英语人>词典>汉英 : 补给品 的英文翻译,例句
补给品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recruit  ·  supplies  ·  recruiting  ·  recruited  ·  recruits

更多网络例句与补给品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Man : I run a retail outlet specializing in nutritional supplements.

男士: 我经营一家专卖营养补给品的零售店。

The AAD is also responsible for the supply ship Aurora Australis, which carries people and supplies between Hobart and the remote stations.

南极司也同时负责 Aurora Australis 补给船,在 Hobart 与远端工作站之间运送人员和补给品

Quantum Beacons After the incident with the suliban at the Peragon colony, the Enterprise installed 2 quantum beacons on the grappler arms to detect cloaked ships, especially suliban cell ships ("Shockwave").

运输 进取号的船员最常用穿梭机在飞船与星球、其他飞船或空间站之间运输人员、补给品等。

In a grouch about the long line for tickets.


In some cases,though, supplements prescribed by a qualified naturopath or herbalist may


Another concern is that a supplement may not contain what the label claims or may be contaminated with harmful substances, says Leanna Standish, a naturopathic doctor at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Wash.

地处华盛顿Kenmore的Bastyr大学的自然疗法医生Leanna Standish说,另一个问题是,某种营养补给品并不含有标签上所称的物质,或者可能受到有害物质的污染。

Standish, a naturopathic doctor at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Wash. Supplements are not subject to the same strict safety and effectiveness standards as dru gs.

地处华盛顿Kenmore的Bastyr大学的自然疗法医生Leanna Standish说,另一个问题是,某种营养补给品并不含有标签上所称的物质,或者可能受到有害物质的污染。

Contaminated with harmful substances, says Leanna Standish, a naturopathicdoctor at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Wash. Supplements are not subject


For the two scientists,"all this" had included hiking down trail-less slopes of loose rock and soil past sharp, charred stumps of manzanita and oak, hauling gauges and sensors, solar-powered communications equipment, a surveying device with a tripod, and assorted mounting poles, clamps, cables, drills and batteries, as well as cement and other supplies.


As quietly as he could, he saddled Mirador and prepared his meager supplies for the journey to Stratholme.


更多网络解释与补给品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


24、30 中队主要负责从英国本土到阿森松岛(Ascension)之间的运输;47、70 中队负责阿森松岛到战区的空运,主要是空降人员和必需的补给品,此外 47 中队下辖一个特别分队,用于执行秘密任务.




"出口"(export) 包括作为补给品付运,而就任何船舶、可潜航载具、飞机或载具而言,包括将该船舶、可潜航载具、飞机或载具带出特区,即使该船舶、可潜航载具、飞机或载具正在运送物品或乘客亦然,亦不论其是否正以本身的动力移动;

the fine rain dampened her face:小雨润湿了她的脸

89. The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.营地补给品在漫长的雨季... | 90. the fine rain dampened her face.小雨润湿了她的脸. | 91. nothing could dampen her enthusiasm.没有什么可以减少她...

flame thrower:火焰枪

此区域内有零星的一些敌人,玩家到现在应该有火焰枪(Flame Thrower)了吧,让Frend装备上,四人密集的火力绝对可以轻松干掉这些敌人. 解决敌人后别忘了仔细搜查此地大量的垃圾堆,所有补给品都不要放过. 8. 拿完所有补给品后,从唯一的楼梯往上走,

naval stores:海军补给品

naval special warfare task element 海军特种作战特混分队 | naval stores 海军补给品 | naval surface fire support 海军水面炮火支援

naval stores:树脂产品,船用品,松脂类原料,松脂制品,海军补给品

naval ships and boats 舰艇 | naval stores 树脂产品,船用品,松脂类原料,松脂制品,海军补给品 | naval tank 船模试验池

(Able) They resupplied the camp last night:他们昨晚送补给品到战俘营

Yeah. Yeah.|知道了 | (Able) They resupplied the camp last night.|他们昨晚送补给品到战俘营 | Brought in fuel and fresh troops.|除了燃料之外还增加人手

landing force supplies:登陆部队补给品

landing force 登陆部队 | landing force supplies 登陆部队补给品 | landing group 登陆大队

station stock level:驻地补给品储存量

station step-up transformer ==> 电厂升压变压器 | station stock level ==> 驻地补给品储存量 | station test ==> 静立试验,静立试验