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多虫的 的英文翻译、例句


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buggy  ·  buggier  ·  buggies

更多网络例句与多虫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And whether is it necessary to redefine the geotectonic pattern in southern China? In 1993, the authors discovered firstly the late Paleozoic radiolarian silicalite in the "Shuangqiaoshan Group", which, as we know, is a block within the ophiolitic mélange. In 1996, the authors discovered again the late Paleozoic fossils in the other rocks of "Shuangqiaoshan Group" and "Zhitang Formation" of Lower Sinian Series in the ophiolitic mélange. At the same time, the authors discovered firstly the early Paleozoic chitinozoa fossils.


Results a total of7924people from15survey sites of6counties were under fecal examination,the overall infection rate of intestinal helminthes was59.40%.of the discovered16parasite species,11were nematodes,2taeniae and3trematodes.the infection rate of hook worm,trichuris and ascaris were33.18%、31.35%and14.29%,respectively.the mixed infection was serious.the infection rate were higher in age groups of5~9years and10~14years;nationality-based analysis showed infection rates in hans,lis,miaos and huis being48.27%,64.14%,76.36%,and58.96%,respectively;the infection rate in female was higher than that in male.

结果 整群随机抽样全省5个市、县15个点7924人,调查发现人群肠道蠕虫感染率为59.40%,其中土源性线虫感染率为56.22%,查见肠道蠕虫16种,其中线虫11种,绦虫2种,吸虫3种,感染率较高的虫种是钩虫、鞭虫和蛔虫,其感染率分别为33.18%、31.35%和14.29%;多虫感染较严重,感染度以轻度感染为主,感染年龄以5~9岁和10~14岁两组为高;汉、黎、苗、回各民族感染率分率别为48.27%、64.14%、76.36%、58.96%;女性和农村居民感染率明显高于男性和城镇居民。

Duke University researchers used two genetic research shows that Nosema is clear from the sexual evolution of the fungi, and in particular with the bacteria closely related to the joint, they found that Nosema of more than 2000 genes, 33 Gene junction with the bacteria, these chromosome markers show that Nosema bonding with the bacteria is likely to have a common ancestor, and it with other known contact fungi grew apart.


And whether is it necessary to redefine the geotectonic pattern in southern China? In 1993, the authors discovered firstly the late Paleozoic radiolarian silicalite in the "Shuangqiaoshan Group", which, as we know, is a block within the ophiolitic mélange. In 1996, the authors discovered again the late Paleozoic fossils in the other rocks of "Shuangqiaoshan Group" and "Zhitang Formation" of Lower Sinian Series in the ophiolitic mélange. At the same time, the authors discovered firstly the early Paleozoic chitinozoa fossils.


There has been lots of researches on 5-HT's role in Caenorhabditis elegans feeding, oviposit and locomotion behavior, however no research was about mechanisms on C. elegans learning and memory regulation.


The female prosopon body oval,body long 2.3-3.5mm,antenna 7,the body by the white cotton and kapok shape wax silk,many insect\'s wax silk often is fused densely in together,forms the cotton and kapok to be spherical,after the dewaxing the insect body becomes the purple red.


Methods The genomic DNA extracted from the 2 trematodes was amplified with random amplified polymorphic DNA and then was carried on agarose gel electrophoresis.

应用随机扩增多态性DNA(Random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)技术对斯氏肺吸虫和华支睾吸虫的基因组多态DNA进行扩增,扩增产物经琼脂糖凝胶电泳后分析结果。

The calling and copulation behaviour of Ancylis sativa Liu had a dielperiodicity.The female moths began to calling at the first day and increasedto 100% at the second day,then the percentage of calling decreasedgradually from the third day to the fifth day,only 16.7% of females showingcalling behaviour at the sixth day.The effect of environmentaltemperature on calling behaviour of Ancylis sativa Liu was studied duringadult life at 16℃,21℃,26℃ and 31℃.The result showed differenttemperature during adult life affected significantly the calling behaviour ofvirgin females.There was considerable variability in the calling patternsamong the different temperature groups,the higher the temperature was,thelater females called,the shorter the calling behaviour lasted.The copulationbehaviour of Ancylis sativa Liu can be divided into following squence:female calling,male responsing,male approaching female,hairpencil displayingand copulating.


Ten 10-day-old artificially-reared coccidian-free goslings were inoculated orally with 2.0×105-6.5×105 of sporulated oocysts of Eimeria stigmosa,respectively, and killed at intervals from 48th h to 180th h post-inoculation.


Toad feeding a long time, eating too much food, though not frogs agile, but the insect-catching skills are inferior to the frog, the frog more than the number of prey, so are the farmers a good debugging assistant.


更多网络解释与多虫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barbadian:巴贝多人 巴贝多(人)的

barbacue | 野外宴会 烧烤 | Barbadian | 巴贝多人 巴贝多(人)的 | Barbados earth | 放射虫石


bugger 同性恋者 | buggy 多虫的 | bughouse 精神病院


buggy /多虫的/双轮单座的轻马车/四轮单座的马车/ | bughouse /精神病院/疯狂的/发狂的/ | bugle /喇叭/号角/玻璃珠/夏枯草之一种/吹喇叭/

Prof. Delane Kritsky:三代虫的进化

Prof. Jean-Lou Justine-新喀里多尼亚的单殖吸虫 | Prof. Delane Kritsky-三代虫的进化 | Prof. Boris Lebede-单殖吸虫物种形成的趋势


rootworm 食虫 | rooty 多根的 | rope bridge 索桥

onchocerca volvulus:盘尾丝虫

据美国>杂志在线新闻报道,当人们被携带了一种名为盘尾丝虫(Onchocerca volvulus)的线虫的墨蚊叮咬后便会感染上盘尾丝虫病. 随着这些线虫幼虫的成熟和交配,每天会有1000多个仔虫诞生,后者会迁移到人体皮肤的表层以及眼中. 当这些仔虫死亡后,


mothproofing agent 防(蛀)虫剂 | mothy 虫蛀的;多虫的 | motile 有动力的;自动的

polyembryonic proliferation:多胚繁殖

这种变换生殖现象称为多胚繁殖(polyembryonic proliferation). 有些吸虫缺雷蚴期或囊蚴期,而另一些吸虫却具有两代以上的雷蚴期. 吸虫的感染期是尾蚴或囊蚴. 囊蚴被宿主吞食后,后尾蚴脱囊而出,部分吸虫后尾蚴及以尾蚴为感染期的吸虫需移行才能到达适宜发育的定居部位.


多程序multiprogram | 多齿鳞虫科Polyodontidae | 多虫的buggy

mothproofing agent:防(蛀)虫剂

mothproof 防蛀的 | mothproofing agent 防(蛀)虫剂 | mothy 虫蛀的;多虫的