英语人>词典>汉英 : 被启发的 的英文翻译,例句
被启发的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与被启发的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Neoclassicism awhat time period in history were neoclassical artists inspired by?

新古典主义 a期间在历史上什么时候是新古典主义的艺术家被启发?

A visit to Solon Moraios could be very"enlightening"!

去Solon Moraios的访问者将会被"启发"。

He claimed that he had tripped on a stone and was inspired by its shape.


It was burning, coiling turbulently, enlightened.


The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life.


A visit to Solon Moraios could be very"enlightening"!

去Solon Moraios的访问者将会被&启发&。

But the led must not be coerced, they must be able to choose their leader.


This action connoted by a liberal education lies wholly apart from what Newman claims is the danger of his own time: the enfeebling of the mind by a unmeaning profusion of subjects, as if we could be almost unconsciously enlightened by the mere multiplication of volumes.


I reran the same test using modified versions of all the malware installers that it initially deleted on sight.


The public is taught that up-to-dateness is one of the first duties of man.


更多网络解释与被启发的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

denies that they were divinely inspired:否认他们神圣的启发

4. 4 . If anyone如果任何人 | denies that they were divinely inspired :否认他们神圣的启发: | let him be anathema .让他被诅咒 .


enjoyable /可享受的/令人愉快的/ | enjoyably /可享乐地/有趣地/愉快地/ | enlightened /被启发的/进步的/文明的/

illogically:不合逻辑地; 不合理地 (副)

illogicality 矛盾 (名) | illogically 不合逻辑地; 不合理地 (副) | illuminable 可被照明的; 可启发的 (形)


她的情感能力由此也被启发出来林白与母亲保持"原始关联"(primary ties)的"前个体存在"(preindividualistic existence)期很短,很早就完成了自身的"个体化"(individuation){11}这使她自小就与母亲之间有一种坚韧的隔膜,


文摘 列维纳斯用"启发"(inspiration)一词来描绘语言的这一方面:"启发:从旨在表达的那种直接意义之下冒出来另一种意义[sense autre],它召唤到所听到的声音之外去聆听,召唤一种极度意识,一种被唤醒了的意识"(BV,137/111).

provided with:被提供配备有

Provided conj 倘若 | Provided with 被提供配备有 | The newspaper article provided him with fuel for his speech.报纸上的这篇文章为他的演讲提供了启发.


虽然很多设计的团体钦佩复古的网页设计,但如果没有留下已复原(undone)的印象就很难完全掌握这种风格. 复古的关键是被它的风格和潜在的趣味性所启发. 在2010年,如果设计

illuminable:可被照明的; 可启发的 (形)

illogically 不合逻辑地; 不合理地 (副) | illuminable 可被照明的; 可启发的 (形) | illuminance 照明; 启发 (名)


Enlightened被启迪的,启发的,文明的,开明的,进步的 | prevaricates搪塞,支吾其词,闪烁其词 over sth | general election大选,普选

Le Corbusier:勒.柯布西耶

在法国,在去年秋天的 骚乱中被炸毁的法国公寓塔楼大多建造于上世 纪六七十年代,这些大楼受建筑大师勒 .柯布 西耶(Le Corbusier)灵感启发而建成,其被炸 毁的结局与雅各布斯的预言完全吻合.