英语人>词典>汉英 : 英国贵族 的英文翻译,例句
英国贵族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与英国贵族相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Second-hand dinner jackets have long been the preserve of British undergraduates with a penchant for Brideshead Revisited styling, to the extent that they are a staple part of the English aristo version of preppy.


As part of their education, youth of British aristocracy undertook an extended tour of Europe.


Therefore, on 24 April 1900, Queen Victoria signed Letters Patent creating a second Dukedom of Fife, along with the Earldom of Macduff in the Peerage of the United Kingdom with a special remainder: in default of a male heir, these peerages would pass to the daughters of the 1st Duke and then to their male descendants.


These two men epitomize fine British aristocrats, being sons of British Lords and having been educated in the finest British schools.


Over the age of huge female hat, the simple and direct and female hat design by her becomes current point, she, he a little bit creative son of inexhaustibility;She expresses a conflict and expresses her very clear understanding to the public in the meantime.Chanel from cradle to the gre all not get married, her creation great of vogue empire, pursue the life that oneself want in the meantime, it is a female independent best model, is also the modern era female who know affection fun most .She with British BALSAN friendly intercourse of the nobility ETIENNE, the other party subsidizes her to open the first female hat store, but another ARTHUR CAPEL the property then opens a vogue store;She together goes on a tour with the west quick duke and inspire to design Section 1 an inclined line soft anticipate suit;Each males stir up the source of creativity in the life, she isn't a list to depend lucky, but make great effort very much earnest work!

终结巨大女帽的年代,她所设计的简洁女帽成为潮流尖端,她,有用不完的创新点子;她表现出冲突、同时表现她对人心的透彻了解香奈儿一生都不没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店;她与西敏公爵一同出游,启发设计出第一款斜纹软呢料套装;生命中每一个男性都激发创意的泉源,她不是单靠幸运,而是非常努力认真的工作!

Before discussing your options it is worth understanding how British nobility and peerage works.


In this respect, nobility is distinguished from British peerage: the latter can be passed to only a single member of the family.


Moral repugnance towards the debaucheries of the ruling English aristocracy fueled a great deal of American resentment against British rule.


The aristocracy of England were not like the noblesse of France,the mere minions of a court; nor were they like the hidalgos of Madrid,who dwindled in-to pigmies.


Those lacking a distinct border=0 title, such as junior siblings of peers (and perhaps even the children of 'self-made' VIPs) may be considered aristocrats, moving within a small social circle at the apex of a hierarchical social pyramid. Blue blood is an English expression for noble birth or descent.


更多网络解释与英国贵族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


57.peerage(全体)贵族,贵族阶级,贵族地位 | 58.backbencher后座议员,英国议会下院中的普通议员 | 59.job lot各种不同货品待整批出售的杂货或廉价品

baronage:男爵, 男爵勋位, 贵族

baron | 男爵(英国世袭的最低级的贵族爵位) | baronage | 男爵, 男爵勋位, 贵族 | baroness | 男爵夫人, 女性男爵

blue blood:贵族血统

3如果父母同胞都这样,那么可能是口唇颜色深,五脏功能无异常、工作生活无任何影响,就不必过虑、任它去吧,可能是很潇洒、很自豪的英国贵族血统(blue blood )呢!

house of lords:贵族院

上议院由贵族和僧侣组成,又称"贵族院"(House of Lords),下院则由骑士和平民代表组成,又称"众议院"(House of Commons). 至此,英国宪政民主政制的雏形已经基本形成. 在1259年亨利三世时期制定的>(Statutes of Westminster)的基础上,

Metro Mayfair:城市贵族 英国 陆虎汽车公司

METRO 地下铁道 美国 通用汽车公司 CEO 部 | METRO MAYFAIR 城市贵族 英国 陆虎汽车公司 | METROPOLITAN 大都市人 美国 那什公司

Mini Mayfair:米尼.贵族宅区 英国利兰公司奥斯汀.罗孚部

Mini City 米尼.城市 英国利兰公司奥斯汀.罗孚部 | Mini Mayfair 米尼.贵族宅区 英国利兰公司奥斯汀.罗孚部 | Mini Metro 米尼.地下铁道 英国利兰公司


55.statesmanship政治才能 | 57.peerage(全体)贵族,贵族阶级,贵族地位 | 58.backbencher后座议员,英国议会下院中的普通议员

I was up all night reading "debrett's peerage:我整晚都在读 "德布雷特英国贵族年鉴

-In fact,t,ou shouldn't -i know.Don't worry.|- 事实上 你也不... | I was up all night reading "debrett's peerage.|我整晚都在读 "德布雷特英国贵族年鉴" | " i'm well versed in your lordly ways,|对你们那套皇...


beerachite | 辉长细晶岩 | beerage | 英国贵族 | beerengine | (用来汲取桶内啤酒的)啤酒泵

In Britain the upper Chamber is the House of Lords, and the lower the House of Commons:英国上院即贵族院,下院即众议院

2339. The judge met the two lawyers in his... | 2340. In Britain the upper Chamber is the House of Lords, and the lower the House of Commons. 英国上院即贵族院,下院即众议院. | 2341. The heart has four ...