英语人>词典>汉英 : 若隐若现 的英文翻译,例句
若隐若现 的英文翻译、例句


partly hidden and partly visible
更多网络例句与若隐若现相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a hospital, albeit not very clearly.


Visitors to the tower of experience is not without "haunted" results in the castle, some of the channel, people often feel puzzling of insect, and still can hear a sound, nie ru balderdash what had seen the shadow of nt if...


A white shirt and black tie looming, soft and comfort with the cortex in an instant upgrade.


From the universe's chiaroscuro shadows, Merwin once again calls upon the language of surprise to illuminate existence.


For me its balmy airs are always blowing, its summer seas flashing in the sun; the pulsing of its surfbeat is in my ear; I can see its garlanded crags, its leaping cascades, its plumy,palms drowsing by the shore; its remote summits floating like islands above the cloud rack; I can feel the sprit of its woodland solitude; I can hear the splash of its brooks; in my nostrils still lives the breath flowers that perished twenty years ago.


Eight o'clock struck and a bugle call, desolately thin in the wet air, floated from the distant barracks.


The oriental cherry out of window bloomed dissolutely when BeiCheng sit at library.he close his eyes in the sunlight which is clear but still cold.the flower fragrance in the air is strong and partly visible,occasionally it give a sober pierce to peoples nerve.the flower petals flutter into from window and fall down on the head of BeiCheng.then they disappeared,liking the white snow fall down on the black land and disappeared silently.


The perceptual shape of the light appearing elusively in the dark, a unique charm of optic artistry.


Ten lesbian couples who have been together for more than a year were interviewed in the present study. The data explored three stages they went through while building their intimate relationships: awareness, initial contact, and relationship maintenance. The results highlighted the dynamic process of the development of lesbian couple relationship, and the uniqueness of such relationship (including its lack of clarity, its purity and enmeshment, and its flexibility regarding gender roles).


After this summer,many people begin to worry about their fattiness.


更多网络解释与若隐若现相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


尤其是在记叙事件上面,他很擅长使用突降法(anticlimax)来突出,也很喜欢调换事件发生的自然时间顺序来获得意外效果. 就>一本书而言,前文中一直若隐若现的对于各种鸟类的点滴着墨,以及对于主角胖查理羞于在公众面前高歌一曲的细致剖析,

crepe de chine:双绉

"X"元素甚至在夹克衬里和丝网处理中的真丝双绉(crepe de chine)面料上若隐若现,呼之欲出. 色彩方面,鲜艳的靛蓝色和唇红色唤醒黑,灰,青铜,茄色,巧克力色和紫红色等沉实的深色调子.


彩妆师表示,微笑眼妆重点不在大,而是清亮有神又无威胁力,化妆重点在自然眼线 (eyeliner) 和纤长的乾净睫毛 (eyelash). 利用黑色或咖啡色的眼线笔,沿著睫毛根部描绘若隐若现的自然细眼线,小心别下手太重,浓厚的黑眼线虽然很复古时尚,

Gloss Effect:光滑效果模拟肌肤的光泽,提亮腿部,起到装饰作用,让腿看起来更平滑

Natural Effect隐形穿上后几乎看不出穿了丝袜. | Gloss Effect光滑效果模拟肌肤的光泽,提亮腿部,起到装饰作用,让腿看起来更平滑. | Slight Effect轻微丝光,说是丝光,其实是十分闪亮的= =带有若隐若现的闪光.

Information infrastructure:信息基础设施

2006年,EMC又将梦想推进了一步,在其ILM的大的技术战略发展方向下,提出信息基础设施(Information Infrastructure)这个概念. 这个概念的提出,标志着存储成为继服务器、网络之后, IT产业中第三批开始向基础设施转变的技术. 神神秘秘的存储即将揭去若隐若现的面纱,

A land of dreams:[那是幻想之屿]

Somewhere there's magic in the air[某地 气息中魔法弥漫] | A land of dreams[那是幻想之屿] | Where the moon glows like a halo[月晕若隐若现]


frugal 节俭的--腐乳就够了->节俭 | miserly 小气的、吝啬的--小气鬼李先生 | loom v.若隐若现 n.织布机

Slight Effect:轻微丝光,说是丝光,其实是十分闪亮的= =带有若隐若现的闪光

Gloss Effect光滑效果模拟肌肤的光泽,提亮腿部,起到装饰作用,让腿看起... | Slight Effect轻微丝光,说是丝光,其实是十分闪亮的= =带有若隐若现的闪光. | High Shine高度丝光效果,呵呵..就是那种亮得腿上可以出一条猫眼...


gleam 微弱闪光 | gleamingly 若隐若现地 | gleamy 发光的

just shy of the nooks and crannies:私处若隐若现

and her undulating buttocks cause the short skirt to rise...|她的翘臀使迷... | ... just shy of the nooks and crannies.|私处若隐若现 | I like you, Mrs. Berenger. I like you a lot.|我喜欢您 Berenger夫人 我...