英语人>词典>汉英 : 虹彩的 的英文翻译,例句
虹彩的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与虹彩的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Location :this circular lines appears in every parts of the iris ,this line appear around the pupil like concentric circle


Two of these patients previously had an overlay scleral homograft which melted subsequently.


Surgical peripheral iridectomies occluded by vitreous, exudation or omission of peripheral iridectomy during cataract operation were the most common causes.


S before operation and preoperative use of antiglaucomatous medications. ECCE with PCIOL implantation could be helpful to the control of I.O.P. in patients with angle-closure glaucoma after iridectomy.


Although 25 eyes presented with acute angle closure glaucoma, 6 eyes were insidious onset and asymptomatic. While 27 eyes relieved pupillary block after laser iridotomy or surgical peripheral iridectomy, 4 eyes required vitrectomy or laser photomydriasis to relieve pupillary block. Five eyes (16%) developed chronic angle closure glaucoma due to peripheral anterior synechia. one could be controlled by chronic medical therapy, three required trabeculectomy, the another one even required cyclocryotherapy because poor IOP control after trabeculectomy.


The surface glossiness of ceramic ware after glazing, especially the metallic sheen of lusterware.


"His lustred glass, produced by metallic pigment s applied to opaque glass, produced a pearly sheen, whereas that produced in Europe in the 1870s used transparent glass, which resulted in a mirrorlike surface."


"His lustred glass, produced by metallic pigments applied to opaque glass, produced a pearly sheen, whereas that produced in Europe in the 1870s used transparent glass, which resulted in a mirrorlike surface."


My heart is like a singing brid whose nest is in a watered; My heart is like an apple tree whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit; My heart is like a rainhow shell that paddles in a halcyon sea ; My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is come to me .


When inflammation of the uveal place right in front of the Department of Hongcai, known as Hong Cai-yan.


更多网络解释与虹彩的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


灰白色的(有腊粉的) glaucous | 具虹彩的iridescent | 水囊hydathode

iris diaphragm:虹彩光圈

聚光器由聚光镜和虹彩光圈(iris diaphragm)组成,聚光镜由透镜组成. 虹彩光圈由簿金属片组成,中心形成圆孔,推动把手可随意调整透进光的强弱. 调节聚光镜的高度和虹彩光圈的大小,可得到适当的光照和清晰的图像.


眼睛 百分之二十到四十的AS病人会合并有葡萄膜炎(uveitis)与虹彩炎(iritis),症状为突发性的单边眼睛红肿充血、刺痛感、畏光及视力模糊. 通常是两边交替,反复发生,很少两边同时发作. 若有葡

Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit:累累的说过压弯了腰

My heart is like an apple tree 我的心像棵苹果树 | Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit; 累累的说过压弯了腰; | My heart is like a rainbow shell 我的心像个虹彩的贝壳


褐色的brown | 灰白色的(有腊粉的) glaucous | 具虹彩的iridescent

iridic:虹膜的; 四价铱化合物的; 铱的 (形)

iridescence 彩虹色; 灿烂的光辉; 虹彩 (名) | iridescent 彩虹色的; 闪光的 (形) | iridic 虹膜的; 四价铱化合物的; 铱的 (形)


iridescent glass | 虹彩玻璃 | iridic | 铱的(四价),铱化的 | iridic gold | 铱金

My heart is like a rainbow shell:我的心像个虹彩的贝壳

Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit; 累累的说过压弯了腰; | My heart is like a rainbow shell 我的心像个虹彩的贝壳 | That paddles in a halcyon sea; 在平静的海上轻轻荡漾;

iris stop:虹彩光阑,可变光阑;膜片(波导中的)

circular waveguide 圆形波导 | iris stop 虹彩光阑,可变光阑;膜片(波导中的) | iris wave-beam guide 可变光阑波导

and the wheelbarrows are similarly plastered:叮着厚厚一层虹彩色的苍蝇

而那手推车也被同样滑腻的东西涂满. with layers of beautiful herring s... | 叮着厚厚一层虹彩色的苍蝇 and the wheelbarrows are similarly plastered | 在那屋后小小的斜坡上, with creamy iridescent coats of ...