英语人>词典>汉英 : 蓟罂粟 的英文翻译,例句
蓟罂粟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蓟罂粟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sanguinarine belongs to the benzophenanthridine alkaloid analog, and is derived mainly from the root of Sanguinaria Canadensis L., Chelidonium majus L.


The hills behind my house are cloaked with three separate quilts. A community of low-lying grass -- and of mice, owl, thistle, and poppy -- runs to the sea on one slope.


The hills behind my house are cloaked with three separate quilts. A community of low-lying grass -- and of mice, owl, thistle, and poppy -- runs to the sea on one slope.


A gentle breeze was stirring the surrounding hedges;bees moved,humming thoughtfully,from scarlet poppy to purple thistle;a distant lark,invisible in blue light,was flooding the vast realm of the sky with glorious song,as the sun was floating the earth with brilliance.


更多网络解释与蓟罂粟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arethusa japonica A.Gray:泽兰;旭兰(日本)

"北美球茎湿地兰","Arethusa bulbosa L.;bogrose orchid;dragons month;moss nymph" | "泽兰;旭兰(日本)","Arethusa japonica A.Gray" | "大花蓟叶罂粟","Argemone grandiflora Swi.;mexican pickly poppy"


Chicago 芝加哥 | Chicagoan 芝加哥人 | chicalote 阔果蓟罂粟

Argemone Linn:蓟罂粟属

1. 古罂粟族 Platystemoneae Fedde | 01. 蓟罂粟属 Argemone Linn. | 2. 罂粟族 Papavereae Reichenb.

Argemone mexicana:薊罌粟

博落拖(Bocconia pearcei)、蓟罂粟(argemone mexicana)以及大叶茜(Ladenbergia magnifolia)的至少一种以上的植物作为有效成分的脂肪分解促进剂以及含有其的饮食品和饲料.

Argemone grandiflora:{蓟罂粟}

Arerrhoa carambola {杨桃} | Argemone grandiflora {蓟罂粟} | Ariocarpus agavoides {龙舌兰牡丹}

Argemone L. Pricklypoppy:蓟罂粟属

罂栗科 Papaveraceae Poppy Family | 蓟罂粟属 Argemone L. Pricklypoppy | 大花蓟罂粟 A.grandiflora Sweet Largeflower Prick-lypoppy

Ariocarpus agavoides:{龙舌兰牡丹}

Argemone grandiflora {蓟罂粟} | Ariocarpus agavoides {龙舌兰牡丹} | Ariocarpus fissurantus {龟甲牡丹}

Papaveraceae; poppy family:罂栗科

檫木属 Sassafras Trew Sassafras | 罂栗科 Papaveraceae Poppy Family | 蓟罂粟属 Argemone L. Pricklypoppy


chicalote || 阔果蓟罂粟 | chicana || 住在美国的墨西哥女人 | Chicana || 女奇卡诺人(的)(参见Chicano)


Chicagoan 芝加哥人 | chicalote 阔果蓟罂粟 | chicane 诈骗