英语人>词典>汉英 : 获得...票 的英文翻译,例句
获得...票 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
poll  ·  polls

更多网络例句与获得...票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His best season statistically came in 1997, when he was second in the American League in home runs and RBI (with 44 and 141 respectively), and finished second in AL Most Valuable Player voting. In 1998, he was hit in the upper back by Orioles pitcher Armando Benitez , which resulted in a huge brawl between the two teams.

1997年是他表现最佳的一的个球季,他在美国联盟全垒打(44)与打点(141)两个项目皆排名第二,并且在美联最有价值球员票选中排名第二,讽刺的是,这年也是洋基自1996年到2000年间唯一未获得世界大赛冠军的一年。1998年球季,Tino被金莺队投手Armando Benitez的触身球击中上背部,这也引起了两队的大乱斗。

His opponent, the Nepali Congress party candidate, Sher Bahadur Deuba, received 113 votes.


Article 54 The payer must pay the bill in full on the day when the bearer presents the bill for payment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article.


Eight of the states went for President Bush four years ago, including the crown jewels Ohio and Florida .


Aso garnered 337, or 71%, of a total of 478 valid ballots at the lower house.


The ticket holder further agrees that, under no circumstances will he distribute images, sounds or videos he takes related to Beijing 2008 Olympic Games or the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games by camera, video machine, video tape recorder and/or other photography, video recording or sound recording equipment or any other measures through any channels for any business purposes.


According to the provisions of this Law, such as the bill who were refusing to pay a refund for that ticket holders gain access to the drawer or indorser of recourse.


But the elector ticket finally in us said decided his voting favors, does not have the leeway which any may change, therefore has like this had an extremely important American election peculiar circumstance, has a possibility presidential candidate, loses the national election Pu ballot most, but he can attain the elector ticket the most speeches, he can equally president-elect, then we discussed a moment ago 2000 US presidential election, Bush was this kind of kind of mechanism which depended on, finally was in front of a goal a foot, has achieved the presidential election success, then US electoral system third Americanizing characteristicIs, he who we said needs the massive funds the investment, then acts according to the media the report, until now, American this year in 2008 president candidate, two candidates expenditures, probably already approached 1,400,000,000 US dollars, then a what concept 1,400,000,000 US dollars were?


Gg To accept payment for the business or undertaking of the Company or any part thereof, or for any property or rights sold or otherwise disposed of or dealt with by the Company, either in cash, by installments or otherwise, or in shares or bonds of any company, or corporation, with or without deferred or preferred rights in respect of dividends or repayment of capital or otherwise, or by means of a mortgage, or by debentures, debenture stock or mortgage debentures or bonds of any company or partly in one mode and partly in another and generally on such terms as the Company may determine


The House adopted it by a voice vote.


更多网络解释与获得...票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to be allowed:允許

The bill was passed by 360 votes to 280. 这个法案以 360 票对 280 票获得通过. | to be allowed 允许 V | I don't like it, but I'll let it pass(= will not object). 我不喜欢,但我也不会反对.

coupon rate:息票利率

例如,典型债券的持有者可以基于息票利率(coupon rate)和债券的面值来获得确定的现金流(cash flow). 而股票的持有者或股东则对公司在支付债券持有者及其他债权人以后的剩余收入享有要求权(claim).

search warrant:搜索票

之隐私权,不过人民的隐私利益也必须与国家有效施行法律的公益做一平衡,法院应针对两者之平衡做一检验(test),这个检验机制的核心就是警察必须基于相当理由获得搜索票(search warrant)此一要求.




在队名的备选名单中, 还有更糟糕的动物名字, 比如: 臭鼬(Skunks)在1986年的票选中, 森林狼(Timberwolves)这个名字, 最终获得在842个市议会中333个的支持, 最后一轮得票以2比1超过极地(Polars), 被球队采纳成为明尼苏达这支新球队的名字.


K) 津巴布韦航空(UM)行李规定:普通乘客30KG/留学生可获得行李优惠券.航班班期:1234567出票方式:适用电子客票方式出票.儿童运价:儿童为成人运价的75%.婴儿运价为公布运价的10%.莫罗尼:印度洋西部岛国科摩罗最大城市和港口,

Lyndon Johnson:(约翰逊)

52.3%的选民票得票率使其成为自吉米 卡特(Jimmy Carter)1976年当选总统以来首次在大选中获得50%以上选民支持的民主党人,而且他的选民票得票率也超过了林登 约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)以来的任何一位民主党总统候选人.

MRU:毛里求斯 毛里求斯

毛里求斯-毛里求斯(MRU)机票价格:单程4280 往返5880承运人:中国国际航空(CA) 阿联酋航空(EK) 津巴布韦航空(UM)行李规定:普通乘客30KG/留学生可获得行李优惠券.航班班期:1234567出票方式:适用电子客票方式出票.儿童运价:儿童为成人运价的75%.婴儿运价为公布运价的10%.税费介绍: 为什么买机票还要交税,


继上周"嘂"(jiao)获得最高"悍"字的投票后,这周"信"字以后来居上的气势一飞冲天,以81031票获得了目前得票最高的"悍"字. 网易汽车年终策划"车坛悍字"上线以来,网友的参与率不断提高. 我们也能惊喜的发现,网友的智慧与力量不容小觑.

ticket punch:轧票钳

ticket-porter(佩带名牌或有证件的)搬运工 | ticket-punch 轧票钳 | be ahead of one's ticket[美]获得比其他候选人更多的票数