英语人>词典>汉英 : 英国的政策 的英文翻译,例句
英国的政策 的英文翻译、例句


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This thesis uses Esping-Andersen's theory about the regimes of three welfare states (social democratic welfare state; state-corporatist welfare state; liberal welfare state) as well as Southern European welfare state regime to compare the policies regarding family/child allowance, tax credit, childcare and parental leave in Sweden, France, UK and Spain.


Against England, the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer, military might was not yet possible because the Catholic Powers were too occupied and divided: and so, in the 1570's Rome bent her efforts, as she had done a thousand years before in the days of Saint Augustine, to win England back by means of her missionaries the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer,这句话是同位语,说明 England.

对付英国,需要重新征服的所有基督教国家中最重要的一国,动用军事力量不可能。因为天主教大国们太忙,太分裂;因此罗马于 1570 年代就像一千年前,在圣奥古斯都统治时期它曾做过的那样,竭尽权力想通过传教方式把英国赢回来。写作方法与文章大意这篇文章论及"罗马教皇采用文武两手政策在欧洲,特别在英国,恢复旧教——天主教。"采用一般到具体的写作手法。可以说由大到小。大的欧洲背景,最后落实在英国的具体做法。重点在英国。答案祥解 1。

A long-held view of the history of English colonies that became the United States has been that England's policy toward these colonies before 1763 was dictated by commercial interests and that a change to a more imperial policy , dominated by expa ionist militarist objectives , generated the te io that ultimately led to the American Revolution .


This dissertation is divided into three parts as follows: Section One narrates Eastern India Company's trade attempt on Tibet and its plot of invasion Tibet at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, including George Bogle's mission to Tibet: collecting intelligence espionages and "the first contact with Panchen lama"; Samuel Tunner's mission and the pause of British direct contact with Tibet; Other British explorers' movement of collecting intelligence and its affection on the Raj's decision-making; Curzon and Francis Younghusband's times: Britain Empire invaded Chinese Tibet in force.


British policy was to encourage the production of raw materials in colonies.


Chris Patten, who was well aware of this, recommended to Downing Street that the leader of the CRC should be granted his prime-ministerial audience.


Chris Patten, who was well aware of this, recommended to Downing Street that the leader of the CRC should be granted his prime-ministerial audience.


This paved the way for liberalisation in other areas, and free trade became British policy.


Marks the 90th anniversary of the issuance of Great Britain's policy paper known as the Balfour Declaration, which set the stage for the establishment of the State of Israel.

周五, 11月2日,马克90周年发行的伟大英国的政策文件,称为该鲍尔弗宣言,其中列出的阶段,为建立以色列国。

To help improve public health policies in Britain, Mister Layard has pressed the British government to spend more money on mental health treatment centers. He argues that by helping people recover from mental illness, the government can make a big step in the effort to increase happiness.


更多网络解释与英国的政策相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Appeasement Policy:绥靖政策

很多在亚洲、欧洲和美洲的国家都加入了协约国. 战场主要在欧洲. 值得注意的是意大利虽是同盟国,但是后来英国、法国及俄国与意大利签订密约,承诺给予意大利某些土地,结果意大利加入了协约国对抗同盟国. 1.4 绥靖政策(Appeasement Policy)对轴心国的鼓励

John Bowring:包令

1854年2月,英国政府召回文翰,改派约翰.包令(John Bowring)为新任驻华公使. 为了更多地了解太平天国的近况,以便制定出对英国政府更加有利的政策,约翰.包令上任后立刻委派麦华陀(W.H.Jr.Medhurst)和他的儿子卢因.包令(Lewin Bowring)乘军舰到镇江、天京等地进行考察.


[30]在一些案件中,争议产生行政机关在作出决定时是否必须考虑政府政策,这些政策一般是规定在没有法律效力的政府通告(circular)中. 根据英国法院的判例,地方当局有权不执行违反法律规定的政策文件,另一方面,

Essex University:英国艾塞克斯大学

[本刊曾薛霏撰述]内政部长赛哈密早前透露政府已在草拟>,英国艾塞克斯大学(Essex University)人权中心主任凯文波尔认为,制订>意味着政府从上至下的政策都得符合"不歧视任何族群"标准,且在政经文教等领域要做到各族平等,


"私有化"(privatization)开始作为一个词汇普遍被使用是上个世纪80年代初期的事情. 而且,可能出乎人们的意料之外,它还不是产生于社会主义国家,而是美国和英国的学人和政客描述他们国家的经济政治现象的,是美国总统里根和英国首相撒切尔夫人执政政策的产物,

Splendid Isolation:光荣孤立

"光荣孤立"(splendid isolation)本是人们对于十八、十九世纪英国外交政策的总结. 十八、十九世纪的世界格局与现在大不一样,当时英国与现在中国的地位也不十分一样,故此,中国不可能照搬英国当时的外交政策,我只是借用这个词--当然不可避免地也就借用了一些精神--而已.

Splendid Isolation:光荣的孤立(以前的英国外交政策, 表示不卷入欧洲政治旋涡)

payroll distribution journal 工资分配日记帐 | splendid isolation 光荣的孤立(以前的英国外交政策, 表示不卷入欧洲政治旋涡) | embryonic centre 胚中心


1968年,利兰(Leyland)汽车集团成立. 在利兰集团中,罗孚、凯旋和捷豹合并. 在本来是一个不错的态势,英国政府为了支持国内汽车企业,开始实行减税促进消费的政策,但没想到这却是对英国汽车工业最致命的一击. 衰落的英国汽车满足不了消费者猛增的消费需求,

work permits:工作许可

英国海外签证方面会加强引进高技能人才和投资者以及英国市场所需的人才的政策,引进的人才进入英国之前需要经过英国Sheffield工作许可(Work Permits)的积分测试(Points-based Test),具体操作程序会在明年年初出台.

Bank of England:英国

在季度通货膨胀报告中,英国央行货币政策委员会(mpc)表示,英国经济复苏将逐步进行,产出直到2011年年末才 ...英国(bank of england)行长默文金(mervyn king)周三表示,目前还不能排除央行利用新增资金重启债券购买计划的可能性.