英语人>词典>汉英 : 行数 的英文翻译,例句
行数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

number of lines · line number · number of rows
更多网络例句与行数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nine super sweet corn inbred lines with abroad germplasm T1, T2, T3, M1, M2, M3, R1, R2, R3 were selected as tested lines, and original inbred lines B, C, D, 6, D2 as testing ones in this examination. 45 crosses were made by means of incomplete diallel method, and the genetic parameters of the groups and the combing ability of 10 traits, growth period, plant height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter, core diameter, baldhead length, rows per ear, kernels per row, single ear weight were tested and analyzed by means of NCⅡ design.


In the previous code I have set the grid border, the number of columns, the number of fixed rows and created the first header row.


The form is very important: the number of lines and the number of characters in each line.


The relation between row distance and height of seedling was analysed accordingto the variation of shade length and bearing of seedlings with motive orbit of the sun.


Through the comparisons, it was observed that there were extensive conserved relationships of maize QTL affected plant height, row number, and kernels per row with rice QTL affected plant height, tillers per plant, and grains per panicle respectively. 16 of 45 QTL affecting five different maize traits were conserved compared with 12 of 38 QTL affecting five different rice traits, which provided some useful information for locating, isolating and cloning maize QTL by using the rice genomic data.


Through the comparisons, it was observed that there were extensive conserved relationships of maize QTL affected plant height, row number, and kernels per row with rice QTL affected plant height, tillers per plant, and grains per panicle respectively.


D = SIZE, for M-by-N matrix X, returns the two-element row vector D = containing the number of rows and columns in the matrix.


Control layer and parameter layer represent the available number of rows and the concrete value of the available rows of separation matrix respectively. Non-Gaussian was used to measure the independence of the stochastic signals. The kurtosis was maximized/minimized by searching a linear combination of observation signals, and then the independent variables were separated.


In this article, I will discuss one particular new concept -- the new I/O API: nonblocking sockets.


The results showed that the order of the effects of vary traits on the yield was lodging resistance, ear height, ear yield rate, plant height, rows per ear, thousand kernel weight, growth period, ear length, ear thicks, weight per ear, kernel per row.


更多网络解释与行数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


错误容忍度 limits of error | 行数 linage | 行计数器 linage counter


linaethol 亚麻酯 | linage 按行数支付 | linagelines 行数


中文:按需印刷on-demand printing | 中文:按行数计算的稿酬,印件每页的行数linage | 中文:按期出版come out on time

line numbers:行数

word wrap 自动换行 | line numbers 行数 | hidden characters 隐藏字符

Number of lines:行数

Number of bytes 字节数 | Number of lines 行数 | Number of paragraphs 段落数

Number of lines:行数,线条数

工件数 number of jobs | 行数,线条数 number of lines | 分区数 number of partition

even number of lines:偶数行数

even number of lamps 偶数灯 | even number of lines 偶数行数 | even number of teeth 偶数齿数

number of scanning lines:扫描行数=>走査線数

number of samples 标本数,样本数目 | number of scanning lines 扫描行数=>走査線数 | number of section 截面号数


ROW 返回引用的行号 | ROWS 返回引用中的行数 | TRANSPOSE 返回数组的转置


grep找到与字符串匹配的行 | wc计算字、行数、字节数 | cat显示文件内容