英语人>词典>汉英 : 萎缩 的英文翻译,例句
萎缩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
depauperation  ·  shrink  ·  atrophia  ·  ingrow  ·  shrinks

更多网络例句与萎缩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gene mutations were detected in 25 patients and a 18-year-old girl among 16 families. Trinucleotide repeats of CAG were 73~79. The fragments of abnormal alleles were 380~402bp, and all patients were heterozygous. The copy numbers of normal alleles were 18~40, fragments from 202~270bp. SCV reduction was much obvious compared to MCV, MCV and SCV in lower limb ?ere much more slow than that in upper's. BAEP, VEP were also delayed in latency. The anticipation in parental sex bias were much more obvioius than that in matental's. Cerebellar ataxia was most severe, the next were dysarthria and bulging eyes. Amytrophy was seen only in bed ridden patients. Cerebellar atrophy was more severe than brain stem, cord atrophy was n't observed in all MJD.


Tooth-correct, because of the reason of the Jiao tooth machine, majority all will the engine gum atrophies of linger effect, correct process in or the Jiao tooth uses tooth gold behind, the tooth gold can make the atrophic gum directly absorbed enough nourishment when contains and make atrophic gum reborn thus and shut to match appear because of tooth-correct of difficult see a gum of blind side, avoid bring because of the tooth-correct of the gum atrophy linger effect.


Results In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that the atrophy and incrassation of seminiferous tubule, decrease of spermatogenesis, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue, especially in high dose groups spermatozoon abnormality and nucleolus concentration in the rats testis after DU ingestion for 14 months. The changes became more severe with the prolongation of DU ingestion. Such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months. In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that a little atrophy of kidney glomerulus, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue after DC ingestion for 14 months, and kidney glomerulus fibrosis happened after DC ingestion for 20 months, such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months In the medium and high dose F0 groups, splenic germinal center and periarterial lymphatic sheaths were hyperplasia , companies with lymphopoiesis after DC ingestion for 7 months, splenic white pulp became more small and sparse after DC ingestion for 20 months.

结果 F0代的中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后可见雄性的精曲小管萎缩,管壁增厚呈空虚网状,生精细胞层次减少,间质细胞增生,但仍见有精子生成;高剂量组可见到精子呈异型性改变,细胞核浓缩深染,且随着摄入时间延长改变愈趋明显;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变且更为严重。F0代中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后肾小球轻度萎缩,间质增生明显,20个月时肾小球萎缩纤维化;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变。F0代中、高剂量组摄入贫铀7个月时脾脏生发中心和淋巴鞘增生,淋巴母细胞增生活跃,20个月时脾小体减少,生发中心稀疏;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀早期和晚期有类似改变。F0和F1代高剂量组摄入贫铀早期肝脏有炎症细胞浸润,晚期骨髓有核细胞减少,脂肪细胞增加。

Transcription, western, and immunohistochemical analysis showed increased levels of dystrophin transcript and protein, and correct localization at the sarcolemma.


Fundus photographs showed myopic chorioretinal atrophy in eight study eyes (47%), including diffuse atrophy in four eyes (24%) and patchy atrophy in four eyes (24%). The IS/OS defects on FD-OCT were accompanied by myopic chorioretinal atrophy in three (60%) of five eyes.


More pessimistically believe that the market's量能萎缩too fast, do not rule out the market has been "finish off" the.


Because the gum atrophies part only a tooth seldom of, usually is all one, now that have a tooth because of atrophying but shed off, periphery of tooth's appearing an atrophic risk is very big, if is a sustaining good tooth loose, will make the whole row roasted a porcelain tooth to shed off together.


Great majority tooth week the burning sufferer all accompanies with the gum atrophies of symptom, the survey discovers, in the crowd over 45 years of age, above 90% exists the gum of different degree to atrophy a phenomenon, while the gum atrophy, also always drive mouth cavity medical science the field see to deteriorate a phenomenon for the physiology that can not converse.


The reason that the gum atrophies, though knows to is a vitamin to lack, but usually atrophies a sufferer in the gum body up, hardly discover the whole body comprehensive symptom that the vitamin lacks, at clinical up, pass a great deal of food vitamin, cure the effect that the gum atrophies also poor.


3The fourth ventricle enlarged, the cisterns in front of pons varolii and bulb widened, which could find in all fifteen cases.(4)other features: severalsubcortical lacunar infarctions could find in three cases, and five cases found pallium atrophy, which was less serve than cerebellum and bridge of Varolius were.


更多网络解释与萎缩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:肌萎缩侧索硬化

(一)肌萎缩侧索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 早期一侧上肢运端肌肉萎缩,逐渐出现其它肢体肌萎缩,下肢及躯干偶可受累,最后面肌及舌肌受累才出现萎缩,1-2年才发展到全身肌萎缩.早期锥体束损害不明显,故早期诊断较困难,

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia:肌萎缩侧索硬化症、脊髓性肌萎缩、多发性硬化、肌无力

脑梗塞、脑出血后遗症brain infarction, ap... | 肌萎缩侧索硬化症、脊髓性肌萎缩、多发性硬化、肌无力amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Spinal muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia | 脊髓炎后遗症myelitis...

atrophic pharyngitis:萎缩性咽炎

萎缩性咽炎(atrophic pharyngitis)常继发于萎缩性鼻炎病因不明主要病理变化为咽部腺体和粘膜萎缩初起为粘液腺分泌减少分泌物粘稠继因粘膜下层为炎症所累逐渐发生机化与收缩压迫粘液腺及血管妨碍腺体分泌及营养供给致使粘膜层及粘膜下层萎缩

atrophoderma:皮肤萎缩 皮萎缩 皮萎缩病

atrophique萎缩的 | atrophoderma皮肤萎缩萎缩萎缩病 | atrophodermamaculatum斑状皮萎缩

hemiatrophy:偏侧萎缩 单侧萎缩 半侧萎缩

hemiatonia 偏身肌弛缓 | hemiatrophy 偏侧萎缩 单侧萎缩 半侧萎缩 | hemiazygousvein 半奇静脉

facial hemiatrophy:面偏侧萎缩,单侧面萎缩,偏面萎缩,罗姆伯格氏病,半面萎缩

facial hemangioma 面部血管瘤 | facial hemiatrophy 面偏侧萎缩,单侧面萎缩,偏面萎缩,罗姆伯格氏病,半面萎缩 | facial hemihypertrophy 面偏侧肥大

mastatrophia:乳房萎缩 乳腺萎缩

mastantenna 铁塔天线 | mastatrophia 乳房萎缩 乳腺萎缩 | mastatrophy 乳房萎缩 乳腺萎缩

mastatrophy:乳房萎缩 乳腺萎缩

mastatrophia 乳房萎缩 乳腺萎缩 | mastatrophy 乳房萎缩 乳腺萎缩 | mastauxe 乳房增大


指甲失调主要有以下几种情况: (1)指甲萎缩(onychatrophia) 指甲萎缩使指甲失去了光泽且有可能完全脱落. 使用碱性强的肥皂和化学品以及指芯受损是导致指甲萎缩的主要原因. 指甲萎缩经常与指甲癣混淆. 应当建议顾客去看医生,不过不严重的指甲萎缩是可以...

pressure atrophy:压迫性萎缩

4.压迫性萎缩(pressure atrophy) 由于局部组织长期受压而导致的萎缩. 如尿路结石时,由于尿液排泄不畅,大量尿液蓄积在肾盂,引起肾积水,肾实质发生压迫性萎缩(图2-2). 5.内分泌性萎缩(endocrine atrophy) 内分泌器官功能低下可引起相应靶器官的萎缩.