英语人>词典>汉英 : 莫霍克族 的英文翻译,例句
莫霍克族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Eliot Spitzer, New York's governor, made a deal with the St Regis Mohawks last week to open a $600m casino in the Catskills, a faded resort area; the deal would give the state up to 25% of annual revenues from 3,500 slot machines, bringing it an estimated $100m a year.


Obviously I was going to do anything Liv Tyler told me to do and, before I knew it, I had a Mohawk!

显然的,我做了任何Liv Tyler叫我做的事,在我知道之前,我有个莫霍克族的朋友啦!

For instance, the U.S. side of the Mohawk reservation has recently had unemployment as high as 46 percent.


As opposed to the mohawks, chained-ladden punks who sung about fighting the power, getting drunk, etc, Hardcore punks talked about Straight Edge Not drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or having promiscuous sex, as you probably know, living a healthy lifestyle, distinguishing your self, and making a positive influence on the crime filled streets.


Eliot Spitzer, New York's governor, made a deal with the St Regis Mohawks last week to open a $600m casino in the Catskills, a faded resort area; the deal would give the state up to 25% of annual revenues from 3,500 slot machines, bringing it an estimated $100m a year.


Mohawk leader who supported the British in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.


更多网络解释与莫霍克族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Mohammedanism 伊斯兰教 | Mohave 莫哈维族 | Mohawk 莫霍克族


例如,美国艺术家本杰明.韦斯特(Benjamin West)来罗马看到了阿波罗(APollo)塑像时,他感叹道:"这是莫霍克族(Mohawk)的战士!"人们在谈论祖鲁人(Zulu)力士型的身量时也这样说. 然而把经过适当挑选的卡非尔人的方法,

american revolution:美国独立战争

位于布兰特福德(Brantford)的莫霍克族女王陛下皇家礼拜堂(Her Majesty's Royal Chapel of the Mohawks),是安大略现存的最古老的教堂,是为感谢莫霍克土著人(Mohawk Aboriginal)在美国独立战争(American Revolution)期间对英国的支持而赠送给他们的.


位于布兰特福德(Brantford)的莫霍克族女王陛下皇家礼拜堂(Her Majesty's Royal Chapel of the Mohawks),是安大略现存的最古老的教堂,是为感谢莫霍克土著人(Mohawk Aboriginal)在美国独立战争(American Revolution)期间对英国的支持而赠送给他们的.