英语人>词典>汉英 : 衄 的英文翻译,例句
衄 的英文翻译、例句

be defeated in battle
更多网络例句与衄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The tongue was pale, thin fur, pulse empty string, blood routine tests showed: WBC 2.0X109 / L HGB 39g / L PLT 15 X109 / L, after diagnosis, I think that the Department of qi and blood deficiency symptoms, with herbs 30: Bazhen Tonga minus 3 grams ginseng Astragalus 12 grams Atractylodes 12 g Chinese angelica 12 grams TGP 9 grams Chuanxiong 6 grams Rehmannia 15 g Poria 12 g licorice 6 grams jujube plus or minus 15 grams with the disease: a guilty conscience Jingji, Canada Schisandra 6 grams, 30 grams keel in order to Ning Anshen; muscle bleed at the nose, plus 15 grams of Agrimony, Eclipta prostrata 12 grams, the patient, after giving medicine to go back one month after conditioning, review routine blood test showed: WBC 2.8 X109 / L HGB 76g / L PLT 133 X109 / L This firm confidence in the treatment of our patients, followed up by phone after the adjustment necessary prescription, to continue taking the medicine, I issued three months after the review of blood as normal, bone marrow hematopoietic function recovery.

舌质淡,苔薄,脉虚弦,化验血常规示:WBC 2.0X109/L HGB 39g/L PLT 15 X109/L,我诊断后认为系气血两虚症状,具方药30剂:八珍汤加减人参3克黄芪12克白术12克白芍12克当归9克川芎6克熟地15克茯苓12克甘草6克大枣15克随症加减:心虚惊悸,加五味子6克、龙骨30克,以宁心安神;肌,加仙鹤草15克、旱莲草12克,病人拿药后回去调理一个月后,复查血常规示:WBC 2.8 X109/L HGB 76g/L PLT 133 X109/L,此坚定患者对我们治疗的信心,经电话随诊后,进行调整必要方剂,继续服用我开具的中药三个月后,复查血象正常,骨髓象造血功能恢复。

Astringent is made on medicine, nosebleed to diarrhoea, bazoo, the gum haemorrhage and naevus haemorrhage curative effect with have better.


Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in patients with the most typical clinical symptoms are bleeding, such as skin, mucosa petechia, ecchymosis, epistaxis, menorrhagia, and gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract bleeding.


Trauma is the most common cause of epistaxis in domestic animals.


objective to observe the long-term clinical effects of nd: yag laser in the treatment of epistaxis.

目的 nd:yag激光治疗鼻的远期疗效。

BACKGROUND: Epistaxis is the most common complication of nasotrachealintubation.


If you suffer from epistaxis caused by excessive internal heat, then you should not eat any spicy food.


Attending to clean blood heat, blood, and actions do vomiting blood boils carbuncle furuncle swollen.


Patients may have persistent or recurrent bleeding, and some showed localized bleeding tendency, such as recurrent epistaxis, or menorrhagia.


Pairs of malnutrition, eat less frail, dry cough with little phlegm, hemoptysis, epistaxis teeth bleed at the nose, skin purpura, maternal milk and a small stool dry knot disease have therapeutic effects.


更多网络解释与衄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如肝区不适、疼痛、腹胀、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、发热、乏力、全身关节痛、鼻、牙龈出血、皮下瘀斑和越来越明显的消瘦等. 健康体检时常规检测"乙肝表面抗原"(澳抗)、"丙型肝炎病毒"(HCV)和"甲胎蛋白"(AFP),对早期发现肝炎病史和无症状的肝癌,有重要意义.

units concerned:衄壽等弇

峈#奧煖須strive for | 壽等弇units concerned | 迵#掀船擒compared with ,there is still some way to go

Ebola virus:埃波拉病毒

马尔堡病毒(Marburg virus)也称为绿猴病病毒、绿猴因子,与埃波拉病毒(Ebola virus)同属丝状病毒科丝状病毒属. 马尔堡病毒的发现早于埃波拉病毒. 3.出血症状 皮疹出现的同时,患者呈现出血倾向,如鼻、齿龈出血、尿血和阴道出血等,

episiotomy scissors:会阴剪,外阴切开剪

episiotomy 外阴切开术 | episiotomy scissors 会阴剪,外阴切开剪 | epistaxis canula 鼻套管


皮肤粘膜干燥,以至发生皮肤皲裂(chapped skin)、鼻(epistaxis)等病症. 由于气压低,湿度底、风速大,人体的水分极易蒸发. 干燥和寒冷的双重作用,使皮肤血管收缩,皮脂腺分泌功能降低,使皮肤皲裂,鼻粘膜干燥,鼻更加加重. 高原日照时间长,

epistaxis canula:鼻衄套管

episiotomy scissors 会阴剪,外阴切开剪 | epistaxis canula 鼻套管 | epithelia 上皮

epistaxis and hematemesis after menstruation:经后吐衄,经后吐衄

epistatic interaction 上位互作,上位相互作用 | epistaxis and hematemesis after menstruation 经后吐,经后吐 | epitaxial backfill 外延后填

nasal hemorrhage :鼻衄

鼻面部软组织损伤 soft tissue injury of nose and facies | 鼻 nasal hemorrhage | 鼻缺损 defect of nose

epistatic interaction:上位互作,上位相互作用

epistatic gene 上位基因 | epistatic interaction 上位互作,上位相互作用 | epistaxis and hematemesis after menstruation 经后吐,经后吐

epistatic parameter:上位参量

epistatic interaction 上位互作,上位相互作用 | epistatic parameter 上位参量 | epistaxis and hematemesis after menstruation 经后吐,经后吐