英语人>词典>汉英 : 虫的 的英文翻译,例句
虫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
insect  ·  verminal

更多网络例句与虫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first part discusses about the effects of the five factors:temperature,relative air moisture,rate of frass sifting,density of larvae,fodder water percentage to growth speed and survival rate of older mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) larvae through rotational composite design of quadratic regression. Two models were established to describe the effects of the five factors. The models showed that percentage of fodder water is the major factor that has effect on the growing speed of T. molitor larvae,and fodder water is the major factor on death rate. The models also show that temperature on growth speed,temperature and fodder have important effects on death rate,and the significant test showed they have significant difference on 1% or 5% level. From the two models,by frequency analysis,we can get the optimizing rearing condition,in which the mealworm larvae overweight 10% per day,temperature is 25-26 ,frass sifting rate is once 2-4 days,density of larvae is 0.61-0.79 g/cm2,fodder water is 33.27%-39.71%. And the rearing condition,in which total death rate of T.

第一部分:采用五因素二次正交旋转组合设计,以黄粉虫幼虫饲养过程中饲养温度(X_1)相对湿度(X_2)、虫粪筛除频率(X_3)、饲养密度(X_4)以及饲料含水量(X_5)五因素为参试因素,考查它们对黄粉虫高龄幼虫的生长及存活的影响,建立了以黄粉虫幼虫增重率及死亡率为目标函数的回归模型,并进行了简化: Y_增=127.5079+18.6559x_5+2.7894x_3x_4-2.3854x_3x_5-3.0594x_1~2+1.8241x_3~2-3.8559x_5~2 Y_死=1.7459+0.4108x_1+0.0975x_2+0.9025x_4+0.3442x_5+0.0834x_1~2+0.3060x_4~2-0.2623x_5~2 分析结果表明:影响黄粉虫幼虫生长后期增重及死亡的主要因素分别为饲料含水量和饲养密度;饲料含水量和温度对黄粉虫增重有着重要的影响,饲养密度、温度、饲料含水量对黄粉虫的死亡有着重要的影响,其影响均达1%或5%显著水平;黄粉虫幼虫后期日增重率大于10%的饲养条件为:温度26~27℃、筛粪频率2~4天/次、饲养密度0.61~0.79g/cm~2、饲料含水量33.27~39.71%。

Both the new peniculus 1 and the old haplokinety separated at the telophase.The two germinal rows germinal rowsfor both the daughter cells appeared almost at the same time;(2) The macronucleus became shorter and thicker, finally oblate during the division of the cell. Then the macronucleus restored its original shape, band-like form. The micronucleus were divided into two before the macronucleus division;(3) The original scopula and stalk contributed to the old cell. The new cell formed scopula gradually after the cell division.


Nematicidal Activity to Different Nematodes of Basidiomycetes from Shenyang CHEN Li-jie, ZHANG Guo-dong, DUAN Yu-xi, LIU Bin, WANG Yuan-yuan (Plant Nematology Laboratory, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China) Abstract: The 94 kinds wild macro-fungi of Basidiomycetes were collected from the east of Shenyang around mountains and Shenyang Agricultural University, China. The nematicidal activity of extraction for the fungi were tested with 5 speceies of nematode, including Heterodera glycines, Meloidogyne incognita, Ditylenchus destructor, Aphelenchoides basseyi and Caenarhabditis sp..

沈阳地区大型真菌对不同种类线虫的毒力陈立杰,张国栋,段玉玺,刘彬,王媛媛(沈阳农业大学植物保护学院线虫学研究室,沈阳 110161)摘要:从沈阳市东部山区及沈阳农业大学周边环境采集到94种野生大型真菌,并将采集到的大型真菌制成浸提液,以胞囊线虫、根结线虫、腐烂茎线虫、水稻干尖线虫和小杆线虫为靶标,初步测定了大型野生真菌对5种不同种类线虫的活性作用。

The additional supplements including glucose,ascorbic acid and insulin had the enhancement effects on C.andersoni development,while folic acid had no significantly effect on C. andersoni development and calcium pantothenate had inhibited effect.When added 50 mmol/L glucose,50μg/ml ascorbic acid,0.3 U/ml insulin into 10%FCS RPMI-1640 medium,the proliferation of C.andersoni had a great significantly increase,and the gene copies of C.andersoni were 8-fold compared with that in 10%FCS RPMI-1640 medium.

冻融法+蛋白酶K法+声裂法提纯隐孢子虫卵囊DNA效果最佳,其次为冻融法+声裂法和蛋白酶K法+声裂法,冻融法+蛋白酶K法效果最差。10%FCS是培养安氏隐孢子虫的最佳FCS浓度,葡萄糖、维生素C和胰岛素都具有促安氏隐孢子虫增殖作用,泛酸钙无促虫体增殖效果,而叶酸则抑制虫体增殖。10%FCS RPMI-1640培养液中加入50 mmol/L葡萄糖,50μg/ml维生素C和0.3 U/ml胰岛素促安氏隐孢子虫增殖效果最显著,虫体增殖8倍。

The morphology, infraciliature and myoneme system of Vorticella campanula, Vorticella chlorellata, Campanella umbellaria and Epistylis galea were revealed.


According to sequence cluster analysis of the the tested samples, it indicates that the gene distance of RKN-9, RKN-8, RKN-21, RKN-11, RKN-18 , RKN-20, RKN-17, RKN-22, RKN-23, RKN-24 and RKN-25 to Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne arenaria was very close with homology of 100% and 99%, respectively.


The predominant worm species were Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum columbianum, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Trichostrongylus sp.


The result indicated the basic culture had poisonous effect to nematodes, and significant virulence to different nematodes was detected, the sequence of virulence to nematodes was Caenarhabditis sp., Heterodera glycines, Meloidogyne hapla, Ditylenchus destructor.


Turkestanica var.tuberculata by the scanning electron microscope was also observed after they were identified by light microscope in the bodies of cattle and sheep. Meanwhile the results of the integumental surface was compared with mat of O.turkestanica by Tang Chongti under electron microscope and analyzed them. By means of observing, comparing and analyzing, It showed that both of O. cheni and O. titrkestanica var.tuberculata were the same species, they might only be of different name with O. turkestanica or subspecies or geographical strain, primarily.


The B biotype had higher sexual activity than the two indigenous biotypes in that B females were more receptive to males,and B males more frequently and efficiently courted female of the B biotype or another biotype.Besides,B males interfered more intensely with courtships initiated by rival males of another biotype than did indigenous biotypes.


更多网络解释与虫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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insectivore /食虫动物/ | insectivorous /食虫的/食虫动植物/ | insectology /昆虫学/

insectivorous:食虫的; 食虫动植物的 (形)

insectivore 食虫动物; 食虫植物 (名) | insectivorous 食虫的; 食虫动植物的 (形) | insectology 昆虫学 (名)


wormhole 虫孔;蛀洞 | wormy 生虫的;虫蛀的 | wormy filter 虫柱果

bilharzic:血吸虫的 裂体吸虫的

bilharziasis /裂体吸虫病/血吸虫病/ | bilharzic /血吸虫的/裂体吸虫的/ | bilharzioma /裂体吸虫瘤/血吸虫瘤/


coccidial /球虫的/ | coccidian /球虫/球虫的/ | coccidiosis /人体球虫病/球虫病/


helminthiasis /蠕虫病/ | helminthic /肠虫的/驱虫的/驱虫剂/杀虫药/ | helminthicide /杀肠虫药/杀蠕虫药/


mothproofing agent 防(蛀)虫剂 | mothy 虫蛀的;多虫的 | motile 有动力的;自动的