英语人>词典>汉英 : 萨拉人 的英文翻译,例句
萨拉人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The blood of Persian, Saka, Kushan, Hun, and Arab would spill with that of those indigenous to Sindh and give rise to new peoples of the sub-continent, be they the original Indo-Aryan inhabitants of old, or the more recent Jat and Rajputs.


Born in Tikrt, Iraq, Saladin, as he is known in the West, was a Kurd; his Arabic name is Salah ad-Din Yusuf. At the age of 14 he joined other members of his family in the service of the Syrian ruler Nur ad-Din.

出生于tikrt ,伊拉克,萨拉丁,因为他是众所周知的,在西方,是一个库尔德人,他的阿拉伯语名字是萨拉赫专案- Din的优素福在年满14岁,他加入了其他家庭成员在服务叙利亚统治者努尔专案声浪。

Cardozo, were Sephardi Jews of the Portuguese Jewish community affiliated with Manhattan's Congregation Shearith Israel; their families immigrated from England before the American Revolution, and were descended from Jews who left the Iberian Peninsula for Holland during the Inquisition.


Locals say the figures in the images bore facial features typical of the Hazara, the persecuted Shi'ite minor-ity group that populates the province.


Hence too both Tragedy and Comedy are claimed by the Dorians as their discoveries; Comedy by the Megarians--by those in Greece as having arisen when Megara became a democracy, and by the Sicilian Megarians on the ground that the poet Epicharmus was of their country, and a good deal earlier than Chionides and Magnes; even Tragedy also is claimed by certain of the Peloponnesian Dorians.


But when the oligarchy of the Thirty was in power, they sent for me and four others into the rotunda, and bade us bring Leon the Salaminian from Salamis, as they wanted to execute him.


A Virginia couple, Tareq and Michaele Salahi, were earlier found to have entered the event uninvited and are currently under investigation.


A Virginia couple, Tareq and Michaele Salahi, were earlier found to have entered the event uninvited and are currently under investigation.


As he left the courtroom, Abu Ali smiled and waved to a large crowd of supporters, some of whom called out in Arabic "Salaam aleikum," or Peace be with you.

&当他离开法庭,阿布阿里微笑着挥手向一大群人的支持者,萨尔科齐在周日下午,他们中有些人呼吁在阿拉伯文&达累斯萨拉姆aleikum &或&和平与你同在。

Life of the Dayak people in Borneo, said: there is a big God,名叫萨拉潘generation, God ordered him to come to the earth made man, he first made a stone, but stones were unable to speak, it was scrapped.


更多网络解释与萨拉人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steven Bryce:史蒂文.布赖斯 中场 阿拉胡埃拉人队

15 Harold Wallace 哈罗德.华莱士 后卫 阿拉胡埃拉人队 | 16 Steven Bryce 史蒂文.布赖斯 中场 阿拉胡埃拉人队 | 17 Hernan Medford 埃尔南.梅德福 前锋 萨普利萨队

Night Elves:暗夜精灵 艾萨拉

Tauren 牛头人 凯恩.血蹄 Cairne Bloodhoof | Night Elves 暗夜精灵 艾萨拉 Alzhara | 达斯雷马 Dath'Remar

GOSH, Sallah:萨拉赫.戈什

Rizigat;里泽伊加特人;; | GOSH, Sallah;萨拉赫.戈什;; | YASIN, Ali Mohamed Osman;阿里.穆罕默德.奥斯曼.亚辛;;


塞拉下个赛季将会回到米兰,萨拉(Sala)会回来. 等段时间在看看球探发过来的结果吧,现在还正叫人头疼,看上的不知道愿不愿意来. 而看不上的却很多,得好好的找找了. 下半场开场,亚特兰大一开场就开始抢攻. 库楚和迪-巴乔一个夹击断掉了蒙托利雾的球,

Anri Sala:安瑞.萨拉

在菲利普.帕雷诺(Philippe Parreno)、汉斯.尤利斯.奥布里斯特(Hans Ulrich Obrist)、安瑞.萨拉(Anri Sala)和里拉克里特.蒂拉瓦尼拉(Rirkrit Tiravanija)等人的策划下,20位艺术家顺序出现在舞台上和剧场中,他们的表演有的非常概念化,

Wilmer Lopez:威尔默.洛佩斯 中场 阿拉胡埃拉人队

5 Gilberto Martinez 希尔维托.马丁内斯 后卫 萨普利萨队 | 6 Wilmer Lopez 威尔默.洛佩斯 中场 阿拉胡埃拉人队 | 7 Rolando Fonseca 罗兰多.丰塞卡 前锋 阿拉胡埃拉人队


希腊人于公元前490年在马拉松这个地方打败了波斯人,波斯人的海军也在萨拉米斯岛(Salamis)遭到惨败. 但这场战争对波斯帝国没有什么损害,波斯仍然富有和强大,直到公元前331年. 这一年,波斯被马其顿的亚历山大帝征服.




Saracens撒拉逊人-选自王以欣<<神话>> | Saragossa 萨拉哥撒-选自中世纪卷 | Sarai 萨莱

Saragossa, Treaty of:萨拉哥沙条约

Saracen 撒拉逊人 | Saragossa, Treaty of 萨拉哥沙条约 | Sarajevo 塞拉耶佛 / 萨拉热窝