gould在1977年出版了Ontogeny and Phylogeny后才开始又被学界讨论.


因此,"唯我论"的以自我为中心来看待世界和他人,忽略了"他性"(otherness)境况的存在,使人远离了物的本质. 所以,人必须"无我"(unselfing),以"非个性化"的意识审视对象,否则,自我会把原有的价值判断标准介入到被"看"的对象中去.


5 - 保留(reserved) 被Sun系统使用,可以被忽略. 后继版本的新命令会从6开始. 在请求和回应中,包中的其他内容是目标的信息. 列表中的每一项都包括了目标网络或主机,以及它们的尺度. 这一包格式可以使RIP能够处理多种协议的路由信息.


生死阻击(Shooter)是一部07年的美国电影,虽然比较老了,但是我还是第一次看. 我看美剧一向是不看有中文字幕的版本的,这倒不是说我的英文水平有多高,只是一种个人习惯而已. 我宁愿连蒙带猜的看,也不想眼睛被字幕牵着鼻子走而忽略了精彩的情节和演员细腻的表演.


刘易斯只不过在中世纪阿拉伯文学中找到两三个例子来支撑他似是而非的观点,完全忽略了18世纪迄今的文学作品以及普遍的日常用法, watan 的确是被真实的(real,与文本的(textual)相对)阿拉伯人用来指涉家园、归属与忠诚.


一辆车子这么多配件,轮胎(Tire)可能就是最被忽略和滥用的配件了. 问问一位仔你熟悉的又经常驾驶的人,看看他/她有多久没有检查轮胎气压及损耗情况. 答案可能会令你不敢再乘坐他/她所驾驶的汽车了,如果你知道当中的重要性的话.

Transformed: 改变

你看你自己,一直都忽略了这位从来没有离开过你的上帝,是他使你的生命不断被改变(transformed)的,这才使得你有了今日的成果. 你忽略了上帝,上帝却从来也没有停止过在你的生命中动工,仍然以他的恩慈和应许使你的生命越走越光明.

I was adopted by freakin' Belgians:我被一个比利时怪人收养

Don't tell me he feels neglected.|他感到被忽略了吗? | I was adopted by freakin' Belgians.|我被一个比利时怪人收养 | You were adopted?|你是被人收养的啊?