英语人>词典>汉英 : 茎多刺 的英文翻译,例句
茎多刺 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与茎多刺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The stems are as thick as a man's finger and very thorny.


Add natural disposition, soil helps advance somebody's career to also can survive, the bine does not have thorn, much more ramose, chang Xuan hangs down, young bine is compressed, knaggy, old bine lignification, show a circle a bit; Have a few thorn; Beautiful sheet gives birth to top, have two accrete occasionally, the standard is open, two side are symmetrical, have long canister.


Add natural disposition, can help advance somebody's career with soil, bush shape, tall 2 ~ 3 meters; The bine is compressed, foliaceous, much more ramose, in costal region is remarkable; Articulatory, do not have thorn glossily; Beautiful sheet is unripe, large body, two side are symmetrical, pure white, have scent, be in about evening 10 when the left and right sides is open, next dies of old age before morning day break.


The more degree shaded treatments were, the more biomass was allocated to the below-ground parts, resulting in the less ratios between above-ground and below-ground biomass. Shaded treatments limited sexual reproductive ability of V. spinulosa, which has reproduced less of ramets and winter tubers under shaded conditions versus natural conditions. V. spinulosa adapted the change of light by means of refuging life-history strategy.


It is about 20 cm high, stems with very small spines, leaves are oval, from more than 30 films composed of small needles.


Any of numerous plants of the genus Berberis having prickly stems and yellow flowers followed by small red berries.


Genus of yellow-flowered Australian unarmed or spiny shrubs without true leaves but having leaflike stems or branches.


Any of various chiefly African plants of the genus Aloe, having rosettes of succulent, often spiny-margined leaves and long stalks bearing yellow, orange, or red tubular flowers.


更多网络解释与茎多刺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bullbat | 夜鹰 | bullboat | 牛皮(小)船 | bullbrier | (北美)菝葜(根茂密,茎多刺,能攀缘)

stem succulent:多肉茎植物

茎针;茎刺 stem spine | 多肉茎植物 stem succulent | 茎卷须 stem tendril

Aporocactus flagelliformis:{鼠尾掌}

文章摘要:鼠尾掌( Aporocactus flagelliformis )因细长的肉质茎肜似老鼠的尾巴而得名,又名金纽. 为仙人掌科鼠尾掌属多肉植物,圆柱形肉质茎细长,匍匐或下垂生长.长1-2米,粗1.5-2厘米,幼茎绿色,以后呈灰色,具浅棱8~14枚,刺座小而排列密集,辐射刺10~20枚,


凤梨科 (Bromeliaceae) 单子叶植物纲姜亚纲的一科,多为短茎附生草本,但有时也为陆生耐旱植物(如菠萝). 叶互生,在短茎上形成叶丛,或有时散生于稍长茎上,狭而具平行脉,时具刺齿. 花两性或有时单性,形成简单或复合的穗状,总状或头状花序,