英语人>词典>汉英 : 萧条 的英文翻译,例句
萧条 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bust  ·  depression  ·  sag  ·  sluggishness  ·  stagnancy  ·  busting  ·  busts  ·  sags

slow up · go to pot
更多网络例句与萧条相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are in thrall not to John Maynard Keynes , sage of the Depression, but to his Cambridge contemporary, Frank Ramsey, a precocious polymath who made his contributions in the prelapsarian 1920s.


They are in thrall not to John Maynard Keynes , sage of the Depression, but to his Cambridge contempo rar y, Frank Ramsey, a precocious polymath who made his contributions in the prelapsarian 1920s.


Silver Standard caused China' s economy being different from those Gold Standard countries. Unlike Western countries lived through the Great Depression by adopting active finance policy, China' s money supply had not decreased in depression owing to competitive bank system, so bank crises did not swept China, which was an important reason why Chinese economy suffered little in Great Depression.


But the implosions of the weekend do not even look like the American experience of depression, in which the country was swept by wave after wave of panic that wreaked widespread havoc by hitting small institutions exposed to local market conditions.


The story asserts that: the Depression was a phenomenon brought on by the excesses of business, the greed of corporations and the individuals that controlled them, and unsavory practices in the financial industry; the inability of the little or "forgotten man" to deal with the cataclysmic events that overwhelmed him was total; therefore, the need for a counterweight was compelling and that role was naturally assigned to the US Government; in fulfilling that role, the imaginative and heroic programs instituted by the New Deal — which reversed the disastrous policies of Herbert Hoover — conquered the Depression and turned the economy around; and finally, its proven success legitimized the paradigm of the modern welfare state in which the government — through taxation, regulation, borrowing and spending, and jawboning — serves as a powerful check on the excesses of big business and helps to ensure the prosperity of the country, but in a much more fair and equitable fashion than an unrestricted free market could deliver.


The first was the belief among many nationalleaders that theevent s leading to the Second WorldWar were t riggered by the Great Depression of the1930s ,which in turn was believed to have been prolonged and deepened by the very high tariff s enactedby virtually all of the major t rading nations during theearly 1930s.

第一,很多国家的领导人认为:导致第二次世界大战爆发的事件是30 年代的大萧条,而这大萧条被认为是被30 年代初期几乎所有的主要国家所定的高额关税所延续和加深的。

The first was the belief among many nationalleaders that theevent s leading to the Second WorldWar were t riggered by the Great Depression of the1930s ,which in turn was believed to have been pro2longed and deepened by the very high tariff s enactedby virtually all of the major t rading nations during theearly 1930s.

第一 ,很多国家的领导人认为:导致第二次世界大战爆发的事件是 30 年代的大萧条,而这大萧条被认为是被 30 年代初期几乎所有的主要国家所定的高额关税所延续和加深的。

3The first was t he belief among many nationalleaders t hat t heevent s leading to t he Second WorldWar were t riggered by t he Great Depression of t he1930s,which in t urn was believed to have been pro2longed and deepened by t he very high tariff s enacted by virt ually all of t he major t rading nations during t heearly 1930s.


C.E. Good times, bad times, there will always be advertising, In good times people want advertising; in bad times they have to.


Or, as Adam Posen, another economist, puts it,"That's when the Depression became the Great Depression."

或者,如另外一位经济学家Adam Posen所说:&这个时候,萧条变成&大萧条&&。

更多网络解释与萧条相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chronic depression:慢性萧条

名优 famous actor; famous high quality brand | 慢性萧条 chronic depression | 门罗主义 Monroe Doctrine

chronic depression:慢*萧条

龙头产品lagship product | 慢*萧条chronic depression | 农业技术合作 ATC:Agricultural Technical Cooperation

depress vt.1:使消沉;2.使萧条

+depreciation n.1.贬值;2.损耗 | *depress vt.1.使消沉;2.使萧条 | depression n.1.萧条;2.沮丧


□陈先进/文 国务院发展研究中心国际技术经济研究所研究员 近来,"萧条"(Depression)这个词条屡屡出现于经济评论之中,似乎七十年前的大萧条幽灵又潜返回来.

Great Depression:大萧条

在他们的文章中,埃森格林和欧罗克认为当前全球经济衰退开始于2008年4月,"大萧条"(Great Depression)开始于1929年6月. 那么在我们陷入衰退一年多后,他们得出了什么结论?坏消息是此次衰退完全符合大萧条初期阶段的特征.

Great Depression:萧条

一些人将这次危机的后果与"大萧条"(Great Depression)相比. 其实,多年来各国对"大萧条"成因的总结中,比较一致的观点是:当时的各国政府和中央银行奉行"不干预"的自由市场经济思想,认为市场可自行调整,不需政府干预. 今非昔比,"凯恩斯主义"后,

dull market:萧条的市场

business slump 生意萧条 | dull market 萧条的市场 | economic takeoff 经济起飞

dull market:市场萧条

business slump 生意萧条 | dull market 市场萧条 | economic recession 经济衰退


韩国经济因受到半导体需求减少、中国经济增长减缓、利息上涨等外界因素和物价上升等现象的影响,正面临经济增长缓慢与通货膨胀双重"滞胀危机". 滞胀是指经济萧条(Stagnation)和通货膨胀(inflation)并存的新型词语,是指在经济萧条期物价仍上涨的一种现象.


现代资本主义条件下,人们更多地用经济衰退(recessions)、经济萧条(depressions)等来描述经济增长的放慢乃至下降. 经济中产出下降被称为经济衰退,严重的下降被称为经济萧条.