英语人>词典>汉英 : 药厂 的英文翻译,例句
药厂 的英文翻译、例句


pharmaceutical factory
更多网络例句与药厂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Physicians need to be aware of the biases inherent in company-funded research and must view the results in that light.


Methods We used the Kamistad Gel as control manufactured by Germany STADA Pharmaceutical Factory and analyzed the curative effects,paregoric effects and side effects of Benzocaine Paste.


Dr. Simon has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and from Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.

Simon医师宣告他接受惠氏药厂和Bristol-Myers Squibb公司的顾问费用。

Consumers and facilities with the recalled alcohol-free mouthwash should stop using the product and contact Cardinal Health for instructions on how to return the product.

拥有这批回收产品的消费者或公司应立即停止使用,并且连络Cardinal Health药厂以谘询退还产品的相关事宜。

In the early 1990s, knowing that the constitutively activated kinase had a major role in CML, Druker approached scientists at what was then Ciba-Geigy with a proposal to find a small molecule that would inhibit the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity.


Eastbound focuses on development of commercially viable and environmentally sensible manufacturing solutions to support our pharmaceutical customers in the world reliably and economically.


Big Pharma is in big trouble, but it may yet find comfort in the arms of that erstwhile foe.


Dr. Regier, executive director of the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education, oversees all federal and industry-sponsored research and research training grants in the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education but reports receipt of no external salary, funding, or honoraria from any government or industry sources.


Judge Paul Barbadoro said the state's prohibition on the commercial use of prescription information — sold by data-tracking companies to pharmaceutical firms, which use it to tailor their marketing efforts to specific doctors —"unconstitutionally restricted speech without directly sering the State's substantial interests."


I company set the development, production, sale, in one of the diversified system of animal drugs under the Huaxing factory, pharmaceutical raw materials China Star, Venus biological feed pharmaceutical, veterinary drugs Huaxing Town and other enterprises. The company was named in 2005 in Hebei Province animal health products industry "Twenty companies" and "observe contracts and keep promise unit", in the veterinary drug industry has a good reputation.


更多网络解释与药厂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Madaus AG:德国马博士大药厂

复方七叶皂苷 利百素 凝胶剂 20g 1 支 非医保 企业自主 解热镇痛及非淄体抗炎药 德国马博士大药厂(Madaus AG) 西安燕兴医药有限公司 郑州金保康药业有限公司 郑州恒源医药有限公司 35.4 26.27

Madaus AG:德博士大药厂

15 Dr. Falk Pharma GMBH 德国福克大药厂 | 16 Heinrich Mack Nachf. GmbH & Co. KG 德国马赫大药厂 | 17 Madaus AG 德博士大药厂

Madaus AG:德国马博士大药厂 代表处 北京

Lundbeck 丹麦灵北药厂 代表处 北京 | Madaus AG 德国马博士大药厂 代表处 北京 | Medochemie Ltd 塞浦路斯麦道甘美大药厂


方米 8000平方米 注射类、滴眼液、输液、胶囊及片剂等 药厂B 11000平方米 4900平方米 胶囊片剂等 药厂C 16000平方米 3800平方米 冻干类(freeze-dried)药品 药厂D 19700平方米 7700平方米 抗生素类(antibiotics)药品 在质量认证方面,


希尔生 二硫化硒(Selenium Disulfide) 江苏溧阳药厂 其他皮肤病用白癜净 氮芥(Chlorexmethine) 河南驻马店地区药厂 其他皮肤病用铍康 吡硫翁钠(Pyrithione sodium) 广东皮宝制药有限公洁尤平 斑螯素(Cantharidin) 辽宁营口熊岳药厂

Pharmaceutical Factory:药厂

medical apparatus and instruments: 医疗器械 | pharmaceutical factory:药厂 | drugstore; chemist's shop; pharmacy:药店

Pharmaceutical Factory:造药厂

橡胶厂 Rubber Plant | 造药厂 Pharmaceutical Factory | 羊毛衫厂 Woolen Sweater Mill

Byk Gulden:德国百克顿药厂

ALTANA Pharma是由已有120多年历史的德国百克顿药厂(Byk Gulden)更名而来. Byk早在1993年就已进入中国市场,目前在中国上市的产品有降压药乌拉地尔(压宁定、优匹敌)、妇科抗感染药聚甲酚磺醛(爱宝疗)、治疗消化性溃疡和胃食管反流病的质子泵抑制剂(PPI)泮托拉唑(潘妥洛克).

Insecticide Factory:工药厂

野具厂 Furniture Factory | 工药厂 Insecticide Factory | 啤酒厂 Beer Brewery

Sandoz Pharma Ltd:瑞士山德士药厂北京办事处

瑞中项目经营有限公司Sinos-Project Managcment Ltd. | 瑞士山德士药厂北京办事处Sandoz Pharma Ltd. | 瑞士航空公司北京办事处Swiss Air Beijing Office