英语人>词典>汉英 : 表皮脱落的 的英文翻译,例句
表皮脱落的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与表皮脱落的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Normally, skin on the scalp undergoes a process called keratinization to maintain cell turnover.


Effect: Containing rich water-soluble complex, it can rapidly cleanse the aged keratose deposit on the epidermis, tone the fatigued complexion caused by thick keratose, unblock the pores, reduce the coarse skin, help the skin breathe, stimulate the cellular activity, enhance the metabolism, detoxify the cells and moisturize the skin.


Associated signs of kwashiorkor, which do not always occur, include hair changes (color becomes lighter, curly hair becomes straight, hair comes out easily with a gentle pull) and skin changes (dark skin may become lighter in places, skin may peel off, especially on the legs, and ulcerations may occur).


His skin was red and sun-blistered, with a creamy white underlayer showing through where he had peeled.


Stratum basale: the innermost layer of epidermis, it's the source to produce cells of every layer, once the epidermis is damaged, cells of this layer would proliferate and repair it without any scar, cells of this layer use about four weeks to finish the process of produced-cornified-detached .


Mother with this disease whose baby may infect diffuse pyoderma , with symptom of excoriation , so it often be considered as congenital syphilisby mistake .


In order to investigate the source of nucleic acid in the sera of host infected with S. japonicum, single or dual sex cercariae of S. Japonicum infected mice models were set up for further research.


A first-century Roman spent a few hours each day in thebathhouse, steaming, parboiling and chilling himself in waters ofdifferent temperatures, exfoliating with a miniature rake — andavoiding soap.


Root border cells, previously referred to as sloughed root cap cells, is a special cell population which separates in large numbers from the periphery of the root cap and accumulates in the root tip.

潘建伟 ,朱睦元,彭华正,王利琳植物根边缘细胞是从根冠表皮游离出来并聚集在根尖周围的一群特殊细胞,以前曾称为根冠脱落细胞。

Methods The super-thin epidermal grafts were isolated from human circumcised foreskins by protease and washed out of stem cells.


更多网络解释与表皮脱落的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basement membrane:基底膜

如透明角质颗粒、被膜颗粒、张力原纤维等. 这些成分中任何一种如有缺乏,均可影响角质的形成. 由于角质上层细胞间的桥粒逐渐消失,使它们能有规律的脱落,保持表皮的正常厚度. (六)基底膜 基底膜(Basement membrane)是真皮和表皮的交界,在


此区由浅入深依次为:1.皮肤(cutis)额部皮肤较薄,顶枕部皮肤致密较厚,且有大量头发、汗腺和皮脂腺,血管和淋巴管极为丰富. 因此,头顶皮肤的再生能力极强,切口缝合一般2~3天即可愈合. 由于代谢旺盛,表皮细胞不断地脱落成头屑.


⒉浸渍(maceration)系指皮肤角质层吸收较多水分后出现的皮肤松软、发白,甚至起皱的状态. 浸渍处如受摩擦表皮易脱落,或继发感染,临床常见于浸渍糜烂型足癣、指间念珠菌病等. ⒊糜烂(eroslon)系指皮肤表皮或粘膜上皮的缺损,露出红色湿润面.


症状 因龟头包住无法清洗,排尿后可能残留尿液而有异味,或累积脱落的表皮细胞而成为白色块状的包皮垢(Smegma). 开口过小者,排尿困难且包皮鼓起如汽球状,尿柱有如花洒一般四散. 许多人反复包皮炎或泌尿道感染是和包茎有关;


exempt退役的志愿消防队员 | exfiltration漏出 | exfoliation表皮脱落

