英语人>词典>汉英 : 英国贸易部 的英文翻译,例句
英国贸易部 的英文翻译、例句


Board of Trade
更多网络例句与英国贸易部相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Capital letters are used for the names of people and places (john smith, paris, oxford street, new south wales, the black sea, the iron duke); the names of peoples and languag-es and derived words directly relating to them (englishman, austrian, french, swahili, americanize); the names of institutions and institutional groups (the crown, the government, the british museum, the house of representatives, the department of trade); the names of religious institutions and denominations and their adherents (judaism, nonconformism, methodist, protestants) and of societies and organizations; the names of months and days; abstract qualities personified the face of nature, o death!


She manages the Leicestershire International Trade Department, which is one of 5 teams in the East Midlands region.


更多网络解释与英国贸易部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为了提供进一步的救济,少数股股东也可以请求法院颁布强制清理(winding up)的裁定,或请求法院作出其他公平合理的判决. 此外,在英国公司成文法中,对于贸易部的调查权作了详细规定,从而有可能使董事(控制股股东)对少数股股东的压制防患于未然.


我司食品贸易部代为英国客户寻找核桃(walnuts),苹果圈(apple rings)和葡萄干(raisins)供应商. 具体规格要求请和我司联系细谈. 因年末将至,客人急需确定明年的全年采购定单(每月都发整柜货),顾请愿意合作的供应商尽快与我司联系.