英语人>词典>汉英 : 荒僻的 的英文翻译,例句
荒僻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与荒僻的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vampa took this wild road , which , enclosed between two ridges , and shadowed by the tufted umbrage of the pines , seemed , but for the difficulties of its descent , that path to avernus of which virgil speaks


Vampa took this wild road, which, enclosed between two ridges, and shadowed by the tuft ed umbrage of the pines, seemed, but for the difficulties of its descent, that path to Avernus of which Virgil speaks


In a very dark night, a self-torture monk walks into a desolate village. He sees a dullish lantern approaching from deep of the laneway, silently.


A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.


In a very dark night, a self-torture monk walks into a desolate village. He sees a dullish lantern approaching from deep of the laneway, silently.


P你好lomela king pandion of athens had two daughters,procne and p你好lomela.when athens was threatened by the wild men,king tereus of thrace came to its help.out of gratitude king pandion offered tereus either of 你好s daughters in marriage and the thracian king chose procne as wife.for yearsthey lived in thrace and had one son,itylus by name.then procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister p你好lomela.at her repeated requests tereus sailed to athens tofetch p你好lomela.on the way back 你好s evil heart took flame at the sight of p你好lomela who was then in her beauty of maidenhood.he seized and carried her away by force,cut out her tongue and imprisoned her in alonely hut in the woods.to procne he lied,saying that p你好lomela was dead.p你好lomela stayed in prison for ayear,where she had woven her painful story into the web of arobe.then she managed to send the robe to her sister.as soon as she received the web procne came over to the woods and to reher sister away from the keepers.


At nightfall, at nine o'clock precisely, as he had promised Cosette, he was in the Rue Plumet.


After political activity defeat, Liu Zongyuan in desolate relegates, Yongzhou and Liuzhou, has created massive prose, which expressed the deep mourning to the innovation defeat. He has conducted widespread and the profound research to China's long history and the current society, which caused him to stand in that time culture development front end.


After political activity defeat, Liu Zongyuan in desolate relegates, Yongzhou and Liuzhou, has created massive prose, which expressed the deep mourning to the innovation defeat.


Robyn also travels to many other parts of the world photographing wild and remote people, places and things.


更多网络解释与荒僻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

howling wilderness:荒僻的旷野

19. How are the mighty fallen!一世之雄,而今安在! | 20. howling wilderness荒僻的旷野. | 11. massacre/ slaughter of the innocents屠杀无辜.

howling wilderness:荒僻的旷野;荒无人烟之地

316.How are the mighty fallen! 一世之雄,而今安在! | 317.howling wilderness 荒僻的旷野;荒无人烟之地 | 318.Hymenaeus and Alexander 许米乃和亚力山大


unfounded 没有理由的 | unfreeze 融化 | unfrequented 荒僻的


unfreezing /解冻/冻融作用/ | unfrequent /不常出现/ | unfrequented /人迹罕至的/行人稀少的/荒僻的/


unfreeze 融化 | unfrequented 荒僻的 | unfriended 无友人的


unfrequent /不常出现/ | unfrequented /人迹罕至的/行人稀少的/荒僻的/ | unfriended /无友人的/无依的/


unfrequented 荒僻的 | unfriended 无友人的 | unfriendly 不友善地


unfrequented /人迹罕至的/行人稀少的/荒僻的/ | unfriended /无友人的/无依的/ | unfriendly /不友善的/

Hymenaeus and Alexander:许米乃和亚力山大

317.howling wilderness 荒僻的旷野;荒无人烟之地 | 318.Hymenaeus and Alexander 许米乃和亚力山大 | 337.Inwhatsoever state I am,therewith to be content. 无论什么情况,都可知足. 随遇而安.

A touch-and-go situation:(一觸即發的形勢)

An on-the-way village(一個荒僻的村庄) | A touch-and-go situation(一觸即發的形勢) | An on-the-spot investigation(一次現場調查)