英语人>词典>汉英 : 葡萄酒酿造 的英文翻译,例句
葡萄酒酿造 的英文翻译、例句


wine making
更多网络例句与葡萄酒酿造相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such techniques as barrel fermentation, proportion of new to old cooperage, lees stirring, and partial, complete, or prevention of malolactic fermentation generate controversy and lively discussion among winemakers.


Born in Punte la Reina, Angel Anocibar has a PhD in Enology and Ampelography from the University of Bordeaux, and is the first Spanish enologist to earn a PhD from a School of Enology

生于Punte la Reina,Angel Anocibar 拥有波尔多综合大学葡萄酒酿造学的博士学位,同时他还是第一个从葡萄酒酿造学学校获得博士学位的西班牙葡萄酒酿制专家。

Commissioned by Aurelio Montes a Chilean wine producer who has been known to serenade his wine with music worked alongside Professor Adrian North of Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh to conduct a study on wine and music.

委托我的是一位智利的葡萄酒酿造商奥雷里奥-门特斯,他因为将他所酿造的葡萄酒配以小夜曲而闻名。目前他正与爱丁堡赫瑞·瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)的阿德里安-诺尔思教授合作,来共同研究葡萄酒与音乐的关系。

In 2003, the wineries and wine growers in California developed "Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Practices". This code promotes farming and winemaking practices that are sensitive to the environment and responsive to the needs and interest of society in general.


We have developed into a modern winery, using advanced technology and excellent equipment for domestic and international wine market to provide the best quality wine.


Industry experts lead all of our lectures. The curriculum covers everything from viticulture, vinification, tasting techniques, cellaring, investment strategy, menu design, and regional analysis of wines, spirits, and ales.


The organic designation is a legal term on labels for certain nonchemical winemaking and farming practices, whereas the Code of Sustainability is a broader concept of continually improving farming and winemaking practices, enhanced relations with staff, neighbors and communities, preservation of the land and conservation of natural resources.


Canada's wine industry 加拿大葡萄酒业 Outsourcing terroir 外包葡萄种植地 Sep 10th 2009 | OTTAWA From The Economist print edition Blended deceit from the nanny state 保姆政府的障眼法 Bottled here, not just cellared 这儿不仅酿造,而且还灌装葡萄酒 THE idea of Canadian wine invites disbelief in those who think of the country as being a frozen wilderness.


The early 1940s marked an important point in the Napa Valleys' wine history, when a group of vintners came together in 1943 to share ideas on grape growing and winemaking amidst a convivial atmosphere of shared camaraderie, good food and wine.


Over ten years of development creates a new Wine chateau operation mode integrating plant, brew and sales of wine products; the Company has three wine brands-Saint Louis Ding, Fawcett and Liquor, they are well-known in the industry.


更多网络解释与葡萄酒酿造相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Class Two:世界上酿造葡萄酒的主要品种

CLASS ONE: 葡萄酒概况 | CLASS TWO: 世界上酿造葡萄酒的主要品种 | CLASS THREE: 葡萄的成分


1977年Estrella River酒庄在美国加里福尼亚州中部的葡萄酒产区帕索洛布莱斯(Paso Robies)成立,由知名酿酒师格瑞艾柏(Gary Eberle)负责酿酒,翌年毕业于加州大学葡萄酒酿造学(Enology)的汤姆梅尔斯(Tom Mayers)加入了酿酒行列.


vinegar generator 醋发生器 | viniculture 葡萄酒酿造 | vintage 葡萄收获


Pomology:果树学 | Vinification:葡萄酒酿造法 | Wine-making:葡萄酒酿造

vintage year:葡萄酒酿造年, 佳酿[葡萄]酒年

波特红[葡萄]酒 vintage port | 葡萄酒酿造年, 佳酿[葡萄]酒年 vintage year | [葡萄]酒商 vintner


wineglassful /葡萄酒杯一满杯/ | winegrower /栽培葡萄兼葡萄酒酿造者/ | winepress /葡萄榨汁器/葡萄榨汁用大桶/


472510 SNOWCAT RENTALS 雪地履带式车辆出租 | 472511 WINERY TOURS 葡萄酒酿造厂游览 | 472512 SUBMARINE TOURS 潜水艇旅游


winery 葡萄酒酿造厂 | wineskin 葡萄酒用皮袋 | wing 翅膀


viniculture /葡萄栽培/ | viniferous /产葡萄酒的/适于酿造葡萄酒的/ | vino /廉价葡萄酒/


Vinification:葡萄酒酿造法 | Wine-making:葡萄酒酿造 | Ampelography:葡萄品种学