英语人>词典>汉英 : 蛛网的 的英文翻译,例句
蛛网的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蛛网的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cross Stitch books Cobweb Corner has over 2,000 mostly used and out-of-print ...

交叉缝合书籍蛛网的角落已超过2000多用于和out - of -打印。。。

The major ampullate dragline silk of spiders such as Araneus diadematus and Nephila clav


At ground level, huge ferns, gleaming with moisture, grew higher than a man's chest and held the low ground fog.


These cysts are thought to arise by either separation of the arachnoid into two layers that secrete CSF and form a cyst or formation of a cyst between the arachnoid and the pia mater.


Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage suffer from cognitive impairment,which also results from operation,anesthesia and drugs.


Always do your dissection within the arachnoidal planes.


Resolution of infection may be followed by adhesive arachnoiditis with obliteration of subarachnoid space leading to obstructive hydrocephalus.


That clear, perpetual outline of face and limb is but an image of ours, under which we group thema design in a web, the actual threads of which pass out beyond it .


These distinctive webbed feet belong to a blue-footed booby of the Galápagos Islands.


Leaf-clothed trees; fog-cloaked meadows; a beam draped with cobwebs; cloud-wrapped peaks.


更多网络解释与蛛网的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cobwebbed:布满蛛网的; 蛛网状的

cobweb | 蜘蛛网, 蛛丝 | cobwebbed | 布满蛛网的; 蛛网状的 | cobwebbery | 蜘蛛网之形成, 蜘蛛网之结构

cobwebbery:蜘蛛网之形成, 蜘蛛网之结构

cobwebbed | 布满蛛网的; 蛛网状的 | cobwebbery | 蜘蛛网之形成, 蜘蛛网之结构 | cobwebby | 蛛网似的, 蛛网密布的

cobwebby:蛛网似的, 蛛网密布的

cotton opener 梳棉机 | cobwebby 蛛网似的, 蛛网密布的 | gelt geld的过去式及过去分词

cobwebby:蛛网似的; 蛛网密布的 (形)

cobwebbed 布满蜘蛛网的 (形) | cobwebby 蛛网似的; 蛛网密布的 (形) | cocaine 古柯碱; 可卡因 (名)

Latex Freak:(疯狂爱好橡胶紧身衣的人)

Velvet Crotch (丝绒的裆部...默,没写错,就是这个意思|) | Latex Freak(疯狂爱好橡胶紧身衣的人) | cob webbed crotch(结了蛛网的裆部...再默)

Beautiful Scars:(美丽的疤痕)

cob webbed crotch(结了蛛网的裆部...再默) | Beautiful Scars(美丽的疤痕) | Demonic Angel(恶魔般的天使)


spiderneedlebearing 星形轮的滚针轴承 | spiderweb 蛛网;以蛛网物盖住 | spiegel 镜铁

subarachnoid space:蛛网膜下隙

蛛网膜是由薄层纤细的结缔组织构成,它与软膜之间有较宽大的腔隙称蛛网膜下隙(subarachnoid space). 蛛网膜的结缔组织纤维形成许多小梁与软膜相连,小梁在蛛网膜下隙内分支形成蛛网膜结构. 蛛网膜下隙内含脑脊液. 软膜是紧贴在脊髓表面的薄层结缔组织,

subarachnoid block:蛛网膜下阻滞

subarachnoid 蛛网膜下的 | subarachnoid block 蛛网膜下阻滞 | subarachnoid hemorrhage 蛛网膜下出血

subarachnoid anesthesia:蛛网膜下腔麻醉

subarachnoid 蛛网膜下的 | subarachnoid anesthesia 蛛网膜下腔麻醉 | subarachnoid block 蛛网膜下腔阻滞