英语人>词典>汉英 : 螺旋沟 的英文翻译,例句
螺旋沟 的英文翻译、例句


spiral flute
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The grazing of micrzooplankton,especially heterotrophic dinoflagellate was one of the important factors of diatom bloom decline.


Results①Make clear of the general principal during the morphologicaldevelopment of the C57BL/6 mouse inner ear and reconstructed the 3D modelof E13 inner ear;②The mature time of many histological structuresassociated closely with the hearing setout of C57BL/6 mouse were madeclear as basilar membrane in D10, scala vestibular and tympanicD4, Cortis tunnel D12, inner sulcus D10, tectorial membrane D10, haircells D12, spiral ganglion neurons D12 and neurofilament in cochlear axisD12-D14.③Outlined the time table and the patterns of the expressionsof those proteins associated with the inner ear development which includedproneural committed proteins, neuronal differential proteins,neurotrophic factors and neuron special proteins.


Results①Make clear of the general principal during the morphologicaldevelopment of the C57BL/6 mouse inner ear and reconstructed the 3D modelof E13 inner ear;②The mature time of many histological structuresassociated closely with the hearing setout of C57BL/6 mouse were madeclear as basilar membrane in D10, scala vestibular and tympanicD4, Corti\'s tunnel D12, inner sulcus D10, tectorial membrane D10, haircells D12, spiral ganglion neurons D12 and neurofilament in cochlear axisD12-D14.③Outlined the time table and the patterns of the expressionsof those proteins associated with the inner ear development which includedproneural committed proteins, neuronal differential proteins,neurotrophic factors and neuron special proteins.


Through test, it is considered that it is economic and feasible to adopt vertical auger trenching for some small size channels. After improved and perfected, the newly developed auger cable trencher can adapt to the work conditions of trenching and presents some promotion and application prospect.


A kind of trencher with vertical auger for cable trench digging is described in the article. Referring to the basic principle of auger drill, trenching operation is realized via horizontal moving. It is a dedicated equipment to excavate cable trenches in oil fields. It features small body, simple operation, high work efficiency and low manufacturing cost for trenching attachment.


AQP3, 7, 8 distribute in a similar manner which is surrounding the membranous labyrihth, including Cortis organ, inner and outer spiral sulcus, stria vascularis, fibrocytes of the spiral ligament and the spiral limbus, saccular and utricular wall, endolymphatic sac and spiral ganglion.


The distribution of AQP1 consisted of cells lining the bony labyrinth, fibrocytes lining the endolymphatic duct and sac, cells under the basilar membrane, fibrocytes of the spiral ligament and the spiral limbus, Cortirs organ, inner and outer spiral sulcus, stria vascularis, saccular and utricular wall, and spiral ganglion.


On the base of studying the forming mechanism of spire ditches in deep-hole boring process, this paper analyses theoretically the effect of the boring bar diameter on the oscillation and spire ditches and established the mechanical model.


On the basis of studying the mechanism of the self-excitation vibration and the helix lobes of the cylinder in the well logging tool during deep-hole boring, th e influence of the length of the guide pads on the torsion deformation and stabi lity of the boring cutter is analyzed.


Other Spring and Autumn rings with precise spiral grooves include excavated examples M102:1 and M102:2, from the tomb of the Marquis of Cai (d. 491 B.C.) at Anhui Shouxian (3, 7); J2:31, from a hoard at Jiangsu Wuxian (1, 8); a ring from Shaanxi Xian Shahutuo (9); and well-attested, published pieces in Western collections (2, 10) figs.

其他春秋镶有精细的螺旋沟,将挖出的例子m102 : 1和m102 : 2 从墓侯爵的蔡(四公元前491 )在安徽寿县( 3 , 7 ); j2 : 31 从一个灰坑,江苏吴县( 1 , 8 );一枚戒指从陕西西安shahutuo ( 9 );和确凿的,出版的作品在西方的收藏( 2 10 )( 17.4%一至七)。

更多网络解释与螺旋沟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


表膜是由许多螺旋状的条纹联结而成,每一个表膜条纹的一边有向内的沟(groove),另一边有向外的嵴(crest). 一个条纹的沟与其邻接条纹的嵴相关联(似关节). 眼虫生活时,表膜条纹彼此相对移动,可能是由于嵴在沟中滑动的结果.